Q: Otis
PAX: Natty, Gmail, Spellcheck, DoorKicker (Jud), FixerUpper, Otis, Shotgun
FNGs: None
WARMUP: The park loop to make sure no one is running late.
THE THANG: The Billy Madison ruck adventure, only out of order. Ruck to Central High, from there ruck a new way to Fountain City Elementary. We found a good hill this way :sweat_smile: and took a nature trail that was exhilarating! From there ruck to Gresham Middle, found some stairs and explored a little bit. Rucked back to the AO.
MARY: Squats til recover
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Quacken 6 year this Monday 3/3
Lost pearls AO launch is next Friday 3/7
Escape Haw Ridge 3/28, get signed up
COT: “The proud person always wants to do the great thing. But because he wants to do it in his own strength, he is fighting not with man, but with God.” Kierkegaard
Pride and Self-Reliance leads to disaster, not trusting God. The irony is when we accept absolute dependence on God, then we find the strength.
Shame and Fear keep us paralyzed or stagnant doing nothing, but they stem from the same lack of trust and dependence on God.
Self-will leads to failure.
Shame keeps us stuck.
But reliance on the Holy Spirit transforms us into who we were meant to be.
When we walk in the Spirit, God enables us to go higher, endure more, and accomplish what we never could in our own strength. This is exactly how Jesus lived, how much more do we need to?
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