F3 Knoxville

Asylum Crushed by 5 Gents as we Pressed On

THE SCENE: Cold blistering 32 ͦ but a clear morning


In cadence, in position,

  1. 20 Side-straddle-hops, 4ct
  2. 15 Cherry pickers, 4ct

Starting out at the AO, went baseline to baseline, East to West,

  • 15 merkins to 1 Big Boy Situp, (-) 1 Merkin to (+) 1 BBS until 1 Merkin to 15 BBS


Mosey to the Playground for

  • 10 Burpee Box Jumps then
  • 20 BBS then
  • 20 Single Leg Lunges,
  • repeat 1x


Mosey to parking lot for some more fun…

  1. Run to first workout,
  2. 20 Merkins, run to next
  3. 20 Squats, run to next
  4. 20 Little Boy Crunches, run to next
  5. 20 Smurf Jacks, then 1 full lap, and repeat dropping to 15 reps on round 2…then 10 reps for round 3

–Recover– and Mosey back to the AO

Then it’s time to get on your six and lets do some…

Boat-Canoe and to finish up the Q we end with Hello Dolly in cadence.

5 Pax went strong,

When we are out in the world are we identified as having the Holy Spirit in us? Read from John 20:27: Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

When others see us, do they see Jesus in how we live and act? We can say all we want that we are followers of Christ, but our actions say more than our words. We need to wear the scars of Jesus; as in the passage, and emit the light of the Holy Spirit daily. When looking at us, we need to be able to be identified as a follower of Christ and wear his scars. It starts first with Family then to Friends and Co-workers.
Included praying for my wife (whom has the flu) and for the Pax and F3