Q: Crash Dummy
PAX: CRISPR, Lilydipper, Abacus, High Heels, Mr Jinxy, Curveball, Brick, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Switchhitter (Tony), Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Tenderfoot, MD Hammer, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Pusher, Double-Dribble, Boomer
FNGs: 1 Boomer
WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Good Mornings, Runner’s Stretch, Downward Dog, Stretching
THE THANG: Mosey down the stairs to bottom of Everest. Bataan Death March – Up Everest. 1st Point of Contact (POC) – Coliseum, hold plank until the 6 arrives. Head down Pickett’s Charge to 2nd POC – Bros Bowl. American Hammers until 6 arrives. Run up Bros Bowl doing Jump Squats at 12 o’clock (5 reps), 3 (10 reps), 6 (15 reps), 9 (20 reps) and back to 12 o’clock (25 reps), run to the backside of Bros Bowl to 3rd POC – District 13. LBC’s until 6 arrives. 20 reverse lungs. Turn around and head back to the start – hitting all POCs.
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hardship Hill OCR, Escape from Haw Ridge, Marathon Ruck.
COT: “…I’ve had some challenges in the last couple years and ultimately, I believe that suffering leads to salvation. That we must accept, not deny, but feel our suffering and feel our losses. Then we make one of two decisions; we either decide to go through the gate of resentment – which leads to vengeance – which leads to self-harm – which leads to harm-to-others OR we go through the gate of forgiveness. Which leads to grace.” -Jim Carrey (actor/comedian)