F3 Knoxville

Be in the moment


THE SCENE: Beautiful morning

yep, did that

capri lap around the track Indian run style

SSH x 20

Squats x 15

merkins x 10

All IC 4ct

  • Dora’s
  • 100 plank ball pushes. P1 and P2 plank up about 2-3 Yard’s apart facing each other, pushing a ball back and forth alternating hands until 100 is reached , run a lap .33 mile together , then alternating running to said tree and back while P is doing bbs 150 and 200 squats
  • Mosey to BBALL court, one lay up on each side , then we played a game of Knockout . If you got knocked out , go to the sideline and do Mary Catherine’s until there is a winner . Detention won, because he is just that good!
  • Lay up relay, split into 2 teams . Each team on opposite sides of the court. Dribble as fast as you can , make a lay up, dribble back and pass to the next, so on and so forth . Loosing team 10 burpees , winning team 10 SSH
  • MOSEY to the trail for escalator stopping 5 times . Stop one 10 burps , stop 2 10 burps 20 merks , stop 3 10 burps, 20 merks, 30 Star jacks , then back down ….
  • Mosey back to the AO

Boat, canoe , catamaran

flutters x 20


press up for 30 seconds
6 hims
We made a stop on the trail and went down to the lake and just stood there for a few minutes to take in the sites. Lake was calm , sun was rising , a paddle boarding in the distance , just enjoying the moment. Yes, we were there to workout and get better physically but sometimes you just need to stop and be in the moment
For me today was about just being in the moment. Sometimes it’s just what we need, for me at least. Yes, I am looking to push my self to the limits, I have a “why” I push my self , I love philosophy and learning about the meaning of life. I love looking deep into my why and trying to figure it all out. But, I love just being in the moment too.  I think I need more of it and really just enjoy life as it is. Look NO further than you have to, just be. Sometimes , we make it more complicated than what it is. I am certainly guilty of it and will continue to “go deep” into living life to its fullest. In order to live life to its fullest is to BE IN THE MOMENT! Go have a great day and take it in brothas!!

3rd F coming up weekend of Aug 11 . Kick ball tourney the following weekend then trucking to the pound Aug 25th