F3 Knoxville

Speak up

THE SCENE: 68, expectedly humid but not oppressive

Cherry Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jax, Moroccan night club, baby arm circles, dive bombers and stuff.

Gave the CMU’s by the flag a tour of campus.  2 Teams.  Team 1 had to carry the cmu while the other did an exercise and then caught up.  Team 1 would then do that exercise and catch up.  The carry rotated through Rifle, Curl, Triceps and [farmer] carry.

The stationary exercises were:

30 Plank Jacks
30 Merkins
15 Burpees
25 Freddie Mercury
30 LBC
30 Flutter (Count 1 leg)
30 Mountain Climbers; count 1 leg
20 Core Exercise chosen by team 1: American Hammer
20 Core Exercise chosen by team 2: Shoulder Taps


We then hung out on the loading dock doing leg raises while your partner did 3 thrusters, then wall hops onto the loading dock while your partner did another 3 thrusters.
Returned the CMU home and had some time for a foot race.  I was not able

Shoulder taps, Heels to heaven, Hello Dolly and American Hammers
Speak up for what God is doing in your life.  When we go through trials or experience blessings, we are not meant to keep these things to ourselves.  God receives glory when we talk about His nearness in a trial or His joy in seeing Him at work in us and those around us.

But why don’t we?

Maybe it is embarrassment – not wanting to be seen as overly spiritual.  Don’t want it to be seen as bragging.  Too often we don’t have a polished, TV ready story of how God has been at work in our life. Or maybe it isn’t dramatic enough or we too private about things.  Consider those things but also consider how to appropriately share what God is up to.
Find an audience: your kids, your wife, the guys out here, a friend at church
Share what God has been doing.
Luke 19 Says the stones will cry out if we don’t give God glory.  “I tell you, if these [disciples] were silent, the very stones would cry out”.
1 Peter 3:15 calls us to be ready to explain the hope that resides in us.

“but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”

Yes that’s about witnessing, but God’s faithfulness in our life is a huge part of that hope.
To practice this I’ll share 1 big thing and 1 “little”: God has been so good to show Himself working through my oldest daughter.  She recently returned from a month in Nicaragua.  It’s been so clear that God was working through her.  It’s been evident in her love for the people there and the doors that God opened logistically for her to be there and spiritually to connect with students, now great friends, on deep and important truths.

Sunday, my family had a chance to hike Frozen Head between 2 storms.  On the way there it was torrential downpour, but just a light rain as we started hiking.  Miracle #1 is that my M allowed the hike to continue, but it cleared up, the fog was cool, the sun came out again, then it rained lightly some but the tree cover was thick enough to stay mostly dry.  We had the trail to ourselves, saw tons of frogs (that I thought were snakes every time I saw them move), turtles and a full rainbow of mushrooms.  The breeze kicked up where we turned around ant it actually felt comfortable.  For me, and my family, it’s easy to see God at work when we are in the elements, enjoying nature and blessed with the chance to be together.

To God be the glory for the big and little things.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Service Project Saturday 7am.  See Slack for details!


Farming Rules for Growth

THE SCENE: 74° Cloudy and a wee bit muggy

Side Straddle Hop, Harry Rockets,Cherry Pickers, Kick throughs, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, Stretch on your own
Today was all about measuring some physical achievements to see how we are progressing.  Is our effort producing fruit?  Remember, this isn’t a competition expect for against yourself.  We’ll do it again, Lord willing, when the air is cooler and our bodies are stronger and faster.  I’m thinking late Oct.

  • 100m dash
  • Max Pull Ups
  • 1 Mile Run time
  • # of heavy thrusters in 2:00
  • Time to do 50 Curls
  • Time to do 50 Tricep extensions
  • Max Merkins consecutive

Took longer than a I thought so no time for Mary.

Times were documented; 11 HIM’s have a baseline of what their bodies can do.

Not to brag, but my grass is looking really good. I can’t take too much credit. I have a grass allergy so I pay for a lawn service and I have a sprinkler system that helped it survive the June drought.
My brother is a farmer and his “yard” is a mess… but we drove a tractor through it, in the right spot at the right time and out of the ground came food.
Food we can eat. It’s an every day miracle and we are so far removed from agriculture that we miss the amazing ways God works in “normal things.”  Find time today to praise God for the miracle of food.  It’s delicious and awesome.  If you are struggling to realize this, one word: bacon.
But to plant food you have to tear up some dirt and follow the rules of nature.
1) It takes planning
2) It takes time
3) It takes God to do the watering.
4) It take a lot of hands and you can’t hide it

So how do we cultivate the soil of our souls for spiritual growth?
I want to be clear. God does the work. Jesus Christ already died and rose again and and if you invite him into your heart He gives us life and fruit.
1) Have a plan and get started on it.
2) Realize it takes time. pray for patience.
3) Realize it is God who is doing the work… prayer life
4) It isn’t about looking good; share the fact that you don’t have it all together. Share your goal. Tell a brother and don’t be afraid to reveal you are covered in dirt.  It takes lots of hands and transparency
Sow for yourself righteousness, reap steadfast love
break up your fallow ground
for it is time to see the Lord
that He may come and rain righteousness upon you.
Hosea 10:12
Today we measured our physical fitness with the goal of measuring again in a few months for improvement.
We know how to set goals, improve physically and hopefully the why is for the right reasons; so we can be healthy contributing leaders in our community for years to come.  Measuring fitness is much easier than measuring spiritual growth, but that doesn’t mean we get to skip it.
Today I want to challenge you to set some spiritual goals:

  • Are you growing in maturity?
  • Are you a more bold witness?
  • A better example to your kids?
  • More loving an approachable to your wife?
  • Do you have a reading list?
  • Do you have a prayer list?
  • Is God calling you to fast for a season or a specific topic?
  • Do you have a Bible reading plan?

Pick one or two of the above and tell a brother you plan to measure, grow, patiently wait for God to work and encourage a brother to do the same.

My apologies for the order of these. That was rough.  And the truck coming around the corner at just the wrong time kept us from getting our true max merkins.  Result tables below in Alpha order of F3 Name.

Booster July 25
100M 19.11
Pull ups 3 jump
Mile 10:15
Thrusters in 2:00 32 cmu
50 Curl time :55 cmu
50 Tri ext time :47 cmu
Max consec. Merkins 25


Commission July 25
100M 17.32
Pull ups 2
Mile 10:13
Thrusters in 2:00 42
50 Curl time 1:01
50 Tri ext time :49
Max consec. Merkins 15


Guardrail July 25
100M 17
Pull ups 26
Mile 7:27
Thrusters in 2:00 27 cmu
50 Curl time 1:00 cmu
50 Tri ext time :47 coupon
Max consec. Merkins 22


Kick Flip July 25
100M 15.75
Pull ups 17
Mile 6:59
Thrusters in 2:00 32
50 Curl time :49
50 Tri ext time :38
Max consec. Merkins 48
Mailbox July 25
100M 15s
Pull ups 7
Mile 6:30
Thrusters in 2:00 41
50 Curl time :56
50 Tri ext time :44
Max consec. Merkins 28


Median July 25
100M 16
Pull ups 20
Mile 8:07
Thrusters in 2:00 30
50 Curl time 1:07
50 Tri ext time 1:09
Max consec. Merkins 22


Shrubbery July 25
100M 16.92
Pull ups 21
Mile 6:30
Thrusters in 2:00 42
50 Curl time :43
50 Tri ext time :37
Max consec. Merkins 34 (or is it 54?… either way impressive)
Stitch July 25
100M 18.04
Pull ups 15 cc
Mile 8:32
Thrusters in 2:00 42
50 Curl time :46
50 Tri ext time :47
Max consec. Merkins 27
Stye July 25
100M 14.45
Pull ups 4
Mile 11:01
Thrusters in 2:00 29
50 Curl time :57
50 Tri ext time :51
Max consec. Merkins 16


Wanderer July 25
100M 15.85
Pull ups 5
Mile 9:11
Thrusters in 2:00 35 coupon
50 Curl time :46 coupon
50 Tri ext time :45 coupon
Max consec. Merkins 13

Ashley is back from Nicaragua on Saturday, Lord willing.  Continue to pray for her trip home and that ministry.
See Judge Judy’s post in the main channel for the details on Aug service opportunity

JUCOtop Stargazers

THE SCENE: 66°, Dry and wonderful


Side Straddle hops, Mountain Climbers, Reach for the stars, let it hang, Cherry Pickers, some other stuff.  Booster mentioned doing stargazers, so we headed to the top of Juco to try it out.  Campus is too bright.
Grabbed some rocks after doing 25 dips.  Carried them to the base of Jucomajaro.  Did a min of exercise followed by a sprint up 2 lines, carrying our rock.

  • 1 min of burpees
  • 1 min of Imperial Walkers (It is May the Fourth)
  • 1 min of BBS
  • 1 min of Squats
  • 1 min of plank
  • 1 min of Flutter kicks
  • 1 min of Superman

Made the summit where we had a ring of fire, starting at 4 merkins.

Then we got 3.5 seconds of stargazers before we did some Hello Dolly.  Too many clouds to see stars anyway.

Stone Jenga was played.  We held Al Gore while building a pile of rocks.  We got to 7 rocks before it fell so 10-7=3… 3 burpees.  Well done.  Mosey back to return our rocks, do more dips, bear crawl across the street and back, 10 Dirkens, Duck walk to curb and 20 calf raises.

Hello Dolly, Freddie Murcury, Superman and 10 Regular, 10 Wide and 10 Diamond merkins
Psalm 18:  I love you, Oh Lord, My Strength

Looked at making sure the Lord is our strength, our deliverer and our Rock.   David, leading the victorious army didn’t find his strength in his self but from the Lord.  Make sure Jesus is the foundation of your strength.

Be praying for our F3 brothers we miss due to injury.  Especially Survivor, Spotter, 5k, Gump and others.

CSAUP at Haw Ridge Friday night 9-Midnight.  Last chance to sign up today.  Family workout moved to May 14.

Penalty Ball

THE SCENE: 52° Pouring Rain, a little lightening at the end cutting it short

Side Straddle hops, Mountain Climbers, Baby Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers
Soccer ball Indian run (it’s not a thing, we made it up)  Dribble the soccer ball around the outer circle.  If it hit the curb 5 Burpees for all.  After you get the ball to the front of the line drop off with the leader and then he takes over.

Grabbed a CMU and carried it to the dark wet soccer field.

Stitch gets credit for this work out:

Make the shot on goal: 4 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 10 Curls, 10 Overhead press

Miss the shot on Goal: Double it.

Further goal, Just 2 burpees, but if you miss 10.  Still 10 (or 20) Merkins, Curls and OHP.

Ran for cover, where we did LBC, Kick throughs, Hello Dolly, Imperial Walkers, Slow BBS spine bounce up things (Needs a name), High Hello Dolly, a few other things and ended with Supermans.
Yesterday was Resurrection Sunday.  That is all about New life.  Eternal life.  And Eternal life doesn’t start when we die.  It starts when we see life for what it is and live with Him.

Consider the most memorized verse: John 3:16  “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life“.  There are so many other verses- just search “eternal life” in YouVersion or another bible app and you’ll see the Abundant life Jesus talks about in John 10:10 is from Him.

So my challenge to you this week is to share some scripture with someone this week.  Maybe (hopefully) it’s in a slack channel.  Share some scripture with you kids and wife.  Share some scripture with a friend by text.  Maybe a neighbor needs to hear it.   God’s Word will not return void.  It gives life.  Share it.
CSAUP at Haw Ridge May 7.  Get registered.  it’s going to be a blast.  9pm-midnight.


THE SCENE: Dry-ish, 60°

Side Straddle Hops, Cherry Pickers, Maracan Night Clubs, Kick Throughs, Windmills, Mountain Climbers
Two Teams of 4 followed a map to locations with prescribed exercises at each spot.  Counts are per man.  If you finished early you help the guys still working so you stay as a team.

  • 20 dips & 10 right leg squats & 10 left leg squats
  • Merkin city      10 wide 10 regular 10 canyon
  • 15 leg raises & 30 smurf jax
  • 10x  Loading dock jump ups & run down Ramp, 2 Donkey Kick
  • 20 4ct Flutter kicks & 10 kick throughs
  • 10 (or amrap) Pull ups  & 10 (or Amrap) hanging Heels to heaven
  • CMU: 20 Overhead Press, 20 Tricep & 20 Curls

The catch: It’s hide and go seek style.  If the other team sees you they start a count down from 5 on the walkie Talkie.  If you are still visible at the point they get to 0, 5 burpees for the team. Good time had by all.

I wanted to see someone dive into a bush but no such luck.  Thanks to the guys who got into it and hid behind trees (even if they were only 3″ in diameter)  It was good for a laugh.

A little bit of time for some BBS and heels to heaven while we waited for the rushers.

I’ve been reading Judges and there are a lot of “great” men. By worldly standards that is and some trying really hard to be godly men. But there is a noticeable lack of great fathers. Even the good judges didn’t have kids that followed in their ways.

One of these men was a non PG story. Who is the strong man of the Bible? Long hair?God used him; even his sinful and stubborn and perverted ways, but his life wasn’t the life we would want for our sons.Outside of having rather silly riddles and a bent toward violence, his wife was given to a different man after his wedding feast. Frequented prostitutes. Eyes gouged out. Years in prison. Died in a suicidal building collapse.

Yet, God used him. We’ll never know how God would have used him had his Parents told him no. If he had learned to control his desires.  But instead we see the young Samson say of a Philistine woman to his dad: “Get her for me, for she is right in my eyes.”

We as fathers need to tell our kids no. Tell them to curb their appetite for what they feel they need so they can learn to win over the desires of this world, over sexual desire, over selfishness. It’s not easy.  Laying aside His own interests for the interests of others is what we celebrate this weekend – Jesus did that perfectly.

If we get out here and get as strong as Samson and not figure out how to be a good father – we will have missed the mark.  Being a good father is about daily caring about the spiritual development of your kids.  That’s going to look very different for each kid, but be praying for your kids, talking with them about spiritual things and having the hard conversations.  Don’t avoid the uncomfortable conversation or hard consequences win out over spiritual growth of your kids. I don’t have it all figured out- I’m talking to myself as much as anyone, but I’d love to talk it out over coffee or on a run.

And here is a tip – you can’t do it on your own strength.  Ask the Holy Spirit, in the power of Jesus’ name to guide you in your parenting.

Family friendly workout at the Project Saturday, 7am.

Plan for the CSAUP May 7 9pm-12am.  If you enjoyed this mornings workout, that will be 10x better.