F3 Knoxville

Remembering and Cultivating

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy, 61 degrees F.

SSH, Overhead claps, Windmills

3 Stop Suicides

Run to Stop 1

@Stop 1 – 1 Burpee

@ Start – 2 Burpees

@Stop 2 – 3 Burpees

@ Start – 4 Burpees

@ Stop 3 – 5 Burpees

@ Start – 6 Burpees

Repeat suicides with Flutter Kicks (4 Count)


Ol’ 69s (Perform 69 of each of the following)

  1. Merkins
  2. American Swings
  3. Step Ups
  4. Triceps Extensions
  5. Box Cutters
  6. Gobblet Squats
  7. Bobby Hurley’s
  8. Bent Rows
  9. WWII Sit ups
  10. Curls
  11. Lunges
  12. Lawn Mowers

Run a lap after each odd number exercise.  ( Approx. 0.22 miles/lap.)

Bear crawl 25 yards after each even number exercise.

Note: We cut the reps to 40 after the American Swings.  It may come back in a modified form with a partner 70s beatdown.

Tabata with plank, right side plank, and left side plank (20 seconds on, 10 second rest for two rounds)

Box Cutters and cashed out with LBC’s

10 HIM’s including FNG Hydrant (Rich Carnes) plus Webelo
Each Memorial Day observance for me since 2010 has included remembrances of SSG Jason Dahlke, 1st Ranger Battalion.  He was killed in action on September 29, 2009 in Afghanistan at the age of 29.  He was the best friend of my daughter, Emily, and my son-in-law, Travis.  Travis was with him the day he was killed instantly by enemy fire.  It was Jason’s 6th tour and Travis’ 8th tour to either Afghanistan or Iraq.  Uncle Jason, as three of my grandchildren refer to him, was a warrior and seemingly invincible.  Only one of those attributes was true.

While Memorial Day initially brings to mind Jason’s ultimate sacrifice, my thoughts fairly quickly turn to the friendship he shared with Travis.  It was special and one of mutual respect, one in which a competitive spirit made each other better (Iron Sharpens Iron), and one that fostered undying loyalty.

It brings to mind men who have been “Jasons” in my life.  Ron, my best friend of well over 50 years until his death at age 62, seven years ago.  Gig, my soccer coaching partner and hiking buddy, who passed away 20 years ago at age 52.  It also brings Chip to mind.  He could have been a “Jason” according to his own admission had he not committed to move away from bad habits in the late 1990’s.  While great friends in the 1970’s and 1980’s, overseas work assignments for him separated us and we lost contact.  Only in the early 2000’s did we reconnect and pick up where we left off.  Our bond is strong and, although living 200 miles away, we stay closely in touch.

HIMs need strong connections with other men.  F3 recognizes that and strives to foster it.  For those of us with spouses, there is no better friend or confidant.  But there is something to be said about the special bond between a small group of men.  Those relationships can be tougher to form and they may be shattered by tragedy as in the case of Jason or Ron or Gig.  The challenge is to find that Chip in your life and not let things get in the way of maintaining a strong connection.  We all will be better for it.

Travel mercies for Drifter and healing for ESPY’s ankle.
AO kickoff for Rockwood is Monday, May 30th.  AO kickoff for Speedway is June 4th.  Convergence at JUCO on July 2nd.  No other AO beatdowns that Saturday.