F3 Knoxville

Over the Wall and Back Again

THE SCENE: Clear, nice,



SSH IC x25

Arm Circles IC x10 each way

Cherry Pickers IC x5 

Tempo Squats x10 


Grab a CMU and head to the Skatepark for some Dora-time

  • Round 1- partner begins exercises while the other runs to the wall, jumps over, runs along the wall, does a burpee at the end, and returns to partner. Rinse and Repeat until exercises are done
    • 25 Blockees
    • 50  Squat Thrusters
    • 75 Presses
    • 100 Rows
    • 20 LBCs IC
    • 20 Hello Dollies IC 
    • 20 Big Boys on your own
  • Round 2 
    • 100 Merkins
    • 150 Squats
    • 200 Imperial Walkers 
    • 250 SSH
    • 20 Flutter Kicks IC
    • 20 “Grab your ankle” On your own

Return to AO 

  • 15 Curls 
  • 15 CMU Merkins
  • 15 Tricep Ext. 
  • Repeat Once

13 Original Colonies Quiz… Helping out a new U.S. History teacher yesterday at school inspired me to test the knowledge of the group

  • Plank position on CMU
  • One at a time, each of the HIMs goes through and says one of the 13 original colonies
    • Correct Answer: 2 Merkins
    • Incorrect Answer: 2 Burpees 
  • Final Talley: 26 Merkins, 2 Burpees 



8 HIMs, no FNGs. 


The Kingdom of God is like a treasure found in a field that a person finds and hides again. Out of joy, goes and sells everything he owns and buys the field. The treasure is discovered by accident and we often encounter the treasure of the Gospel without even looking for it. Many times when we see the treasure of the Gospel, we do not always see them as treasures. What if the person had seen the chest in the field and not opened it? Whether out of laziness or indifference. Do we have enough energy to open the treasure chest of God’s Grace? 


CSAUP reminder for Aug. 21st. See Slack for details. 


THE SCENE: Low 70s, High humidity, weird frog sounds in the distance 



SSH IC x15

Cherry Pickers IC x5 

Little Baby Arm Circles IC x12 each way

Tempo Squats IC x10 

Little bit of This. Little Bit of that 

Quick run to the Bath House and back 


Grab a CMU and place it in a parking spot at the bottom of the lot. Walk back to the starting point. Complete the following exercises with a mosey to your CMU for 10 Squat Thrusts in between each set. All exercises are single count. 

  • 100 SSH 
  • 90 Mountain Climbers 
  • 80 High Knees
  • 70 Hello Dollys 
  • 60 Freddie Mercurys 
  • 50 Shoulder Taps 
  • 40 Merkins
  • 30 V-ups 
  • 20 BBS 
  • 10 Burpees 

Next, grab a partner. Each partner chooses 3 exercises from the above list. One partner farmer carries both CMUs while the other performs 15 of one of the exercises. When done, catch up to your partner and take over the farmer’s carry while your partner does their first round. Turn around when both partners complete their 3 exercises and repeat back to the AO.

NEXT, choose 4 different exercises and while one partner does a lap around the tennis courts, complete the exercise. Each partner does 4 laps and 4 exercises. 


Mary wasn’t available today. 


8 HIMs, 0 FNGs, 2 Downrangers (ATL, MEMPHIS)


Patience vs. Perseverance. At what point do we stop being patient for God’s plan to take shape and start persevering through God’s plan that He lays out in front of us? Patience can be hard to practice. We must constantly remind ourselves that patience can pay off. 

I have been preaching and (trying to) practice patience as I search for a new school admin job. This week is the week where I find out whether I will be on a school admin team for next year. If it doesn’t go my way, I must persevere through another year in the classroom (which I do LOVE) and wait for another opportunity to come up. 

Taking DORA Back to School!

THE SCENE: Coolish, until the humidity hits. 



SSH IC x25

Arm Circles each way IC x10ish

Cherry Pickers IC x5 

Imperial Walkers IC x10 

A little bit of this, a Little bit of that 


Mosey up the hill to the Gresham Middle driveway for a modified DORA (started the workout with 3, so we changed to 20 reps of each exercise rather than partner work)

  • First Station: GMS driveway exit
    •  V-ups
    • Merkins
    • Imperial Walkers
  • Second Station: GMS car dropoff area
    •  Flutter Kicks 2 ct. 
    • Shoulder Taps 2 ct. 
    • Squats 
  • Third Station: Flagpole
    •  Hello Dollys 2 ct. 
    • Donkey Kicks
    • Lunges 2 ct. 
  • Fourth Station: GMS Welcome Sign
    •  Big Boys 
    • Mountain Climbers 2 ct. 
    • Squat Jumps 
  • Make your way back down the DORA 

Regulars at the Quacken were introduced to the 2nd favorite exercise (behind StarGazers) of The Equalizer: The Fellowship Mosey ™ back to the AO 


Peter Parkers IC x4 

Hello Dollys IC x10

V-Ups IC x 10

LBCs x 25 

Leg Climbers x10 


4 HIMs; 0 FNGs 


I started my journey to Fountain City this morning wanting to talk about patience. Patience has recently taken the forefront of my prayer life as I continue my dream of continuing my career in School Administration. However, as I listened to my daily devotional podcast on my trek down 140, 40, 640, and Broadway… I was struck by today’s reading from Genesis. 

This whole week I have been reading/listening to the story of God’s covenant with Abraham. Today, I heard God speak to the Patriarch again, changing both his name and his wife’s name. It made me think about F3 in the fact that we give out nicknames to all of the HIMs who join us. Name changes are VERY significant in Scripture. From Abram → Abraham, Jacob → Israel, to Simon → Peter … We often give F3 names from a funny or embarrassing story, which leads to funny or embarrassing names, but most of the HIMs I have met have taken those names and made them their own. While the name changes aren’t as significant as those in Sacred Scripture, I like to think that they are significant to each of us and the PAX as a whole. 

Let us use our own name changes from F3 to be leaders in our communities, jobs, and families, just like those in Scripture. 


Thank you all for welcoming me to your AO! It took me taking the Q of this OTB workout to actually get me there. I hope to join you on a Wednesday evening soon! 

Trust in the Lord, He is Your Shield

THE SCENE: Mid 50s and slightly chilly



SSH IC x25

LB Arm Circles each way x15

Cherry Pickers IC x5 

Tempo Squats IC x 10


Mosey to Splash pad and grab a buddy. One HIM does as many of the exercises as the other takes a lap. Each buddy repeats the exercise before moving to the next one.

  • Pull Ups or Knee Ups
  • Merkins 
  • Big Boys
  • Hello Dollys 
  • Lunges 
  • Squats 

Mosey to Tennis Courts and line up along the baseline. Each HIM takes turns bear-crawling down and back while the rest complete the exercises. Next HIM repeats with a new exercise for the group. 

  • Imperial Walkers 
  • Merkins
  • V-ups
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Squat Jumps 
  • Shoulder Taps
  • High Knees
  • LBCs 



25 count of the following IC: Flutter Kicks, V-ups, Hello Dollys


8 HIMs, no FNGs


Gen. 15:1 “Do not be afraid, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.” God and Abram have a conversation about the covenant between them. There is an odd ritual where a flame passes between the sacrificed animals to show that whoever breaks the covenant will suffer the same fate as the animals. 

God does not break His covenant with us, but He does suffer punishment for us by sending His son to die on the cross for our infidelities. 

Remember to ask God in prayer, today and every day to show us the areas of our lives where we do not trust in Him. Look to the Lord in His strength; Seek to serve Him constantly. 

Fear of the Lord, Not of Ghost-man Baseball

THE SCENE: B-E-A-U-tiful morning. Low 60s. Clear. 



SSH IC x 15 Cherry Pickers IC 5 Michael Phelps Little of This Little of That Windmills IC x 10


Ghost-man Baseball –>Mosey to Flag Pole and Battle Buddy up

  • Playground is “First” for 15 Merkins
  • Tennis Courts are “Second” for 15 Squats
  • The Gateway is “Third” for 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Flag Pole is “Home” for 15 Burpees 

How to Play: 

  • First Inning: Run to FIRST and does merkins, then returns 
    • Partner does an ab exercise while waiting
    • Takes off with partner returns 
  • Second Inning: Run to FIRST, complete merkins, continue to SECOND, and do squats
  • Third Inning: Complete FIRST and SECOND, add in THIRD 
  • Fourth Inning: Complete FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD, run straight HOME for burpees

Mosey to Splash Pad

  • Same partners 
  • 3 rounds: One partner bear crawls to the fence and runs back, other completes exercise while waiting for return
    • Round 1: Squats 
    • Round 2: Imperial Walkers 
    • Round 3: Incline Merkins 

Fellowship Mosey™ returning to the AO


Mary today was brought to you by our watches when we realized we were still 50 yards from the AO when 6:15 hit. JAILBREAK!!


9 HIMs including 1 FNG, welcome Trunk


With the gift of wonder and awe, also known as “Fear of the Lord” we are aware of the glory and majesty of God. A person with wonder and awe knows that God is the perfection of all we desire. Fear of the Lord is not “serville fear” or a fear of punishment, but a “filial fear” likened to a fear of disappointing parents.

This gift is often so misunderstood. We often think of fear and hope as opposites, but fear of the Lord confirms the virtue of hope. This gift of the Holy Spirit gives us the desire not to offend God, as well as the certainty that God will supply us with the grace that we need in order to keep from offending Him. 


Prayers for all HIMs on vacation and traveling this summer. Prayers for Ribbed’s wife and family, especially during their upcoming travel. Prayers for my family as we are at a crossroads with work. 


DogPound CSAUP: Off the Chain 2021 on Saturday, July 24th 0630-0930

Food, Coffeeteria, and a beatdown provided. Check Slack for the sign-up link