F3 Knoxville

F3 Crossfit Games 2016

THE SCENE – 67 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Michael Phelps x10
Imperial Walker x10
SSH x25

Mosey to base of hill.

Bear crawl up.
Sundials at the top until everyone gets there.
Mosey to STOP sign. (Turn Left)
Merkins x25
Sprint to speed humps.
Carolina Dry Docks until everyone gets there
Lunge x25/leg
Mosey to STOP sign
Burpee + frog hop x10
Sprint to next light pole
BBSups x30
PICK UP CMU and Mosey back to main parking lot.

Grab thy CMU. Do reps OYO for 20 seconds. During the rest, carry CMU 10 yds.
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Derkin
(20sec work/10sec Rest) lat row
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Shoulder press
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Bicep curl
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Tricep dip

Mosey back

Perform reps at each line. Sprint between lines. Mosey back. Do each round for 2 minutes.
Round 1: 10 Squats at each line
Round 2: 10 Jump squats at each line

Grab thy CMU. Do reps OYO for 20 seconds. During the rest, carry CMU 10 yds.
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Clean/Press
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Push-up
(20sec work/10sec Rest) LBSup
(20sec work/10sec Rest) Burpee

Mosey back

Lunge w/ CMU overhead length of parking lot
Hello Dollies x25

Return CMUs to pile

One final, all-out sprint to the top of the hill. Recover back down to AO and circle up.

CountORama // NameORama

1. Christian Brother’s Car Service (is that right?) is doing free oil changes for single moms this Saturday.
2. Contact G-6 if you need to hire a logistics guy. (In fact, contact G6 if you need to hire anyone. I can almost guarantee he knows someone.)

YHC didn’t have much else to share, mainly because I was trying really hard not to puke. What I did share, was something like:  It’s an honor to work so hard with this PAX. Keep giving back. We need more men to step up to Q. As we approach the one-year mark of F3 Knoxville, continue looking for new ways to share the love and connect other men to this incredible thing we’ve been given.

Friday Doras

THE SCENE 67 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Michael Phelps x10 IC
Moroccan Nightclub x10 IC
Imperial Walkers x20 IC
Plank Complex
Merkins x20 IC
BBS Ups x30 IC

Mosey to coupon pile. Pick your poison – 1 CMU or 2 bricks.

Dora up Hill
Merkins x100
LB Situps x200
Squats x300

Alternating Shoulder Touches x5 IC (4-count)
Tempo Merkins x5 IC (down on the 1-2-3, up on 4)
erkins x5 OYO (fast + FROM)
Mountain Climbers x20 IC

Dora Up Hill
Derkin (feet on CMU) x100
Sun Dials x200
Rev. Lunge x300

Modified and cut it short to move on…

Mosey to playground.

With your BattleBuddy
100 shoulder press with CMU (P1 does 10 while P2 does dips on the curb. Switch every 10 shoulder press.)

Number off and Name O Rama

YHC was in a mental funk this week that bled into the Q, but the PAX pushed hard and showed a lot of grace when I forgot things like “how to count to four” or that we didn’t name the FNGs. Twas a good reminder that we’re in this together. We push each other. We support each other. F3 Knoxville is doing good things.

Weigels comment at the start of the workout hit a good nerve, “Elvis, man. Seems like you’re only showing up with you’re on Q.” A keen observation. I knew September was going to be a busy month. So, I intentionally signed up to Q a couple times, knowing it would be a way to hold myself accountable. Maybe that’s not the best way to go about it, but it’s been a good MO for me this month.

Perfect East Tennessee Morning

THE SCENE 70 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

forward arm circles x5 IC
reverse arm circles x5 IC
Michael Phelps x5 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Squat x 15 IC
Lunge Matrix
Plank Matrix
Merkins x 10 regular
Sun Dial x 20 IC

Grab CMU, Battle Buddy and circle up.

Battle Buddy CMU Circut
– 100 Bench press with CMU (P1 does 10 while P2 holds over chest)
+ Modify: Merkins
– 100 LB crunches (P1 does 10 with P2 holds sun dial)
– 100 lunges (P1 does 10 while P2 holds Al Gore. Every step counts as 1)
– 100 shoulder press with CMU (P1 does 10 while P2 holds CMU at chest)
+ Modify: Carolina Dry Docks/SSH

Mosey to hill in front of Asylum

1 rep at bottom, 9 at top; then 2 at bottom 8 at top…
burpees at the bottom
sprint up hill
squat at top of hill

Do core work OYO while group finishes

Mosey towards Mt. Fuji (I named it today). Along the way:
– Derkins (merkin w/ feet on curb) x10 IC
– Dips (hands on CMU) x20 IC

Mt. Fuji w/Battle Buddy
R1: Run up hill. Partner does CAROLINA DRY DOCKS. Switch. Repeat for 1 minute.
R2: Run up hill. Partner does flutter kick. Switch. Repeat for 2 minutes.

Mosey to base of Everest

At the base of Everest, X-Factor x 10 IC (on your 6 with arms and legs spread out like an X. right arm touching left shin, down then V up again left arm touching right shin.)

Everest Sprints
Sprint up Everest. Jog down. Do 1 merkin. Repeat, adding 1 merkin each time. 5 minutes AMRAP.

Mosey back to the flag.  Along the way, stopped for Sun Dials OYO, and a little plank combination to help keep the PAX together.

LB crunch with CMU overhead x20 IC
American Hammer with CMU x20 IC

CountORama // NameORama

I’ve recently been listening to The Minimalists’ podcast. I’m guilty of cluttering my life with things. Consumerism isn’t the problem. We must consume. Food. Clothes. Gasoline. Air. Impulsive consumption is the problem. Buying things we don’t need with money we shouldn’t spend. Someone important said something like that, I think.

Last night I watched The Minimalist’s documentary with some friends. We watched it on our big TV. With surround sound. I downloaded it on my laptop. Tried mirroring it from our iPad. When that didn’t work, we streamed it from our AppleTV. At one point I had 5 devices within arms reach, trying to get a documentary about simplicity to work. The irony was thick. And healing. Like a Heimlich to my conscience.

Goal for the Week: Eliminate ONE THING from your life that doesn’t add value to your life.

For example, you might walk around the rooms in your house. Look at the items you have stacked in the corners. The sofa no one ever sits on. The chair whose only purpose is to hold pillows. Look in your closet. Consider the items of clothing that you don’t wear because A. they don’t fit, or B. you don’t like them. Consider any habits or routines in your life that are a drain on your time or energy. Do you really need to check emails at 11:30pm? Are you honestly that important to the world? Probably not.

“Love people, use things. The opposite never works.” http://www.theminimalists.com/people-things/


CMUs, Sprints and Hills…

THE SCENE 74 and humid

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Forward arm circles x10 IC
Reverse arm circles x10 IC
Michael Phelps x10 OYO
Leg swings x10 each leg OYO
Plank Complex IC
Merkins x 10 4ct IC

CMUs on baseline. Get a BattleBuddy

//BattleBuddy. 3 minutes per round.
1. Farmer carry down and back + Box jump on curb
2. Weighted lunge down and back + split lunge
3. Sprint down and back+ CMU SSH

x10 Carolina Dry Docks IC

Grab CMU and mosey to base of New Hill (Along the way: 20 LB sit ups OYO. 20 American Hammers OYO)

Base of the New Hill…it’s a torturous hill and deserving of a terrible name.

//BattleBuddy: 3 minutes per round
1. Run up hill + Merkins
2. Run up hill + BBSU

Mosey with CMU to base of Everest

 //Everest+Deconstructed Burpees:
10 squats
10 merkins
10 leg thrusts
10 Merkins
10 squats…Then sprint up Everest
Rinse/repeat. AMRAP: 3 minutes

Plank combos while you wait for those on Everst

Mosey with CMU to the flag (LBSU, flutter kicks, etc while you wait for everyone to mosey back)

Number Off and Name O Rama

We were running a little behind so Elvis just prayed us out.

Burpee Hills – Your Own Worst Enemy

73 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x30
Cross body arm swings
Duck Walk (4 up/4back)
Lunge Complex
Plank Complex
Merkins x10 regular
Merkins x10 wide
LBSU x20

Grab CMU and mosey to base of New Hill (which needs a name…maybe The Wall?)

Plank while we wait + x10 merkins OYO

Burpee Hills
Get a BattleBuddy
One person runs up hill while other does burpees
5 minutes. AMRAP

Mosey with CMU to base of Everest

Everest+Deconstructed Burpees
Sprint up Everest
When back at start do the following (Deconstructed Burpees)
– 10 squats
– 10 leg thrusts
– 10 Merkins
– 10 leg thrusts…then up.
Rinse/repeat. AMRAP: 5 minutes

Plank+merkins while we wait for everyone to descend after time was up then x20 LBS IC

Mosey with CMU to the flag.  Burpees while we wait for everyone to return

Sprints + Burpee Jumps
Get with BattleBuddy:
One person sprints the length of parking lot while other does jumps over CMU, doing a burpee on each side
3 minutes AMRAP

Core: reverse bridge x 20

Count off and Name-o-Rama

We all carry a burden that keeps us from performing at our full potential.  Identify it, acknowledge it, and then release it to your father so that you may run the race set before you with passion and purpose!

The stars were glimmering in all their majesty this morning as I drove through the gates of splendor at the Asylum. The warm fuzzies quickly dissipated with the collision of my face to the famous East Tennessee Humidity. Even at 5am, it’ll knock your teeth out.