F3 Knoxville

Coach Dunn kicks off football season!

AO: asylum-pm
Q: F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom)
PAX: MD Hammer, Lilydipper, Drum Major, Tenderfoot, Brick, High Heels, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Rooney (Carl Whipple), Switchhitter (Tony), Pusher, Curveball, Crash Dummy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Coach Dunn had ‘em hit the ground for 20 merkins followed by a dedicated focus on loose groins

First and foremost, this workout is dedicated to Coach Wayne Dunn, who worked as hard and inspired us to be ready for the start of football season. Actual quotes and insights provided from Coach Dunn to the innocent Pluto when he was a freshman in high school were shared with the Pax to help them mature and understand the ways of the world. We also played some football because it’s an American game and America is the oldest and greatest country in the world. Per coach Dunn.
– First set was a set of 11s featuring picnic table box jump Burpee’s and big boys
– Second exercise was an experiment to ensure we had football players. The PAX was divided into group of threes where a 5 minute monkey roll drill was completed.
– Next exercise was two laps around the back side of the asylum building with five Burpee sets split between each loop.
– Next exercise was of vital importance and was inspired by one of the Tennessee Vols away games this year the Pax was divided into groups of two that opposed another group of two in a modified version of the Oklahoma drill.
– After a 30 second break the Pax ran to the bottom of the hill completed 20 Merkins and ran back to the playing field.
– The final exercise was a game of touch football

Took a t
MARY: No Mary needed

ANNOUNCEMENTS: excitement about the new AO’s opening was discussed as well as the food Pusher was making.

COT: the queue discussed that he had had lunch with the Nantan today and had discussed with him the importance of F3 in our lives, especially as we all go through transitions in families, work, and life in general. In staying with his theme for the last couple of years, the Q shared the recent James clear newsletter available right here.https://jamesclear.com/3-2-1/august-29-2024

Jenga with CMUs… sorta

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Smithers
PAX: Snowbird, Stripped, Bookman, Cheney, Madoff
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, mountain climbers, LBACs,

THE THANG: Mosey to smokehouse, grab CMUs, head to picnic table. Jenga – pull a block out of the tower and do 11’s with the two exercises written on the block. When the tower falls, we do a lap around the tennis court doing something with our CMUs.

MARY: Arm stretches.


COT: Romans 5: Perseverance! When we are hit with struggles, when failures happen, when things don’t go according to plan – persevere knowing that it produces character, and character produces hope.

[kettlebell-workouts] Bumping up the weight

AO: kettlebell-workouts
Q: Borg
PAX: Borg
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Prayer time
– Hip hinges 10
Lightest KB:
– Slingshot 20 EA
– Deadlift 10 EA
– Halo 5 EA
– Slingshot 20EA
– BW Squat 10

Working on technique.
Up the weight on KBs a bit.

– 4 min workouts 2, 3, and 4.

5 sets:
– 5 Front Squat
– 5 Swing
– 5 Press
– 5 Clean
– 5 Thrusters

COT: When the conversation turns to fringe cases as objections, then you have not been persuasive in articulating your vision. If you continue, then you may end up exhorting apples to oranges.

Tabata Wednesday

AO: the-farm
Q: Bartman
PAX: Aladdin, Einstein
FNGs: None
WARMUP: normal stuff

THE THANG: Tabata (20/10) x 8 rounds per exercise with some moseying between stations.

Merkins, American Hammers, Iron Mikes. Calf Raises, Rail Rows, Jump Squats, Dips.

MARY: no


COT: I had to have a plumber unclog a drain yesterday. The drain clog was due to 30 years of gradual buildup, but the “problem” seemed immediate once the drain clogged. Many of the problems in our life are the same….they are the result of years of bad habits or bad choices. Assess your habits to make sure you aren’t setting yourself up for future problems.

Fitness Time in Tennessee

AO: shamrock
Q: Stitch
PAX: slappy, Eliza, Anchorman, Bed Wetter, Band Camp, Dumpster Dive, Mermaid, LeBling, Haggis, Squatter, Crawlspace, Lightweight
FNGs: None
Warm O Rama:
Moroccan Nightclubs
Grady Corns
Tempo Squats
Imperial Walkers

Football handoff run to the back parking lot. Ball works it’s way back through the line and last person sprints to the front, hand off starts back down the line.

Blind draw from each category. One on each corner:


Reps =
Card # + 10
Royal = 25
Ace = 100

Got at least 24 exercises in, including 25 Burpees.

Reading through Proverbs recently and it’s humbling. It’s really a manual for everyone and it challenges our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. It really encompasses every aspect of our lives and just how much of it we offer to God.

I was reminded about anger and what that does to a man. What that does to ME! There’s a lot of anger out there and it’s very easy to let that seep into you. I don’t watch the news anymore. I used to watch it religiously and then I just realized that it was making me…angry. And, there was very little, if anything, I could do about any of it. I can feel the tension in the world around me, today.

How do we respond? There are over 900 verses in Proverbs. Here are two:

1. Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. That’s 10:12.
2. The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult. 12:16

Which one of these do we represent? Are we snapping back at others to expose and tear them down or are we seeking to put them in a better light? Tim Keller said that “anger is energy released to defend something you love. When you are in a dispute, stop releasing your anger against the other person in order to defend your ego. Release your energy against the problem (not the person) that is dividing you.”

So my challenge today is to step away from the tv. Take a breathe! If we claim to be followers of Jesus, then we shouldn’t look like everyone else. You don’t have to compromise your beliefs to bite your tongue, offer kindness and show love to someone you disagree with. And when you do that, who gets the glory? It’s not you.