F3 Knoxville

Frozen Four

THE SCENE: Pretty Chilly, 22 degrees and clear at the start, got colder…


Tempo Squats
Diamond Merkins
Freddy Mercuries
Iron Mikes
Hairy Rockettes


Mosey to large parking lot
25 Merkins
25 Squats
Run to the other side and repeat x4
Mosey to Prestige Cleaners for Core (45 count of Heels to Heaven, Flutter Kicks, etc)
Mosey to Tome Poke for upper body (Dips, Dirkins, Irkins)
Mosey up the hill about 400 feet for Burpees
Mosey to the bank for Hello Dolly (40)
Mosey to Maple St parking lot
Lunge to each parking line and do some core
Mosey back to flag for Mary

Rocky Balboas, LBCs, Pickle Pointers, etc

Make the most of every opportunity – witness to that loved one — our time is short

Obeying the signs

THE SCENE: 50 degrees and nice.


High Knees
Butt Kicks
Tempo Merkins
Tempo Squats
Willie Mays


Mosey to Road around JUCO (mostly Career Path Wy); stopping at every stop sign and doing the following each loop
10 Burpees
20 Dry Docks
30 American Hammers
40 Merkins
50 Squats
We got in 3 laps
Mosey Back to the AO

Imperial Walkers


Phil 2:13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose
While our faith requires action, remember that it is God who is working inside of each of us to fulfill his good purpose, no matter what may be going on in your life

Showing Love to the Duck Pond

THE SCENE: Chilly 40 degrees, but no rain…


Failure to Launch
Diamond Merkins
Mt Climbers
TN Rocking Chair


Mosey to the new math building–4 corner warm up
10 Dips IC
20 Flutter Kicks (IC)
20 Diamond Merkins
30 Squats
Mosey to the Pond
Run around the pond twice – stopping at each “corner” and doing the following
10 Burpees
20 Freddy Mercuries (2-count)
20 Diamond Merkins
30 Squats
Mosey to the courtyard
20 Step Ups
3 corners – 20 2-count flutter kicks, 22 Diamond Merkins, 30ish Squats
Mosey to 05 Parking Lot
Run across the lot stopping at light posts and doing 10 Iron Mikes
Monkey Humpers at the end

Hello Dolly


Heb 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Friday Erector talked about Fellowship, so I thought I’d continue the discussion on the 3rd F.  This passage could easily be taken out of context, but let’s look closer.  We have two areas of action (AFTER coming to him) – believing in God and earnestly seeking him.  What does that look like?  Earnest is more than a flippant prayer before a meal or dragging yourself out of bed to attend church in a robotic manner.  There is a fulfilling life to one who EARNESTLY seeks God, spending time with him, learning how to please Him through diligently studying and committing His Word to your heart.  Don’t just believe he exists (even demons do that), but resolve today to EARNESTLY seek him.

Forgetting the Past

THE SCENE Chilly and 30 degrees, otherwise nice


SSH x 20
5 Burpees OYO
Mt Climbers x 15
Tempo Merkins x 15
Freddy Mecury x 30
Tempo Squats
Baby Arm Circles


Mosey to Sophomore Hill
4.5 Corners — 20 Burpees > 30 Squats>5 pullups > 40 Merkins > 50 flutter kicks
Mosey to the Picnic Tables
Dora-up: 100 Dirkens, 200 Hello Dolly, 300 Squats (DNF)


Pickle Pounders, Flutter Kicks, LBCs


Phil 3:13-14
13Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


While we take time this Christmas season to reflect and prepare to experience the joy of Jesus’ birth, it can be a trying time for some as the draws to a close.  Let us forget those things we have left done (and those things that we shouldn’t have done) and press forward towards the goal for which we have been called heavenward

F3 Christmas party this Saturday at Butter Knife’s house!

Looking good in the neighborhood

THE SCENE: A chilly 26 degrees, but we warmed up soon enough


Quick jog
Tempo Squats
Tempo Merkins
Baby Arm Circles


Mosey to JUCant Hill do the following at each light pole
15 Burpees
30 Freddy Mercurys
45 Merkins
60 Squats
In front of Anytime Fitness, we did SSH & Mt Climbers to entice others to join us in the gloom
Mosey to JUCOmanjaro
60 Squats
45 Merkins
30 Freddy Mercuries
15 Burpees
A little Mary at the top
Mosey to Maple Street parking lot, grabbed some guardrails to do Dips and Dirkens

Had about 4 minutes of core

Mark 10:45
Tremendous respect for the proactive nature of the group (demonstrated in working out in the gloom).  A call to service should be our heart’s cry – and glorifying God in our chosen vocation.

4 parades upcoming around Knoxville, great opportunity to spread the mission/vision of F3 and get more to join us in the gloom!