F3 Knoxville

Burpees: Every Minute On The Minute

Big Ball

THE SCENE: Excellent, rain held of just in time for the beat down, lower 50s, cloudy sunrise

SSH, Arm Circles, Tempo Squats, Rockettes, Cherry Pickers, Tempo merkins, This and That, Michael Phelps
I set a timer to go off every minute during the workout, whenever this happened we all stopped what we were doing to do 2 burpees (My speaker died so we changed to 3 burpees during the Doras but not while running)

  • Doras: 50x American Hammers (4ct), 100x Carolina Dry Docks, 150x Squats
  • OYO: 25x Shoulder Taps (4ct), Box Cutters, Smurf Jacks (4ct), Hand Release Merkins
  • OYO: 15x Shoulder Taps (4ct), Box Cutters, Smurf Jacks (4ct), Hand Release Merkins
  • Doras: 50x Wideout Merkins, 100x Sumo Squats, 150x Big Boy Sit Ups
  • OYO: 25x Cobras, Flutterkicks (4ct), SSH (4ct), Plank Toe Taps (4ct)
  • OYO: 10x Cobras, Flutterkicks (4ct), SSH (4ct), Plank Toe Taps (4ct)
  • Cool down lap around the event lawn

May or may not have ended a minute early due to the fact that we were dying


Revisited the topic of Robert Murray McCheyne, 19th century preacher who graduated college at 14, led a congregation of over 1000 at age 23, was infamously a workaholic, and died at the age of 29 of cardiac arrest and exhaustion. Supposedly on his death bed he was quoted saying “God gave me a message to deliver and a horse to ride on. Alas, I have killed the horse and I can no longer deliver the message.” We’ve mentioned masculinity a lot this passed week in our Words. Biblical Masculinity is an interesting topic because the Bible rarely actually addresses masculinity directly, so often when we talk about being Godly men we get a mix of Scripture and culture, some of which is good but a lot is not. One of the cultural aspects of masculinity is work ethic; rather closer to being a workaholic. We as men tend to put the pressure to over work ourselves. When confronted by the Pharisees about eating on the Sabbath Jesus said that man wasn’t made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for man. We tend to hear “Jesus says it’s ok not to rest”, rather than hearing “The Sabbath (rest) was designed specifically for me, and is therefore beneficial”. Lets all be men who prioritize rest, so we can faithfully deliver the message we were given, rather than killing the horse we ride on.