F3 Knoxville

With vs. For

The Scene: 41 Degrees, crisp and cool

F3 Intro and Disclaimer


Cherry Picker, Baby Arm Circles, 10 Burpees, High Knees (short and sweet)

The Thang:

Mosey to tennis court:

100 Burpees
200 LBC
300 Merkins

50 “fence jumps”/bear crawls across pone tennis court/spring to end/50 “fence jumps” x2

Mosey to “pee rocks”:

50 curls/2 overhead runs in 2 lines

Mosey to Lake Trail:

30 Merkins OYO
Group Mosey on Lake Trail

Mosey back to AO

Finished with 10 Merkins



The Share (BOM):

Love with vs Love for. Too often we want to do FOR our family/friends/co-workers instead of doing things WITH them. “WITH” love encourages, models, walks beside, and holds people accountable. In F3 we have a model of what it looks like when others love us, hold us accountable, and encourage us through the tough times.

It was a great morning and the 25 strong pushed it and got better!

Spring Training

The Scene: 48 and Skunky

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer


High Knees 15x IC
Arm Circles Forward / Reverse 15x IC
Cherry Pickers 15x IC


  1. Base-running: have cones set up in shape of a diamond. Do “21” merkins at home, 21 squats at first, 21 burpees at 2nd, 21 BBSU at 3rd. (21 was Roberto Clemente’s number and I loved him). Rinse and repeat x2.
  2. Mosey to rocks
  3. Explosive baseball type exercises with rock:
    – 40 overheads
    – 40 “swings” (switch hitter)
    – 40 presses (official MLB roster consist of 40 players).
  4. Mosey to Matterhorn
  5. Back peddle 1/2 way up hill (like you’re going back on fly ball…) and then sprint to top. At top complete the 6-4-3 double play of 6 merkins/4 squats/3 burpees. Mosey down. X5
  6. Mosey back to AO via stairs and parking lot


We live in an action-packed/fast paced society where we want everything quickly. Today was a Baseball/Spring Training workout. People don’t like baseball- it’s too slow, too boring… look for the details of life that need and deserve your attention. Enjoy the moment, the details of life. Slow down and be in the game!

Dog# Election Day

The Scene: 48 Degrees, overcast and smokey

F3 Intro and Disclaimer 

Michael Phelps
Toe Touches (short and sweet)

The Thang:
Mosey to soccer field/track
Complete the following rotations (the great state of Tennessee has 11 electoral college votes for the POTUS, so we do 11’s in honor of that!):

1 Lap (.33 mile loop) and then burpee suicides (11 burpees per, 55 total)
1 Lap and BBSU suicides (11 BB’s per, 55 total)
1 Lap and merkin suicides (11 merkins per, 55 total)
1 Lap and Superman suicides (11 Supermans per, 55 total)

50 Flutter Kicks (270 total of burpees, BBSU, merkins, supermans, and flutter kicks- 270 electoral votes needed to elect POTUS)

The Word (BOM):
I want to share about today being election day- live a life worthy of being elected (a political election or a spiritual election). Easy to sit back and complain- be a difference maker. How do we make a difference? By loving those we come in contact with everyday. Love wins, it is the greatest way. We come to F3 for more than the physical exercise. We long to be a part of something greater than ourselves. Go forth in love today!