F3 Knoxville

Thrusters in the rain

THE SCENE: Soggy but warm

-5 Cherry Pickers

-10 Merkins OYO


-Mosey to the church parking lot for suicide run. Stop at each parking island for 5 burpees, head back to the AO.

-February Thruster Challenge! Times ranged from mid-4’s to 15:00. EVERYBODY pushed through a tough challenge, some lost some skin in the process but the PAX got stronger for sure.

-Dora style 100 WW2’s and 150 American Hammers with a CMU while your partner runs to the grinder for 25 SSH

Hold CMU’s in an overhead resting position and execute slooooooowwww squats until time was up
Butterfingers, Snorkel, Fins, Drifter, Moses, Woodshack, Pinnocchio, Taco, KY, Espy
The moment when your young children wake up in the morning and come out of their rooms to embrace you is a special time. I’m usually in my recliner, drinking coffee and as soon as I hear their door open I stop whatever I am doing and open my arms to embrace them. Our heavenly Father desires the same time with us – So instead of grabbing your phone and getting busy checking email, social media or whatever – Just stop, pause for a moment – and realize that God is there waiting on you to come and be with him just like you wait for your kids. It can be short, 5 minutes being quiet, studying his word, listening.  Can you imagine if your kid walked out of his/her bedroom and saw you waiting with open arms and said.. “hold on dad, I’ve got to reply to this person or see what happened while I was sleeping.” Seems kinda silly right?
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Staying busy

THE SCENE: Cool and clear

Cherry Pickers

Merkins, Q calls up and down



Each PAX grabs a CMU and mosey to MT. Crumpet, partner up at the base and Dora the following exercises while your partner charges up Crumpet with the CMU and execute 10 each of: Curls, Chest press, Tricep extension.

Time to go to church: Mosey to the church parking lot for CMUicides, tote your CMU to each parking lot island and back. Merkins when you get back. 2 rounds. Mosey back to AO

Overhead CMU hold until PAX is up. CMU overhead press till time is up
Butterfingers, Drifter, Taco, Moses, Snorkel, Mailbox, Steer, Neighbor, Faceplant, Swayze, Espy
The standard answer when you get asked “how are you?” is easily “Busy” it feels like busy sometimes equals success and sometimes it does but be aware of staying busy to avoid the bigger issue at heart.

“We want to complexify our lives. We don’t have to, we want to. We want to be harried and hassled and busy. Unconsciously, we want the very things we complain about. For if we had leisure, we would look at ourselves and listen to our hearts and see the great gaping hole in our hearts and be terrified, because that hole is so big that nothing but God can fill it.” — Kreeft.

The lesson here is to acknowledge that great gaping hole and the only one that can fill it. Spend time in the WORD and with people that point out that hole, be there to point it out for others. Stop being busy every once in a while, slow down and realize you are a well loved son of an amazing God.

Great to see a new face and some old friends!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

CMU’s and Mt. Crumpet

THE SCENE: Cool, perfect.


-Little baby arm circles

-Merkins on the Q’s call for up and down


-1/2 court Melungeons with CMU, once you reach the grinder 50 squats with CMU

-Partner up and Indian Run to the Mt. Crumpet, bring along one CMU per team.

-Dora style, 100 bodybuilders, 200 WW2’s (we didn’t even come close to finishing the WW2’s)

-Indian Run with the CMU’s back to the AO

-Flutter kicks, LBC’s and more Merkins
Mitten, Drifter, Hammy, Pinnochio, Snorkel, Flash, Espy, Swazye, Taco, Moses

” God won’t ever give you more than you can handle” I call BS on this often used phrase. There are numerous examples in the Bible and our own lives where He gives us more than we can handle. Cancer, death, bankruptcy, divorce, prodigal children, etc are all more than we can handle. God does not expect you to to come through these things alone, he expects you to come to him with your burdens where he will bear the burden with and for you. He gives you more than you can handle so you’ll come to learn to depend on him fully and in doing so be an example to your brothers who are walking through hard things of their own.
Way to power through the back injury Hammy. Respect. Double respect.
I have t-shirts for those that ordered them and will bring them to the AO on Tuesday. Moses had some nifty biz cards to pass out, if you need some hit him up!

50 reps of just about everything

THE SCENE: Nice and cool.

SSH, Little baby arm circles, Tempo Merkins

Divide the PAX evenly at 4 stations. After completing each station go for a run down to the point and back to the AO. Take the long road.
Station 1
-50 Merkins
-50 CMU Chest Press
-50 Dry Docks
Station 2
-50 Squats w/ CMU
-50 Step Ups w/ CMU (25 per leg)
-50 Lunges (25 per leg)
Station 3
-50 CMU Curls
-50 Tricep Extensions
-50 Lawnmower Pulls (25 each arm)
Station 4
-50 WW2’s
-50 LBC’s
-50 Big Boys

Mosey for a while, Overhead Claps and more Merkins

Neighbor, Moses, Taco, Tin Man, Snorkel, Fins, Iceman, Flopper, RadioShack, Goldfinger, Pinnochio, Cable Guy, ESPY

Hot Spots, we all have them. These are areas of insecurity or a nerve that gets touched. Maybe it’s anger in relation to a familiar trigger, maybe its self-doubt or a habitual sin.  When they show up, it’s never pretty. The devil can take a hold of you in these moments because you allow yourself get so wrapped around the axle when they pop up. Each time that hot spot gets lit up you can’t love others the way you were created to. You stop showing up as the best version of yourself because you are focused on the sin/insecurity/fill in the blank.
Stop in those moments and listen to the truth about yourself:  You were created in His image and He doesn’t make mistakes. You are a well-loved and cared for son of an Almighty God.
Take that hot spot and lay it down at the foot of the cross, leave it there. Pick up the Truth about yourself and refer back to it in your heart and mind when and if that hot spot ever pops back up.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
T-shirt order is complete, they sent me the spreadsheet with who ordered what. I’ll let ya’ll know when the box ships fro distribution at the AO

Tuesday at the Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Cool and raining


-Little baby arm circles

-Cherry Pickers


-Overhead Claps
Make your way from the pavillion to the scrap yard in the following manner:

-5 WW2’s, transition into a Getup. Inchworm, then 5 Merkins. Bear Crawl five hands and repeat.

Once at the Scrapyard: 20 reps of Dips, Big Boys, Bodybuilders. Rinse and repeat until the PAX is finished.

Let’as go for a mosey: Running and pausing at every third light pole to AMRAP whatever the QIC calls out.

Back at the AO we farmer carried CMU’s while a battle buddy AMRAP’ed WW2’s

LBC’s, Flutter kicks and Overhead Claps

Flopper, Neighbor, Swazye, Hellbender, Fins, Mitten, Pinnochio, Napster, Goldfinger, Iceman, Butterfingers, Drifter, Taco, Tin Man, Flash, RadioShack, Moses, Espy
It was a short word but here’s the rub: I made one short Facebook post after the convergence and over the course of the next day and a half had 10 potential HIM’s from various aspects of my life ask me about it and how they can get involved. Two of them are now posted at different AO’s in Knoxville and I’m in the process of head locking the rest. The lesson here is to be vocal, not in a boastful way, but in a way that inspires potential HIM’s around you to break out of a tired old rhythm and find the potential within themselves. Speak from the heart about what F3 means to you!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Standby for info about the promised Bomb Shelter t-shirt order, Details coming to the group me this week!