F3 Knoxville

Piston’s Derriere Destroyer


THE SCENE: 45 degrees and drizzling rain (about to rain hard). Wonderful day to start with a gloom sess.

10x of the following:  SSH; Tempo Merkins; Tempo Squats; WMH; Chattanooga Pickers; Moroccan Night Clubs; Knoxville Pickers; finish with Undertakers.
Mosey to pavilion.

  • 1 burpee; 2 “Nancy Kerrigan” (Crossover back lunge – think skating); 3 Pickle Pointers
  • 2 burpees; 4 “NK”; 6 PP
  • 3 burpees; 8 “NK”; 12 PP

Continue this model until round 5 modify to 20 NK and 50 PP each round while continuing to add burpees.

At round 9, hold a glute bridge for 3-4 minutes, if you don’t break, you can skip round 10 of burpees.

Continue until round 12 of burpees.  For rounds 11 and 12, change PP to Fire Hydrants (25 per side).

Hold Al Gore for 1 minute.  30 second glute stretch each side; 30 second adductor stretch each side; 30 second forward stretch for hamstrings.

14 HIMs in the gloom today.

Leadership many times means having to think on the fly and be able to articulate things off the top of your head.  Abraham Lincoln was one of the best at extemporaneous speaking.  But Lincoln’s secret was that he actually practiced speaking extemporaneously – whether verbal or non-verbal in his preparation.

And while there may be times when we are completely taken off guard by something, as leaders we need to be ready to lead – with verbal and non-verbal leadership.  So care must be given in our preparation even if we never have the opportunity to demonstrate our preparedness.

1 Peter 3:15 states, “but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”

Working through scenarios of preparedness is something we should do in several areas of life, whether for work, home, F3, and our Christian walk.  Be ready to lead.

Praises for new babies; prayers for Ride Along (sick) and Binks (House Hunting).
Binks to update Slack about 2nd F opportunity for rock climbing gym in Knoxville, discussed Ruck prep, and discussed purchase of AED during coffee.  Reviewed who was on Q over the next couple of glooms.