F3 Knoxville

Here comes the rain

The Project

THE SCENE: dark, cloudy and steady rain

10 Mercins, 9 side straddled hop, 8 good mornings. 7 willy maze. 6 Chattanooga cherry pickers. 5 Knoxville cherry pickers.  2 thread the needle

THA-THANG: Death run with person in the back of the line does a burpee  trunk jump to the front.. headed to the pool wall

Insert information about the workout. Alternated workout  core then mercins

  • 20 flutterkicks/5 divebomb mercin, 5 diamond Marcin and 10 regular mercin
  • 19 heels to heaven/ repeat Mercins
  • 18 little boy crunches/ repeat Mercins
  • 17 Big boy crunches/ repeat mercins
  • 16 Big boy situps with leg extensions/ repeat Mercins
  • 15 Big boy situps butterfly position / repeat Mercins
  • Mossy to playground.  For 23 pullups
  • 20 bicycle/10 knee to elbow bicycle/10 elbow to knee bicycle
  • Mossy to the stage to finish 2 minute of plank hold 30 seconds rep./ 15 plank punches/15 plank rocks

Colossians 3:19 Husbands,  love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

We as husbands need to love our wives with the same intensity that God loves you and not be bitter.

  1. Love  her  with unconditional love (Rom. 5:8)
  2. Love her with unquestioned love (John 3:16)
  3. Love her with an unselfish love (Eph 5:25)
  4. Lover her with an uninterrupted love (Rom 8:38-39)
  5. Love her with an unending love (John 13:1)

This comes from the book “Turn away wrath: meditation to control anger & bitterness”-by rand hummel