F3 Knoxville

Rainy Day Deck 12/9

AO: bigball
Q: Drive-thru (Mikel Towe)
PAX: G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Huffy (Ken Hill), Postman (Scott Colby), Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall)
FNGs: None

THE THANG: Deck of cards in amphitheater

Diamonds- merkins
Hearts- rows
Spades- jump squats
Clubs- flutters
Joker-10 burpees

MARY: abs

20° OTB

AO: the-farm
Q: Bartman , Gibbler
PAX: Einstein, Gibbler, I-Beam
FNGs: None
WARMUP: yes. A few runs across the soccer field.

Random PT using hills & bleachers. DORA 1,2,3 at the end.

MARY: nope


COT: Keep your problems in perspective. Many of our “problems” pale in comparison to what others around us are going through.

Clark Higgins Debut

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Crawdad (Robbi Dickens)
PAX: Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), lebowski, Lulu (Greg Huddy), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Veggie (Rylen Huddy), Waffle House (Brady Greene), Suds,
FNGs: None
Wafflehouse led the PAX in a warmup of Shoulder Blasters and some other classics then took us to the main event!

The Main Event (Stone in hand)
– 20, 25, 30 count circuit of
– Curls (then overhead presses, shoulder raises), Box Jumps (or step ups), Picnic table pull ups, and dips.
– A diagonal dash up a Pickett’s Charge
– Completed by some shenanigans at the Coliseum before turning it over to Crawdad for the back half,

The Yoga Studio
– nuf said

A trip down Everest (lunges at the bottom) and back up the Summit to the Space Station.

We recovered during our mosey back to the AO where we finished with:
– 15 yard dashes
– ATMs

Crawdad closed it out with a basic message: be where your feet are. Be present and content during the holidays.

Frozen fingers

AO: the-farm
Q: Pew-pew
PAX: Aladdin, Einstein
FNGs: None
WARMUP: the usual

THE THANG: 90 raised merkins on the parking blocks, 90 squats, 90 calf raises, 90 dips, 90 big boys, 90 pull ups

MARY: no time


COT:And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”
—Hebrews 12:5

When I was young, I always acted as if I hated discipline. It was part of the game. Most of the time, I didn’t want the discipline. Sometimes, however, I “acted out” to get my parent’s attention. Discipline was their way of getting mine! Now that I am older, I am so thankful that my parents loved me enough to discipline me firmly, to guide me lovingly, and to encourage me repeatedly. Their discipline and training have given me so many blessings and helped me understand what God is doing in my life. I need to recognize and appreciate the Lord’s discipline in my life for similar reasons! The lack of love is not hate but indifference. The opposite of concern is an unwillingness to discipline. Thank God he loves and knows us enough to be involved in our lives and discipline us toward Jesus and heaven.

As fathers – and leaders of our families and in our lives – we need to remember that discipline can be difficult sometimes to administer, but it is a blessing to those receiving it, done right. And we also need to accept it from God and those who offer it to us.

Birthday Bonanza

AO: asylum-am
Q: Gibbler
PAX: Hands, P3, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Hot Tub (John Muller), Gibbler, Farley, @grandsslam
FNGs: 1 @grandsslam
WARMUP: 44 SSH to ring in another year around the sun

THE THANG: mosey to missile silo for 4 rounds of run the loop and amrap of skaters and BBS and squats and rocky balboa.

Mosey to chapel for alternator rounds of running and merkins and wall sits and lunges and bear crawls and CDD and dips

MARY: a few flutter kicks


COT: Jesus story book bible introduction and how it all leads to Jesus