F3 Knoxville

Heavy PT @ The Project

The Project
3 men and a couple of tires, poles and CMUs

THE SCENE: 31 with a little wind


  • 5 Projectivators, 5 Burpees, 5 Cherry Pickers
  • Mosey to Pool Wall – 5 Wurpees ( burpee + wall-up)
  • Mosey to Recruiting Center

Reps + Lap: 20 of each – curls, thrusters, tricep extensions, squats – lap around parking lot islands

  • Rinse/Repeat: 15 of each – then lap
  • Rinse/Repeat: 10 of each – lap

Stations: 3 Rounds

  1. TIMER: Log Carry or CMU Farmer Carry around parking lot islands
  2. Tire Flip or Tire Throw
  3. Burpee Pull-up/CMU Burpee/CMU Bear Crawl

BONUS: 10 Divebombers + Bear Crawl to parking lot island and back

Flutterkick, Dolly, Side Crunches

3 Brave Souls – Mathlete, Rocket, and Snaggletooth

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

The lesson from 2020 for me has been learning to be still – learning to slow down a few minutes during the day to be with God. This is often called the Daily Office – set times to be with God. When the day begins, every urgent need seems to rush in and crowd out what is important. As of yesterday, I’m still learning this vital skill/discipline. I can tell that my mind is still scattered but the fruit of learning to be still, meditating, slowing down for loving union, abiding in Christ will be invaluable. The rest of Psalm 46:10 teaches the result of being still and knowing that He is God – “and I will be exalted in all the earth, I will be exalted among the nations.” It will be a witness, a sign to the world of who God is.

Always so thankful for the opportunity to be out in the gloom with these guys. Lifted up Kick’s father-in-law, a kid from Rocket’s wife’s school going into the foster care system, Biohack and family recovering from covid.

CSAUP this Saturday!