F3 Knoxville

Do Work. Be Happy.


F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and done


SSH IC x20; LBAC IC x10ew; Tempo Squat IC x10; Tempo Merkin IC x10


  1. Mosey to STOP sign by Chapel: Partner up! One partner runs to the next STOP sign and back while the other completes: 
    1. V-ups 
    2. Hello Dolly’s 
    3. Flutter Kicks 
    4. Repeat until each partner does all three exercises.
  2. Mosey to the bottom of Route 66. Every other light pole; do a Captain Thor (1 BBS and 2 ct American Hammer), sprint to the next station. Adding 1 Captain Thor at each stop keeping the 1:2 ratio. Finish with 10:20. Kobra Kai stretches while waiting on the SIX. 
  3. Mosey to the Overlook:  
  1. Bear Crawl to the first pole; sprint back
  2. Bear Crawl to the second pole; sprint back 
  1.  Body Builder + Ghostman Baseball (Body Builder + is a Burpee/ShoulderTap/PlankJack/ToeTouch Combo)
    1. One group does “dealer’s choice abs while the other runs the bases
    2. Round 1: 
      1. 1st= 1 BB+
      2. 2nd= 2 BB+
      3. 3rd= 3 BB+
      4. 2nd= 2 BB+
      5. 1st= 1 BB+
    3. Round 2:
      1. 1st= 3 BB+
      2. 2nd= 2 BB+
      3. 3rd= 1 BB+
      4. 2nd= 2 BB+
      5. 1st= 3 BB+
  2. Return to AO 
    1. Ring of Fire: 5 → 1 Merkins  


9 HIMs; No FNGs


“It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man.” -Benjamin Franklin

We need to be “working” constantly. Whether that is working on bettering our bodies, our minds, our spiritual life, our family life, etc. Once we become idle, we start to deteriorate. Do Work. Be Happy. 

The Harvest is Plenty, but Laborers are Few

THE SCENE: Foggy, little brisk. Those recovering from IPC yesterday are a little stiff

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Welcome, I’m not a professional, I don’t know what is wrong with you, modify as needed, you’re here on your own accord, I have a phone for emergencies (including any emergency breakfast orders).  


Typical Blindside warm-upy things 


Mosey up to the bottom of Dwayne’s Hill. Partner up. Together, partners will complete the following exercises while one runs up to Dwayne, does 1 Body Builder (Burpee with added plank-jack, shoulder tap, and toe-tap), and returns 

  • 200 2-ct Flutter Kicks
  • 250 Imperial Squat Walkers 
  • 300  Shoulder Taps 
  • 350 LBCs 

Fellowship Mosey™ around the *OTHER* side of the circle to make sure Snitch’s Garmin map looks better. Regular Mosey to BathHouse 

The Q found a new exercise on the Exicon Ascending Testicles 

  • 5 Merkins with feet up against the wall
  • 5 Derkins with feet halfway up wall
  • 5 Derkins with feet on top of the wall 
  • *Extra Credit* 5 Balls to the Wall Derkins

Squat Ring of Fire → Hold squat while waiting


8 HIMs showed OUT today. Welcome to Wax On from Georgia. Prayers for him today and going forward. Hope to see him back in Knoxville soon!


Luke 10:2 “The Harvest is plenty, but laborers are few.” The Kingdom of God produces an incredible harvest, there are just too few laborers. 

IPC Week 0 at the Equalizer

THE SCENE: Rain has moved out (for now) 0515 start 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  Check and Check 


SSH IC x15 | LBAC IC x12 each way | Tempo Squat x10 | Little bit of this, Little bit of that 


Iron Pax Week 0 at the Equalizer! All HIMs decided to participate in the full workout. Q measured out 200 meters and 400 meters out on the “400 Meter” Equalizer Track. PAX was in charge of doing mental math while running to decide how they got their distance in (Spoiler Alert: 2 HIMs messed up. They MAY have several advanced degrees between them, but hey, math is hard). 

  • 100 Merkins
  • 800 Meter run
  • 75 Merkins 
  • 1,200 Meter run
  • 50 Merkins
  • 1,600 Meter run
  • 25 Merkins
  • 2,000 Meter run


Picked up the 6 as Snitch finished his last run. It’s not that Snitch was the slowest, he just decided to show up at the normal start time. A man like him doesn’t need the extra time to bust out the Iron Pax Challenge! 


6 HIMs completed the IPC Wk 0 workout. Snitch came in late and Mudpuppy left as soon as he finished. 


You have to be humble. You have to acknowledge your faults and your failings. Stretch yourself as a man, husband, and father, but do not OVER-extend yourself. Know your limits. Push them, but if you go too far, you can burn out and fall. 

100th Post / 20th Q for Blindside!


F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done & Done (albeit with a LOT of chatter from the gallery)


SSH IC x 20 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Tempo Squat IC x10 | Tempo Merkin x10


The Q might have mentioned to many of the PAX at the CSAUP on Saturday that there wouldn’t be any running during this CSAUP Recovery Q. The Q misspoke and meant that there wouldn’t be a lot of running. 

Mosey to each location and perform 5 exercises, 20 reps, or for 20 seconds each (Five 20s = 100)

  • Flagpole 
    • 20 Dips | 20 Derkins | 20 Squats | 20 Imperial Walkers | 20 Second High Plank
  • Playground
    • 20 Shoulder Taps | 20 Toe-Touches | 20 Knee-ups | 20 Merkins | 20 Second Rocky Balboas 
  • Dock
    • 20 CDD | 20 Skater Jumps | 20 LBCs | 20 SSH | 20 Second Low Plank
  • Rock Pile 
    • 20 Rows | 20 Curls | 20 OH Press | 20 Triceps | 20 Second Jump Overs 
  • Bath House
    • 20 Burpees | 20 Pull-ups | 20 BBS | 20 Australian Snow-Angels | 20 Second Beast Plank
  • Stonehenge 
    • 20 Box Jumps | 20 Lunges | 20 Squat Jumps | 20 BBS | 20 Second Plank
  • Splashpad
    • 20 Flutter Kicks | 20 Hello Dollys | 20 V-Ups | 20 Box Cutters | 20 Second High Knees
  • Basketball Court (missed the turnoff, completed exercises at the Tennis Courts)
    • 20 Diamond Merks | 20 Wide Merks | 20 Right hand forward merks | 20 Left hand forward Merks | 20 Second Butt Kicks
  • Tennis Courts
    • 20 Mountain Climbers | 20 Freddy Mercury | 20 Plank Jacks | 20 Bear Crawls | 20 Second Hold Squat
  • AO
    • 20 Smurf Jacks | 20 American Hammers | 20 Iron Mikes | 20 Broad Jumps | 20 Monkey Humpers 


Finished before Mary was an option. 


2 for Pre-Ruck

12 for Beatdown 

0 FNGs 


Today was my 100th posting and 20th Q. While a vast majority of those posts and Q’s have come from the Equalizer, I have also been able to post at Asylum AM, Asylum PM. Asylum Sat., Truckstop Sat., The Dogpound, Shamrock, and the Quacken. I have also was lucky enough to have 2 downrange postings at F3Low Country on Hilton Head Island this summer. I started tracking my Posts and Q’s a while back after noticing a “100 Posts in 2021” patch on the F3 Gear website. 

The HIMs of F3Knoxville will never know their impact on my life in just the few months I have been participating in workouts. Before March 1st, I was in a rut that I didn’t even know how deep. The running workouts I was doing on my own became less and less frequent and when I did run, I pushed myself less and less. Most of my friends had moved away from Knoxville over the past few years, and those that were in town were able to get together with little to no frequency. My faith was waning. I did not have a routine in which I had a healthy prayer life. 

F3Knoxville allowed me to find the answers to all 3 of these problems. I didn’t realize it at the time, but the answers were even in the name! I was struggling with all three F’s and didn’t even know it! Since that early Monday morning on March 1st, all three F’s in my life have grown tremendously. I have a fitness routine that mixes up all styles of exercises that I can always count on a great beatdown, I have men in Knoxville that I can call on for anything and everything, and I now know that I will leave each workout uplifted through the prayer of the PAX. 

Thank you F3 Brothers. I am lucky to have all of you in my life. 


Prayers for: 

Ribbed’s wife and family

Hans’ ankle

Seeking joy and life from God and not the world.

Go Touch Dwayne and Come Back Here…

THE SCENE: Clear, starry morning. Almost pleasant 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Did this, Ribbed asked for repeats as needed 


SSH IC x15

Cherry Pickers IC x%

LBAC x15 each way 

Tempo Squat IC x10

Tempo Merkin IC x 10


Grab a CMU and a buddy 

One partner Farmer Carries the CMU’s towards the Boat Ramp while the other does 15 BBS then moseys to their partner. Repeat. Exercises to complete: 15 BBS, 15 Merkins, 15 Squats. Repeat as necessary until reaching the bottom of the stairs. Wagon Wheel to the SIX. 

Each HIM grabs a cardboard piece with an exercise on them. Line up and complete your exercise while the HIM at the front of the line bunny hops up the steps, runs up the “Dwayne” the rock, and returns to PAX. Each HIM moves down the line to the next exercise. Time to complete one Round. (Special Note: No one seemed to find the “extra credit” exercise of Man-Makers written on some cardboard at the top of the hill at Dwayne. I know that @Trunk is mad he missed it).

Exercises Performed: 

  • Squats 
  • Kettlebell Swings 
  • CDD
  • Blockees
  • Flutter Kicks 
  • V-Ups 
  • BBS 
  • LBCs 
  • OH Press 
  • Freddy Mercury 



Ring of Fire: Only one HIM being extra doing clap merkins (You know who you are). 


12 HIMs showed up in the Gloom this morning! 1 DownRange from F3Franklin. Thanks for joining us @Corncob! 


For those who have attended my Q’s in the past, you know that I go one of two ways. Thoughtful, well-researched, and readout of my notebook WORDs, and those that come to me randomly. This morning I want to talk about patience. BACKGROUND: I spent several hours on the phone with two cell phone providers trying to figure out why my M’s phone was shut off and why another canceled my order for new SIM cards for her and my 2.0s. Patience was needed. Not just for the customer service reps, but also with my wife when I informed her that we had to change the phone number she’s had for half a decade. 

While I was indeed frustrated and running out of patience, I knew that I needed to remain a calming presence while she dealt with this fact. I made sure to talk calmly and not put my own frustrations of the past 4 hours on the phone on her. It wouldn’t be fair to her and would not help the situation AT ALL. The lack of patience can infect your life, your family, your job, everything. Be mindful of how your attitude and frustrations affect those that mean the most in your life. 


CSAUP on August 21st.