F3 Knoxville

Too Many Clock Lunges (VQ!) Speedway AO

SPEEDWAY AO. Not sure why it’s defaulting to Asylum, but I don’t have a tag for Speedway.

THE SCENE: A little humid, but otherwise perfect weather for a beatdown.

SSH x20, Tie Fighters x15 each side, Calf Raises x20
Mosey to corner of parking lot closest to playground. Bear crawl inch worm from parking lot to playground entrance: partner up and form two lines holding plank – partners at end of line bear crawl to front of line, signaling to the new caboose it’s their time to bear crawl to the front. Once to playground, same partners took turns drawing a card from deck and performing exercise while other partner runs lap around the outside playground fence. Exercises were irkins, BBSu’s, and crackalackin’ burpees. Numbered cards = number of reps, face cards = 15 reps, Aces / jokers = 20 reps. If running partner completes lap before other partner completes reps, the returning partner resumes reps where first partner left off. After a few rounds, moseyed to the grassy field next to parking lot. Pax completed a suicide style workout without partners performing 10 reps of each exercise at associated station. Station 1: Burpees, Station 2: clock lunges (way too many clock lunges. . .), Station 3: Carolina dry docks, Station 4: Bolt 30’s. Mosey back to starting point in parking lot.

Pax roulette: flutter kicks, georgia cheerleaders, diamond merkins, and more
Halfday, Doppleganger, Cow Patty, Streaker, Shoelaces, Outhouse, Trousers, Pennies, Blindside, Quad, Doctor, Rep Sleepy, Banjo
“Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point form which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of. An apparently trivial indulgence in lust or anger today is the loss of a ridge or railway line or bridgehead from which the enemy may launch an attack otherwise impossible.” – C.S. Lewis (from Mere Christianity) Reminder that we are never staying stagnant or just existing. We are always moving in one direction or another; either in a way that builds up our relationships with God, our family, and friends, or in a way that undermines those same relationships.