F3 Knoxville

50 reps of just about everything

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Nice and cool.

SSH, Little baby arm circles, Tempo Merkins

Divide the PAX evenly at 4 stations. After completing each station go for a run down to the point and back to the AO. Take the long road.
Station 1
-50 Merkins
-50 CMU Chest Press
-50 Dry Docks
Station 2
-50 Squats w/ CMU
-50 Step Ups w/ CMU (25 per leg)
-50 Lunges (25 per leg)
Station 3
-50 CMU Curls
-50 Tricep Extensions
-50 Lawnmower Pulls (25 each arm)
Station 4
-50 WW2’s
-50 LBC’s
-50 Big Boys

Mosey for a while, Overhead Claps and more Merkins

Neighbor, Moses, Taco, Tin Man, Snorkel, Fins, Iceman, Flopper, RadioShack, Goldfinger, Pinnochio, Cable Guy, ESPY

Hot Spots, we all have them. These are areas of insecurity or a nerve that gets touched. Maybe it’s anger in relation to a familiar trigger, maybe its self-doubt or a habitual sin.  When they show up, it’s never pretty. The devil can take a hold of you in these moments because you allow yourself get so wrapped around the axle when they pop up. Each time that hot spot gets lit up you can’t love others the way you were created to. You stop showing up as the best version of yourself because you are focused on the sin/insecurity/fill in the blank.
Stop in those moments and listen to the truth about yourself:  You were created in His image and He doesn’t make mistakes. You are a well-loved and cared for son of an Almighty God.
Take that hot spot and lay it down at the foot of the cross, leave it there. Pick up the Truth about yourself and refer back to it in your heart and mind when and if that hot spot ever pops back up.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
T-shirt order is complete, they sent me the spreadsheet with who ordered what. I’ll let ya’ll know when the box ships fro distribution at the AO