F3 Knoxville

So Dicey

THE SCENE: Extremely wet and light/moderate rain – 59 degrees


Lunges, hamstring stretches, and arm stretches across the b-ball court sideline.


Mosey to the Pavilion. Roll 6 sided dice and perform corresponding workouts below. 1st roll was the exact number on dice, 2nd roll was the number on the dice x2; Rinse and repeat. At the 10 min, 25 min, and 40 min marks, PAX stopped their workouts and went for a run around the loop (10 min mark) and one minute wall sits (25 min and 40 min marks)

  • 1 – Run loop from the warmup
  • 2 – Merkins x23
  • 3 – Squats x23
  • 4 – Big Boy Sit Ups x23
  • 5 – Heel Touches x23
  • 6 – Dips x24
  • 8 – Flutter Kicks (4-ct) x23
  • 10 – Burpees x23
  • 12 – Line Jumps x23


No time remaining.


Simple message: MIND AND MANAGE YOUR BUSINESS! Our Pastor recently completed a three week series on Work, Money, and Marriage. It was a great reminder for us to stop comparing our lives and our situations to others in all aspects of life. When comparison enters our life, our mindset changes from being a learner to being a critic. Manage your own situations and households. Focus solely on your own relationship with Christ, your spouse, your family, your friends, your colleagues, etc.


Keepin’ It “100”

THE SCENE: Wet & warm – ~62 degrees

Cherry Pickers – IC x10

Frankensteins – sideline and back

Slow paced butt kicks – sideline and back

Slide & squat to the sideline & walking lunges back

Short mosey up to the road & pick up CMUs. Three stations with two workouts at each station. Complete 22 reps of each workout within the station and then run a lap down to the parking lot and back. Move to the next station, rinse and repeat until 100 reps per workout are completed.

  • Station #1 – Merkins / Overhead Press (CMU)
  • Station #2 – LBCs / Curls (CMU)
  • Station #3 – Squats / Rows (CMU)

Arm Stretches – 10 second count per arm.

Tempo-squat – x10


My inner nerd came out and I spoke briefly about the life of Abraham Lincoln. Honest Abe faced many difficult obstacles throughout his lifetime – grew up extremely poor, suffered from clinical depression, lost multiple children at young ages, lost a U.S. Senate bid to Stephen Douglas in 1858, and many more as president. However, for each specific situation, he fought through the adversity by leaning on his faith, humility, and vulnerability. Every individual in his close circle of trust was aware of his struggles and he was not afraid to communicate his hardships to those closest to him. This is a rare trait that people truly admired about him.

With the past two years being trying times for everyone in their own way, it is important for us to utilize the F3 platform to encourage, support, serve, etc. each other. I challenged everyone to be vulnerable in 2022 and to never be afraid to speak up if there’s anything your fellow PAX can do to help in any way.





Full Dash Effect

THE SCENE: 33 degrees — gloomy and calm

  • Cherry Pickers IC – 3 ct x 10
  • Temp Merkins IC – 3 ct x 10
  • Flutter Kicks IC – 3 ct x 21


  • Indian run to the track/field (long way around).
  • Partner workout, DORA style. Cones set up at 10 yard line, 20 yard line, 30 yard line, 40 yard line and 50 yard line. One HIM runs a 100 yard dash to the opposite end and then completes 20 frog jumps and Bernie back to the starting point while the HIM completes the following workout:

10-yard line – 100 merkins

20-yard line – 200 squats

30-yard line – 300 mountain climbers

40-yard line – 400 gorilla humpers

50-yard line – 500 jump ropers

Mosey back to the grind.


  • 1 minute plank
  • 1 minute air wall sits w/ 4 squats at 15 seconds intervals
  • LBCs for time


  • 8 HIMs


  • As I was preparing remarks for my first Q, I went back to my first day in F3 as an FNG and appreciated the infamous “Baby Weight” nickname, which was derived from an embarrassing story of mine. Personally, I think this approach was a great way for me to check my pride at the front door on day one and make myself extremely vulnerable in front of a group of strangers. It was certainly a humbling moment and that’s what I briefly touched on this morning — humility. In my opinion, humility is an extremely important aspect of being a Christian man in this world. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was the poster child for humility. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is from Philippians 2:3-4: “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests but take an interest in others, too.”
  • Also, any time I think of humility, I always think of John Maxwell’s quote: “Around other people, don’t try to be interesting or impressive, but rather be interested and impressed. “
  • It’s really a matter of attitude. The people with charisma, those who attract others to themselves, are individuals who focus on others, not themselves. They ask questions of others. They listen. They don’t try to be the center of attention. And they never try to pretend they’re perfect.
  • I challenged each HIM (including myself) today and every day to die unto yourselves and adopt the humbling attitude of Jesus Christ in all aspects of your life.

