AO: asylum-pm
Q: Lilydipper
PAX: Pusher, Lizzy, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Crash Dummy, High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Abacus, CRISPR, Brick, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Curveball
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Backwards Lunges, 7 Twistees, 7 Pterodactyls forward and 7 backward.
THE THANG: Mosey to the parking lot with the nice restrooms. We will bear crawl 10 paces, then lunge 10 paces and repeat that pattern until we are 2/3 of the way across the parking lot. Then sprint to the curb.
Mosey to the Caribbean Parking Lot. We will sprint to one island, and Bernie to next, repeating the pattern until we reach the end of the parking lot.
Sprint to sidewalk that leads to Bros Bowl.
Mosey to the Bros Bowl. We will run counterclockwise up the inside sidewalk to the benches. Those arriving to the benches first do bench dips until the six arrives. Then, we all will do 20 Incline Merkins in cadence. Then mosey back down the Bros Bowl. Those reaching the bottom first do Calf Raises until the six arrives.
Mosey to the soccer field parking lot. We will be going clockwise around the parking lot, stopping at every crosswalk to do one of the listed exercises. Those reaching the second crosswalk on the other side first sweep everyone back to the starting point.
Here are the exercises:
Round 1: Sprint to each crosswalk and do 20 Merkins at each
Round 2: Bernie to each crosswalk and do 20 Baby Crunches
Mosey to the small courtyard area. We will do 10 step ups at each step to the top
Mosey to the entry of parking lot that goes past the Outdoor Chapel. We will do 20 Rocky Balboas on curb.
Mosey to parking lot with Nice Restroom. We will first do 10 Imperial Walkers. Next, we will Bernie half way across and sprint the rest of the way.
Mosey to AO parking lot.
Starting at the parking lot spaces on the West Side of the parking lot we will Bear Crawl six parking spaces, the spring to East Curb and back to West Curb. We will then repeat the pattern but go down to 5 parking spaces, then 4, etc, until we repeat the pattern bear crawling only 1 space.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: We appreciate those who stepped up to help Back Flow and his family after the new birth in the family.
Prayers for Back Flow and his family after the birth of new baby. Prayers for Jenner and praise for his recovery. Prayers for Sparkler as he faces surgery in April for his prostate cancer. Prayers for Lizzy’s father-in-law, Ralph, as his cancer is worse and he will go off treatment. Prayers for Lizzy’s mother and for Lizzy. Prayers for Dray, friend of Crash Dummy, who has injury to muscle in his leg. Prayers for all F3 brothers facing hardships at this time.
My mother-in-law, who I called Saint Ruby, passed away in early January. She has a very positive impact on the life of many people. During the visitation before her funeral it was wonderful for me to hear stories from so many people about how Ruby had impacted their lives.
My wife, Jan, was brave enough to speak at Ruby’s funeral. In her message, she talked about some important lessons learned from Ruby:
1. Start each day with Jesus and stay with Jesus each day
2. Lose the you and focus on God and others.
3. See the good in others.
I have spoken before about point #2 and want to talk about point #3 today.
Ruby thought most folks were doing their best most of the time. She truly saw the good in others. As an avid Kentucky Wildcats basketball fan, the only possible exceptions to this seeing good in others were Christian Laetner, Billy Packer, and assorted basketball referees).
She loved the song, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” and she would keep the faith that God had you in His Hands, even when you couldn’t manage that kind of faith” I often asked Ruby to pray for me. It was as if she had some kind of connection to God that helped me to know that things were going to turn out ok.
If Ruby was in your orbit, she had confidence in you and was your cheerleader. If someone didn’t choose you . . . well, it was their loss, poor soul. If you were struggling she trusted that you, with God’s help, would do whatever hard thing you had to do.
Ruby also saw people as they “could be.” If you screwed up, well, that indeed was a problem . . . but she saw your potential. “Hey, you’re gonna get it right, I believe in you and so does our God. He will mold you. ” And Ruby molded you too, with her love, with her attention to you, with her belief in you. Just being around Ruby made you want to be better as well as believe that you could be better.
So, the message from my mother-in-law, Saint Ruby, to you is: you are fine as you are, you are special and you are loved. And, since you are loved and are special, why not see the good in others? Forgive them their sins. See their potential, not their failings. And remember, God has you and them in His hands.