Q: Mermaid
PAX: Steam, Mermaid
FNGs: None
The warmup was carrying our ruck, and 2 sandbags, (40 & 60lbs) to the pavilion.
We set a timer for 36 minutes. There were six exercises set at 50 seconds each with a 10 second transition in between each exercise. There were 6 rounds. This is nice because can control the intensity, and go at your own pace. You have a timer, so no counting is needed, and you can have some great fellowship while you get your butt kicked.
After the beatdown, we had time to ruck up and around the trade route and moto hill, and we finished with some calf stretches on the curb as time expired.
The F’s in order. Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. The Q Source lists them in that order, and even though you would think Faith should be first, the Q Source argues that you have to learn to deny yourself and train yourself so that you can be more receptive to the 2nd and 3rd F. My prayer/struggle right now is to do better at denying my lack of self control in the area of food. My inability to control that has a direct impact on my relationship with God. If I can’t deny myself, then I am selfish, and less effective in leadership, and that becomes an impediment to following God. It all starts with us, and if we are in the way by not exhibiting self control, then we are less effective followers of Christ, and less effective leaders.
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.