F3 Knoxville

Bears vs Crabs Soccer

THE SCENE: 66 degrees with slightly more than a drizzle to keep us cool-ish

  • Mosey one lap – high knees, butt kicks
  • SSH IC – 20
  • Merkins IC – 10
  • Squats IC – 20
  • Mosey to the tennis courts


Bears vs Crabs Soccer:  Count off by 2’s to divide into teams, during play, one team has to crab walk while the other has to bear crawl. Once someone scores a goal, then the teams swap roles (bear to crab and crab to bear). Goalies have to be in plank position, and goalies must be swapped out after every goal scored. There may be more than one ball on the field at any time. The ball must roll through the goal to count. Shots only count if the PAX is on hands and feet, not knees or butt.  When the ball goes out of bounds, run to get it back in play, no walking.

  • Play for 15 minutes.
  • Recovery jog around the tennis court.
  • SSH X 61
  • Divide into different teams. Play until 6:00a.m. Mosey back to COT for Mary.

10+ minutes of Mary to top off the Ab workout.

Success is a ByProduct.  Of what?  Dreaming, planning, executing, adjusting to feedback, white knuckling through some obstacles, not white knuckling through some obstacles.  Understand that Cause and Effect logic can be misleading.  You need trusted men with good fruit over time to have your back, so that you will listen when they tell you what you don’t want to hear, but need to hear.  Get to Shieldlock.

Convergence, July 8th

F3 in the Nude, July 29th

Y-12 LA-LA

THE SCENE: Beautiful, high 50’s.

15 SSH
12 Seal Claps
12 SSH
12 Imperial Walkers
5 K-Town Cherry pickers
12 Morrocan Night Clubs
Taylor Phelps it out
Mosey to the new course, “Y-12”.

Start at the bottom of Y-12, run to the next light pole and do the exercise on the card, rinse repeat:
There are 12 light poles to the top.

  • L – Lunge Walk to first light pole
  • A – 20 Merkins
  • L – 20 Ballerina Squats (Squat up to tiptoes)
  • A – 20 Freddie Mercuries (2-count)
  • L – 20 Monkey Humpers
  • A – 5 4X4’s (Burpee with 4 Merkins and 4 Mountain Climbers)
  • L – Karaoke to the next pole
  • A – 20 LBCs
  • L – 20 Calf Raises
  • A – Side planks (20 seconds each side)
  • L – 20 Jumping Lunges
  • A – 20 High, Slow Flutter kicks (2-count)
  • LALA at the Top – 20 Smurf Jacks, 20 Hand Release “Chuck Norris” Merkins, 20 High Knees, 20 Oblique crunches (10 each side)
  • Run back to the bottom and repeat until time is up.

Four minutes o’ Mary in doses of 12 reps.
Matthew 7:16. “You will know them by their fruits.” Fruit takes time to develop and show. Watch your fruit.  Watch the fruit of those you let into your inner circle or are getting close to. Watch the fruit of those who are motivating you to do something – is the motivation using your desires out of line or building on God’s desires for you?
Praise report and request for prayer from Bobbitt about progress on a liver transplant for J***e.
Lots of good chatter about Escape from Haw Ridge – everyone at The Project has an assignment, see Slappy.


THE SCENE: 39 and raining, a Beautiful Morning to be outside!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Free, open to all men, held outdoors, led by men who participate in the workout with no training or certification necessary, end with Circle of Trust.  I have no knowledge of your injuries, so modify as necessary to prevent injury.


  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Moroccan nightclub
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Arm circles front/back
  • 10 Knoxville Cherry pickers
  • Mosey one lap around the parking lot

Setup: 4 stations.  Separate the F3 waterproof cards into cardio, legs, abs, upper and place one group of cards at each station.  Don’t include the sprint cards.

Team up into 3+ PAX, one team per station.

  • Each team flips a card and does the exercise x10 the face value (royalty value =10).  When done, discard and mosey/sprint to next station, rinse, repeat.
  • Each team does cumulative reps.  When each PAX completes 10 reps, he adds his 10 to the last count shouted and shouts the new total and keeps on doing reps until the team reaches the target.
  • If an ace is drawn by any group, they yell “Ace! 100 (name the exercise) 2 count! Starting Position…” and the one who yelled “Ace” leads everyone in 100 reps, 2 count.  (Everyone stops and does the 100 in cadence together, 2 count.  When the 100 are completed, discard the Ace, flip a new card, work that card.  The other Teams resume where they were in their station exercises.)
  • Bear crawl and crab walks are to the next station.
  • Scalability:  If your team finishes their reps and moves to the next station where a team is still accumulating reps, then work with them to finish their reps, when done they move to next station, but you remain at that station, flip a card and work that card.

LBC’s and Pistol Crunches
Get a cadence:  Traverse your limits and remember lessons learned.  Have men you trust to talk through decisions to help you not dig a hole too deep and to throw you a rope at times.  But that takes time.

Can you think of a time when a decision that was bad in hind sight may have gone better with input from men who you had taken time to get to know and trust?

F3 cadence – Fitness, Fellowship, Faith – workout have fun get better, talk with and watch each other, take a few minutes to listen to someone’s story once in a while.  Watch their fruit. Remember that every man is human with struggles.  Keep your guard up wisely, but look through it for legit HIM’s to connect with.  Team up with men who you trust by interacting with them over time.

F3Shieldlock –  Consider some non-workout focused interaction = Shieldlock is just a name, the connection of the men in the group is the substance.  I don’t think Shieldlock has to be in the gloom.

F3 Credo – “Leave no man behind and leave no man where you find him.”

Thanks for the discussion after the Word, you men always give me more to think about.

Outfitting the Christmas Float for the 3 Christmas parades will occur in the next several days.  Mathlete will coordinate the build.

Christmas parade dates:
Kingston – Nov 28
Oak Ridge – Dec 10
Rocky Hill – dec 3

Family workout – First sat in Dec at 9am

Look for a Q101 in the gloom soon at the Project.  Below is a link to a backblast by Steam that covers a Q101 for your reading pleasure.
Q101 + GrowSchool – F3 Knoxville.

A little leg and sumpin’ else

THE SCENE: Warm and clear at 70 degrees.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER. Welcome to Fitness Fellowship and Faith, Voluntary, Free, Peer led, not a pro, no knowledge of injuries or fitness considerations, it is each person’s responsibility to be safe and to modify as necessary. Most important, don’t get hurt.


Arm circles – small
Imperial walkers
Knox Cherry pickers
Upward Dog
Downward dog
Indian Run to the coupons – last man does 1 burpee then sprints to the front


Carry your coupon through the entire workout. Or use it on the ground to complete exercises like Merkins.

20 Thrusters 20
Lunges (uphill to cones, mosey back)
10 Bonnie Blairs (jumping lunge) (10 Each leg)
40 Curls
High knees
20V-ups or modify with 20 LBCs
20 Alternating Side Squats
20 Grave Diggers (20 each side) (4 count carefully, use your legs)
Butt kicks
10 American Hammers (10 each side)
30 Merkins
20 Flutter kicks with block held high (4 count)

Repeat from the top until the alarm goes off


15 minutes of PAX choice, everyone got to choose one, including both FNGs



What does “Know your limits” mean?
I told a story about playing soccer in a tournament of several games a few weeks ago and the next day mentioned to a Bible Study group that my feet and ankles were very sore from it. Another man in the group said, (somewhat scoldingly) “You gotta know your limits.” His response stuck with me, because he has no clue about me or my “limits”.

So I posed the question at this morning’s COT – What does “Know your limits” mean? The responses from several PAX helped clarify the situation for me. Here are a few insights from the group.
• As a part of living, we are always traversing what appear to be limits as we learn and adjust.
• In order to know your limits, you must explore them and keep them up to date by going and touching them from time to time, because of course they change.
• Consider the source, someone may be giving you advice based on their own limits which could be very bad advice for you.
• Consider the source, and listen, if it is someone who knows you well and they are giving you solid advice from a friend.

The depth of the responses was much greater than I can post here, and I am very grateful that I learn so much from other PAX.

The HIMs at The Project have been a driving force to help me push my limits, shoulder to shoulder. A few months ago, I asked for agreement in prayer to get rid of the nagging fear that I was pushing too much, so that I could enjoy the journey. My fear is gone and I am no longer training “to get slower, slower”, but I am gaining ground. Most encouraging is that I am watching the men around me grow as husbands and HIMs, as well as athletes because they are pushing and evaluating their limits as a natural part of who they are.

My conclusion is that there is no way to “know your limits”, because they are invisible and always changing, so put your confidence in God and your hope in His promises. Maybe it would be better to say, “Know His promises”!


Welcome “Breadbowl” and “Wipeout”, previously known as FNGs.


THE SCENE: Clear skies, cool fall breeze, 65ish

Mosey for a bit, then SSH, Moroccan Night Club, Knoxville Cherry Pickers, Sideways Cherry Pickers, LG arm circles FWD/BWD, Mosey to the coupons

Isometric movements with weights as a recovery workout for IPC off day.  Range of motion and control with coupons.

  • 20X 8 count curls, mosey, 20X 8 count curls
  • 20X 8 count squats, mosey, 20X 8 count squats
  • 20X 8 count overhead press, mosey, 20X 8 overhead press
  • 20X 8 count kettlebell swings, mosey, 20X 8 count kettlebell swings (yes, in slow motion)
  • 10X 8 count American hammer
  • Long mosey back to flag

Atlas Shrugged


Recovery takes discipline – to slow down and sometimes do nothing (or something that feels like nothing) as a planned part of an intense training period can payoff big time in performance.  Recovery workouts after intense exercise like the IPC workouts can help prevent injuries from overtraining.
The workout was disappointingly slow at first, but a few winges were heard as the isometric exercises did their work, especially when we got to the “slow-motion” Kettlebell swings when there was no momentum to raise the coupon on either end of the pendulum.  Thanks for the honor of leading the Q, you all are an inspiration to me.