F3 Knoxville

Squats, Hills and Circuits!

63 and cloudy and damp

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SSH x 20 (IC)
Dive Bombers x15 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x15 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)

Mosey to bottom of Everest where the cones are set up

Jelly Legs
Assemble at the bottom of Everest where the set of cones are set up on the face of the hill going up and do the following:
R1: 10 sec squat hold, 10 squats, run to cone 1, back to start then to cone 2, 5 Merkins, run to start
R2: 20 sec squat hold, 20 squats, run to cone 1, back to start then to cone 2, 10 Merkins, run to start
R3: 30 sec squat hold, 30 squats, run to cone 1, back to start then to cone 2, 15 Merkins, run to start
R4: 40 sec squat hold, 40 squats, run to cone 1, back to start then to cone 2, 20 Merkins, run to start
R5: 50 sec squat hold, 50 squats, run to cone 1, back to start then to cone 2, 25 Merkins, run to start
R6: 60 sec squat hold, 60 squats, run to cone 1, back to start then to cone 2, 30 Merkins, run to start

Mosey to cones set up in the front grassy area near parking lot

Circuit Circus
Divide up and head to 5 Stations marked by cones

S1: Carolina Dry Docks / 8 Count Body Builders
S2: Superman Swims / Burpees
S3: Spiderman Pushups / Iron Mikes
S4: CMU swings / Jump Rope
S5: Shuttle Run

Complete 3 rounds of all 5 stations.
R1: 120 sec (change exercise at 60 sec except for shuttle run)
R2: 90 sec (change exercise at 45 sec except for shuttle run)

Mosey back to launch point near parking lot

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
American Hammers x15 IC
Box Cutters x15 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama

HIMs must learn to release their inner Kraken!  Simply meaning when it is time to do the hard thing they are ready to go and will let nothing stop them.

There is a void in our culture of men who are wiling to stand up and do the right thing when it’s hard.  We all have places in our lives where we are being called to be the voice of reason, truth and/or justice.  We have to tap into the inner strength that comes from trusting that we are part of something larger.

Biblical example: Caleb – Numbers 13 & 14
Moses sends 12 spies to check out the promise land. Here is the report from the spies, “At the end of forty days they returned from spying out the land. 26 And they came to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation of the people of Israel in the wilderness of Paran, at Kadesh. They brought back word to them and to all the congregation, and showed them the fruit of the land. 27 And they told him, ‘We came to the land to which you sent us. It flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit. 28 However, the people who dwell in the land are strong, and the cities are fortified and very large. And besides, we saw the descendants of Anak there. 29 The Amalekites dwell in the land of the Negeb. The Hittites, the Jebusites, and the Amorites dwell in the hill country. And the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and along the Jordan.'” (Numbers 13:25-29)

They were backing out!  The land was beyond their wildest dreams, but they let fear grip them and they stopped pushing forward.  All except for 2, Joshua and Caleb.  Caleb spoke up, “But Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.'” (Numbers 13:30).  Caleb was ready to do what needed to be done because he was holding onto a great promise and that filled him with uncommon strength.

This same strength is available to each of us!  Hold onto the promises of God.  Remember who you are and don’t shy away from what needs to be done.  When things get tough, release your inner Kraken!

Smaller group this morning, a lot of people traveling, but this PAX left it all on the field today.  We went hard for 60 minutes and everyone gave their all.  Afterward we had good fellowship at Panera and then departed to conquer our day.  Great start to the weekend.

Just Keep Moving…

64 and Clear

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  • SSH x 21 (In silent cadence in memory of Speedbump, his soccer number was 21)
  • Imperial Walkers x17 (IC)
  • Merkins x17 (IC)
  • Toy Soldiers x20 (IC)
  • Arm Circles Forward x17 (IC)
  • Arm Circles Backward x17 (IC)

Mosey to parking lot on other side of playground. Partner up in teams of 3

Full Body Sprints
2 men at Cone 1 and 1 man at Cone 2. One man at Cone 1 runs to Cone 2 while other two men do exercises at the cone. Then man at Cone 2 runs to Cone 1 while other men do exercises. First man now runs to Cone 2. Rinse and repeat for 8 minutes.

Cone 1 = Diamond Merkins / Carolina Dry Docks
Cone 2 = Wide Merkins / Dive Bombers

Mosey to street area between parking lots

Cone 1 = Big Boy Twists / Lance Armstrongs
Cone 2 = Flutter Kick / Hello Dollys

Mosey to the bottom of the hill near the parking lot

Cone 1 = Russian Dead Lifts / Lunges
Cone 2 = Narrow Squats / Reverse Lunges

Mosey to parking lot and circle up

Partner up. Partner 1 does 10 burpees while Partner 2 holds plank. Switch.
Rinse and repeat 6x (Total burpees = 60).  Had to audible due to time.

Number off and Name-O-Rama

Element of Authentic Manhood – Stewardship.
Matthew 25:14-30.  We are stewards of all we have, not owners.  Ownership implies that we are the center, stewardship reminds us that we have to give an account what we have been given.  Not just our resources and talents, but our relationships.

The PAX came ready to work and crushed it this morning.  Lot’s of good mummblechatter, great way to end the week and prep for the weekend!

60 Seconds…

64 and clear

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  • SSH x30 (IC)
  • Dive Bombers x15 (IC)
  • Toy Soldiers x15 (IC)
  • Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC)
  • Arm Circles Backward x10 (IC)
  • Imperial Walkers x15 (IC)
  • Run the parking lot x2

Mosey to the paver pile and grab two coupons. Then mosey back to the parking lot and line up on the curb near the hill.

We will have 6, 1 minute rounds in a pyramid (R1 = 1min, R2 = 2min, … , R6 = 6min). Between rounds do suicide sprints across the parking lot (run to 1st cone, run back to start, run to 2nd cone run back to start, run to far curb and back to start)

  • Round 1 – Flyes
  • Round 2 – Flyes, Prisoner Squats
  • Round 3 – Flyes, Prisoner Squats, Curls
  • Round 4 – Flyes, Prisoner Squats, Curls, Mountain Climbers
  • Round 5 – Flyes, Prisoner Squats, Curls, Mountain Climbers, Arnold Presses
  • Round 6 – Flyes, Prisoner Squats, Curls, Mountain Climbers, Arnold Presses, Reverse Lunges

Circle up for abs

Captain Thors – x8 (IC)

Number off and Name-O-Rama (1 FNG – Uncle Rico)

The opposite of manhood isn’t womanhood, it’s boyhood (1 Corinthians 10:11 – When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.).  The difference between manhood and boyhood is not a sense of fun and zest for life, it’s maturity.  We don’t want to loose the joy of living, but the world…our loved ones…NEED us to be men.  The need us to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, expect a greater reward…God’s reward.  Each morning at F3 we come together to get better physically, mentally and spiritually in the context of other men.  Men teach us how to be better men, so keep coming and keep giving!

The Knoxville PAX loves to kick off the week with a bang!  Monday’s are usually well attended and this morning was no different.  Everyone showed up ready to get better.  It was a great morning…I would expect nothing less.  AYE!!

Strength and Honor,
Cap’n Crunch

Playtime at the Asylum

42 and clear

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SSH x20 (IC)
Atlas Stretch x10 each leg (IC)
Dive Bombers x15 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)

Split into to groups, one group to playground the other to the parking lot next to the playground.

Group 1…
Zig-Zag Run
Run to each cone and do x15 of stated exercise, then run to next cone. At the last cone run on the outside of the parking lot to start line. Rinse and repeat.
Cone 1 – BBS
Cone 2 – Narrow Squats
Cone 3 – Merkins
Cone 4 – Hello Dolly
Cone 5 – Jump Squats
Cone 6 – Shoulder Taps
Cone 7 – Diamond Merkins
Cone 8 – Burpee

AMRAP for 15 min

Group 2…
Bench Bonanza
5 Rounds, each round 2.5 min with 30 second break between rounds. One person does Ex 1 while other does Ex 2. When the person finishes Ex 1 switch, rinse and repeat until time expires.
Round 1: Ex 1 – Step Ups x15/leg; Ex 2 – Bench Dips
Round 2: Ex 1 – Box Jumps x15; Ex 2 – Flutter Kicks
Round 3: Ex 1 – Bulgarian Split Squats x15/leg; Ex 2 – Incline Merkins
Round 4: Ex 1 – Side Step Ups x10/leg; Ex 2 – Decline Carolina Dry Docks
Round 5: Ex 1 – Elevated Reverse Pickle Pounders x15; Ex 2 – Derkins

Group 1 and 2 switch places

After both groups have completed each sequence, mosey to parking lot as one group


Thor Hammers – (1 BBS + 4 American Hammers, then 2 BBS + 8 American Hammers, 3 BBS + 12 American Hammers…)
x6 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama


To be a HIM, we have to be leaders who know where we are going and why we are going there. Life is full of distractions, but HIMs stay committed and focused. One of they keys to living this type of life is to establish and stay true to your N.U.T.s – Non-negotiable, Unalterable Terms! Without our NUTs we can’t be men of impact.

For your YHC it starts with looking beyond this life. Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”


The PAX came out hungry and ready to attack this morning’s workout! We used every minute of the 45 we had, and got better together.


No Jokes…Just Work!

58 degrees and damp

Welcome & Disclaimer

COP (5 min)

  • SSH 25x IC
  • Diagonal Lunges 12x IC
  • Dive Bombers 10x IC
  • Imperial Walkers 15x IC
  • Arm Circles Forward 15x IC
  • Arm Circles Backward 15x IC

All done in order with no rest (without leaving plank position)

  • 15 Alternating Shoulder Touches (4-count IC)
  • 10 Tempo Merkins (4-count IC)
  • 10 fast Merkins (single count IC)

Rinse and repeat 3X then run the hill and touch gate.

Line up on the curb and partner up.

No Pain No Gain Sprinters – Parking Lot (20 min)

  • Battle Buddy 1 performs 20 BBS while Battle Buddy 2 holds their feet in a plank position.
  • Battle Buddy 1 switches to Wide Merkins while Battle Buddy 2 sprints to a cone and completes appropriate burpees and sprints
    • 1st cone = 5 Burpees
    • 2nd cone = 10 Burpees
    • 3rd cone = 15 Burpees
  • Battle Buddy 2 then performs the progression.
  • Rinse and repeat until time.

Mosey to covered area

Let Me Ups / Jumping Squats
Let Me Ups 30 sec, 10 count
Jumping Squats for 30 sec, 10 count
6X of each exercise

Hello Dolly 20x IC
Superman / Bananas IC
Lance Armstrongs 20x IC

Number-O-Rama & Name-O-Rama, 1 FNG – 2 Stroke

Manhood is more than being male, it’s about how we do life.  Men are life-givers, not life-suckers.  One problem is when asked, most men can’t give a clear and concise definition of what it means to be a man.  Almost 13 years ago YHC learned a definition of manhood that not only stuck, but has guided me and I am now seeking to impart to my boys.  The definition consists of 4 simple maxims:

Real Men…Reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously and expect a greater reward (God’s reward)

We were created for impact, to bring life to the situations and relationships we find ourselves in.  Today is a new day…don’t memorize the definition, LIVE IT and go be a HIM in your world!

Some mornings are tougher to get to the AO than others…this one was tough for YHC.  But as soon as I got there it felt like home and I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else!  The PAX showed up and did the hard thing, and we all got better…AYE!