F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 83° Sunny and Breezy .
You are here on own volition. Please abide by the Covid 19 Phase One Guidelines

Rockets x 15, Imperial Walker x 20, High Knees 3 Burpees x 4, Tempo Merkins x 10, Tempo BBS x 10…Mosey to Coliseum


The Half Biscuit- 5 Burpees 10 Merkins 15 Squats run 1/2 lap REPEATexercises, 1 Lap REPEAT Ex, 2 Laps Repeat Ex, 1 Lap Repeat, 1/2 Lap Repeat

Mosey to field beside The Dragon- Ab Kraken with Flutters, Hello Dolly, Box Cutters, super Mans, BBS, LBCs, Dead Bug, V-UPS

Route 66 with Dive Bombers up The Dragon

Mosey Back to AO

No Time for Mary
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For a small amount of perspective at this moment, imagine you were born in 1900. When you are 14, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday with 22 million people killed. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until you are 20. Fifty million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million. When you’re 29, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, global GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy. When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet. When you’re 41, the United States is fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war and the Holocaust kills six million. At 52, the Korean War starts and five million perish. At 64 the Vietnam War begins, and it doesn’t end for many years. Four million people die in that conflict. Approaching your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, could well have ended. Great leaders prevented that from happening. As you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends. Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. How do you survive all of that? A kid in 1985 didn’t think their 85 year old grandparent understood how hard school was. Yet those grandparents (and now great grandparents) survived through everything listed above.

Perspective is an amazing art. Let’s try and keep things in perspective. Let’s be smart, help each other out, and we will get through all of this. In the history of the world, there has never been a storm that lasted. This too, shall pass.

Dave Proberts

We have F3 to get thru the trials

Pray for Lily Dipper and Jan
Hike the Smokies this weekend

Lessons from Noah’s Ark

THE SCENE: 45° Cloudy

50 Star Jumps, 50 Air Punches…let’s mosey to the flag pole



  • 10 Burpees, 50 Picnic Rows at the Pavalon
  • Mosey to Cardiac-Run up to the top and do 10 Hand release Merkins at chalk stars x 5
  • 10 Burpees, mosey to Pickets Charge
  • 10 Burpees- run up and do 5 chicken peckers at every cone x 10
  • Mosey to Memorial and do 10 Burpees
  • Mosey to Space Station Stop and do 50 squats half way
  • space station run up/down do 25 Froggy Jumps, up/down 25 Froggy, up/down once more
  • 10 Burpees at Handicap Spot then mosey to Grinch’s Hill
  • Hello Dolly’s x 10, Run to the top, Hello Dolly’s x 10, run to bottom, RR then 10 Hello Dolly at bottom x10
  • mosey to Area 51- 10 Burpees then run to the top and do 50LBCs
  • mosey to Everest – run up to each cone and do 10 Dive Bombers x 5 to the top
  • mosey back to the AO and stop along the way to do Bear Crawl 360 x 10 each direction with 2 Burpees per direction
  • mosey back AO

50 Flutter kicks 4 ct

50 LBCs 4ct

plank for 1 min
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There’s several lessons from Noah’s Ark..main one is Never let yourself get into a position that when God calls you to help others you’re not able.
I’m very thankful for each of these guys and the impact they have on my life.
take the Pole for TN Convergence, we have MLKJR parade Monday

Perseverance is the Back Up Plan

THE SCENE: 40° and Cloudy

Seal Clap SSH X 20, Imperial Squat Walker x 15, 4 count Merkins x 10, 10 Burpees In Cadence .
Grab a coupon and mosey to golf course

  • Par three Burpee Course- carry coupon to each cone and do 3 Burpees = 8 Cones & 24 Burpees…transition with roll of Exercise Dice- 15 MTN Climbers and 10 Merkins…mosey across parking lot
  • Using guard rail- Bo Knows w Battle Buddy- one maintains wall sit while holding coupon and BB does 100 High Knees, switch, RR…mosey w coupons toward the restaurant
  • Start w roll of dice 25 Crunches/ 20 Dips, Dora Trifecta at bottom of hill- 100 Curls, Triceps, Presses While BB runs to the top and does 10 Dive Bombers
  • 10 jump squats hold Al Gore 10 sec, 9 Jump squats hold AG 10 sec, then 8, 7, 6, 5,4,3,2,1…mosey back to AO

Box cutters x 20, Leg lifts 6 in, 45°, 90°- till hearing moaning and grunting, flutter kicks x 20
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Perseverance is the back up plan when we are struggling to accomplish our New Years Resolutions.

Tips for Persevering

  • Clarify your goal. Base it on your purpose, needs, and abilities. Know why you want this goal and how you and others will benefit.
  • Intend to achieve your goal.Outline your goal, strategies, and timeline. Know resources that can help you attain it, including individuals and the Internet. Break the goal into small steps, working backward form your desired outcome and attainment date.
  • Maintain optimism. Expect good things. Keep a daily diary of good experiences.
  • Live in the present. Don’t dwell on the past or worry about what might happen. Let go of attachments. The more attached you are to something, the greater the fear of losing it.
  • Acknowledge your accomplishments. Judge these against personal standards of self improvements. Have the courage of your convictions. Don’t change for others or compare yourself with them.
  • Try new experiences.Experiment with new ways of improving a product or service at work or other activities. Investigate how successful individuals or teams have achieved similar goals.
  • Care for you mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Schedule quiet times to think and reassess. Practice stress relievers such as deep breathing and exercise. Get sufficient sleep, eat healthy, and take time for fun and friends.
  • Experience yourself living your goal today. Hold your desired outcome firmly in your mind. See, smell, touch, and hear aspects of your goal. Each morning upon rising, review your goal. Repeat the process at night.
  • Persist. Focus on goals daily. At regular intervals, ask yourself whether your activities are moving you forward.

Romans 12:12 be joyful in hope, patient w afflictions, faithful in prayer. Prayers Lady Junk, Pinto, and Flashback and family
Tanks Party this Friday (postponed til next Friday), Contributions to Pull Up Bars go to La-Z-Boy, Waxjob, and Abscess. Also

[email protected](PayPal)

@FThree-Knoxville (Venmo)



THE SCENE: Clear and 34*.

10 burpees in Cadence, imperial squat walkersx10, 9 Burpees in Cadence, Tempo Merkins in Cadence x 10, Temp BBSx 10

grab a weight or hammer and mosey to Everest

  • Everest Suicides- first cone start w 10 Burpees run up to next cone 20 Merkins back down to first cone 10 burpees run to next cone 20 Merkins next cone 30 Star Jacks, back down to first cone 10 burpees, second cone 20 Merkins, third cone 30 Star Jacks , last cone 40 Squats
  • Mosey to Space Station- Dora Trifecta( 100 Curls, Triceps, Presses while Battle Buddy Runs to the top)
  • Bo Knows- Battle Buddy holds weight in squat position while partner does High Knees x 100 or so, switch then RR
  • BEAR CRAWL 360- bear crawl in cadence x 10 w 3 Burpees, sideways Bear Crawl in cadence x 10 w 3 Burpees, Crawl Bear x 10 in cadence w 3 Burpees, sideways bear crawl x 10 w 3 Burpees
  • Mosey Back to AO

BBS tempo style x 10, dead bug four count x 20, box Cutter x 15, leg lifts 90*, 45*, 6 “ alternating three rounds, box cutter x 15, Plank right knee to left elbow hold 10 sec, left knee to right hold 10 sec

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10 Strong 💪🏻
Happy Thanksgiving! Be Thankful for the people throughout your life that helped you survive. Pray for Hands’ son, Cheatsheets daughter, Pinto, and Woodshack’s Father In Law
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Am I my brothers keeper? Yes

THE SCENE: Perfect

20x SSH

  • Mosey to Picketts Charge – run to each cone and do 3 Burpees x 8
  • Back to AO for RAW(Ratchet Approved Workout) 10 Stations were set up with coupons. AMRAPs while HIM carries Log up Baby Everest each him to complete two rounds
  • Mosey to tall hill next to the Dragon. Do 7s with BBS AND DIVEBOMBERS
  • Mosey back to AO

MARY: circle up on Six , do 3 American Hammers with jagged pills(protein powder containers filled with sand/water) pass to next him for three rounds, Lay on back w feet six inches and press jagged pills x5 4ct pass to next him for two rounds, tempo BBS X 10



Lesson learned from Cain slew Able Bible verse. We are our brother’s keeper. We all have responsibilities to watch out and help one another.
Special prayer for Code Browns wife while running a 100 mi race. Pray for Iceman and his wedding Saturday
collect food for Second Harvest