F3 Knoxville

Cardinal VQ Workout @ JUCO – RIP

AO: juco
Q: Mailbox
PAX: Mathlete, Ike, Data, Wanderer, Pelican, Butterknife, Dart Gun, Erector, Guardrail, Lt. Dan, Mailbox, Windex
FNGs: None
Performed Cardinals VQ workout

Spoke to the man Cardinal was, the community that f3 is and making the most of today as tomorrow isn’t promised.

Psalm 118:24

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Complacency No Mo

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Appleseed, Bail Bonds, Chitchat (Pana), Herbie, Jim Norris, Natty, Oscar, Simmons, Strings
FNGs: None
WARMUP: all IC: 20 SSH, 20 Toy Soldiers, 10 Donkey Kicks (B), Leg circles on all 4’s 10 (B), Tennessee Rocking Chairs x 10, Tempo Sumo Squats. 20, Windmillsx20

THE THANG: mosey to tha back 4 rounds of fun. After each round add a lap around track for the # of the round.
Rd 1: 20 Australian Nut Knockers, 30 plank jacks, 40 lunges, Rd 2: 20 MKNs, 30 shoulder taps, 40 squat jumps, Rd 3: 20 BBS, 30 Freddy mercs, 40 Flutters, Rd 4: 20 Bonnie Blair’s, 30 Apollo Ohno’s 40 SSH

MARY: mosey to AO


COT:don’t be complacent in your life, there’s always room to grow at work, at home, in faith, fitness, and fellowship…then do 10 burpees

Top Gun

AO: the-project
Q: Flying Dutchman
PAX: Mathlete, Ocho, Tom Tom, None
FNGs: 1 None
Jog in place
Hillbilly Walkers
Little baby arm circles
Side straddle hop
Cherry pickers
Mosey to RC, stop halfway, flutter kicks, karate jacks x 10
Mosey rest of the way
Top Gun Workout
5 pull-ups
15 curls, 15 bent rows, 15 curls
3 pull-ups
12 curls, 12 bent rows, 12 curls
1 pull-up
10 curls, 10 bent rows, 10 curls
Jog around parking lot, 15 count Freddy’s
5 pull-ups
15 presses, 15 thrusters, 15 Carolina dry docks
3 pull-ups
12 presses, 12 thrusters, 12 Carolina dry docks
1 pull-up
10 presses. 10 thrusters, 10 Carolina dry docks
Jog around parking lot, 15 box cutters
5 pull-ups
15 dips, 15 triceps press, 15 diamond merkins
3 pull-ups
12 dips, 12 triceps press, 12 diamond merkins
1 pull-up
10 dips, 10 triceps press, 10 diamond merkins
Mosey to flag
Danger Zone Burpees. Every time danger zone is said in the song do a burpee.
Hello Dolly’s
Heels to Heaven

Talked about the Maverick character and how he was a loner at the beginning, trying to rely on his own strength and was self focused. That ended badly (spoiler alert). Read 10 verses that talked about God’s strength and guidance in our lives and how we should depend on him and others to guide us and walk with us.
Isaiah 41:10, Phil 4:12-13, Psalm 46:1-3, 2 Thes 3:16, Phil 4:6, Duet 31:6, Mark 12:29-31, Psalm 22-19, Isaiah 40:29, Isaiah 12:2.

45 Bday Q

AO: shamruck
Q: Brick
PAX: slappy, Mermaid, Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Unibráu (Nick Robinson)
FNGs: None
Just start rucking…..

Rucked the big block. At each corner we did 15 squat thrusts, 15 curls, 15 rows. Then rucked down Gulf Park and back.
A little stretching
Prayed for Eliza, Sparkler, and
“We should not be surprised that God gives us wonderful graces in the midst of suffering that we had asked him to spare us. He knows best how to apportion his grace for our good and for his glory.”

burrrrrrrrpees plus

AO: the-farm
Q: Einstein
PAX: Lightweight, Aladdin, Pew-pew, Choir Boy, Bartman
FNGs: None
SSH, Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers, Tempo Merkins, cobra and downward dog

Run the big loop with four stops.

Stop 1 burpees
Stop 2 Rail Rows, Merkins, Squats, American, Hammers
Stop 3 burpees
Stop 4 Bench Dips, CDDs, Step Ups, Flutter kicks

Stop 1 and 3, 10x reduce by 1 each time
Stop 2 and 4, 25x reduce by 5 each time

Completed three laps

Quick Lap around the bball court stopping along the way to finish our burpee countdown to 1



Job 36:15 He delivers the afflicted by their affliction, and opens their ears by adversity.

Use adversity to grow. Burpees are a great reminder that when you fall on your face, you get back up.

Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors – African Proverb