F3 Knoxville


Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Cloudy, mid-fifties.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 10 Michael Phelps


Mosey to Large Parking Lot Adjacent to Serpentine Sidewalk

We will have an exercise at each of the four corners of the parking lot.  Men, on their own, will run to a corner, do the exercise, then run to next corner, etc.  After having completed the exercises at each corner, men will run around the entire parking lot, then go back to corner one to rinse and repeat. The four exercises are:

  • Corner one:  20 Star Jumps
  • Corner two:  20 Big Boys
  • Corner three:  20 Squat Jumps
  • Corner four:  20 Merkens

Mosey to the outdoor chapel. 

Each man will do elevens in the chapel.  At the stage we will do decline merkens.  At the other end of the chapel we will do mountain climbers (four count or twice each leg).

Mosey to beginning of Serpentine Sidewalk. 

We will hop to first light then run to fifth light, hop to sixth light, run to tenth, etc. in patterns of five lights until we reach the end of the serpentine sidewalk.  Afterwards we will repeat the same pattern back down the serpentine sidewalk until we hit the roadway.  The only difference is that we will replace hops with lunges.

Mosey to Playground

Elevens again, starting with ten bench hop and one bench lift, ending with one bench hop and ten bench lifts.


Mosey to AO

Five men.
In his excellent book, How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Thomas Foster states that many books are about quests, people searching for something.  Examples are King Arthur tales, Oliver Twist, The Wizard of Oz, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars.  Common themes in quest stories are that the hero faces adventure, learns more about himself on the quest, learns more about life, and often finds that he is actually seeking something different than what he originally sought after.  We can see such patterns in our own lives.  We may search for fame, for power, for money, but what we really need and eventually seek is God.  Further, in continually seeking God, we discover new things about ourselves, about life and about God.  We find God is different than what we originally may have thought.  Keep seeking God.  In doing so, you will shed old clothes and be renewed with new clothing, becoming new again and again.

We shall gather for fellowship at the Abridged Beer Company immediately after we break.