F3 Knoxville

The fruit of consistency is trust

THE SCENE: Dark, muggy, but not too hot.

Cherry Pickers IC 4 CT
SSH x 25 IC 4 CT
LBACs Front and Back x 10 IC 4 CT
Tempo Squats IC
Mountain Climbers IC
Tempo Merkins IC

2X run across the parking lot

Each time back OYO
10 Squats
10 Mountain Climbers 4 CT
10 Merkins


Those last 30 reps are our Wagon Wheel today (30WW). If ever you finish a set, you rinse and repeat this wagon wheel until we’re all done or until Recover is called.

Indian Run to the sophomore hill parking lot, find a battle buddy.

One man performs our wagon wheel set (30WW) while the other RUNS a lap (not a mosey). Each man completes 3 laps (Bernie up the hill on lap 3)

Mosey to the middle courtyard, find a piece of wall
11s: Dips and BBS
11s: Box Jumps and Derkins (this was pretty killer)

Mosey to the motorcycle learning lot
4 Rush-style strides across the parking lot, with 2 rounds of our wagon wheel baked in.

Mosey back to the flag

American Hammers and a minute of Boat-Canoe to finish things off.
No FNGs today, SOS (Mailbox 2.0) made 10 for the day.
What do you think of when you think of Consistency?

One 5-mile run doesn’t change a thing, just like one healthy meal, one date with your wife, one conversation with your son, or one reading of God’s word.

And my temptation? Focus on the misses, the failures, and the flops. I’d quit a worthy pursuit rather than fail the same way again.

But what about 50 dates? Or 100 conversations? Or 300 dives into the word?

What is the fruit of that consistency?

The fruit of consistency is trust.

Even if I missed 50 dates in the making, I am building a foundation of trust. Trust with my spouse, trust with my kids, trusting my Father in heaven.

Are you willing to keep building that trust?

I challenge you to keep dying to yourself, keep serving your family, keep pursuing your wife and kids.

Week 2 workout, this time during the real week 2, and an audible

THE SCENE: Definitely cold enough

The standard 1.5 mile jog to the HVA track.
Welcome to week 2. For those unfamiliar, we’re in an 18-week training program leading up to the Knoxville Marathon.

The plan (same as last week, this time it’s actually during week 2):

  • 1.5 mile warmup
  • 12 x 400m @5k-10k pace with 400m jog rest
  • 1.5 mile cool down

The audible: 200m jog rest between, not 400m (who needs that much jogging anyway?), AMRAP until 0600 then head back to the AO. More reps, less rest. I made it to 11 400m reps, just over 7 miles total.

It was small but dedicated crew on the track today. Spotter was taking it easy (ish) in preparation for a half marathon this weekend, while Hydro, Alter Boy, and myself were cranking ’em out.

Made it back just in time for a few one-armed Merkins with Fast’n Easy.

Wishing all the best to Erector in his full marathon Saturday (and Spotter in the half), and safe return for Archie from his boondoggle (I mean business trip) out of the country.

Deek’s Quarters at JUCO Rush

THE SCENE: Perfect weather for some fast running on the track: almost cold, no wind, and Edit makes his first appearance (of many) at the Rush!

Slow mosey from JUCO down to the Academy (fancy name for high school) track, which is a gentle downhill almost the whole way. Then four 100-yard strides on the turf to wake up the legs, open up the hips, and get some turnover going (full recovery between). Strides = steady acceleration for 10-12 paces, controlled speed for 10-12 paces (just below a sprint), smooth deceleration for 10-12 paces (counting just one leg).
Deek’s Quarters, shamelessly borrowed from here. This is 3 miles of total running with 2 miles of quality work, but the secret is in the recovery. Nothing fancy here, just good, hard work.

  • 8 x 400 meters (8 x 1 lap), just under 5K pace (fast, but not a sprint)
  • 200 meters “float” recovery after each repeat, 1 minute per mile slower than 5K pace (this is not a jog, this is still running)
  • Example: if your 5K pace is 6:00/mile, then each 400 should each be completed in 1:28-1:30 (5:52-6:00/mi), and the 200 “recovery” should be at 7:00/mile (or faster).

This is tougher than your typical 400s workout, the heart rate never drops much between 400s, and the pain builds throughout. Those first few steps of each 200 are a fight every time to keep running and NOT jog (or walk). Great work from all 7 this morning.

Slow Mosey back to JUCO for a nice round of penalty burpees, one for each of us that forgot a canned good (23 total!). Then count-off, name-o-rama, and COT/BOM lead by Anchorman.

The run back to JUCO is always deceptively long. 1.5 miles up a gentle grade on the way back is way longer than 1.5 down a gentle grade at the beginning, but having the workout in the rearview mirror always feels good.

These kind of workouts are much easier to show up for when I know I’ll be suffering (and getting better) with friends. Makes me grateful for this group of guys. If you haven’t been to JUCO Rush, you should check it out.
Brolympics this Saturday, aka the annual shaming of the runners.

Burpees, 11s, and round-house kicks in the throat

Asylum 4/25
THE SCENE: Finally dried out. 50s. Couldn’t be better.

SSH x 25 IC 4 CT
This and That
2 Burpees OYO
Tempo Squats x 20 IC 4 CT
Michael Phelps
4 Burpees OYO
Merkins x 10 IC 4 CT
1 lap around the parking lot
6 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the playground, find a bench
11s: Dips and BBS
11s: Box Jumps and Derkins
Mosey to the open air chapel, plank
Mini Grinder, 4 stations per loop
Chapel: American Hammers 4CT
Cloud: BBS
AO: Burpees
Top of Baby Hill: Merkins
Lap 1: 20 reps/station (then laps of 15, 10, 5)

Called it just in time for 1 more thing, the hill
Sprint to the top, 2 burpees OYO, back to the AO

25 got better today.

Don’t take your days for granted. If you love your family, if you love your friends, TELL them. Words have power. I love the men of F3, and it’s an honor to lead as we push ourselves to be better in all areas of life.

Credit to Creeper for the title.

A Love-Hate Relationship

THE SCENE: Perfect. 33 degrees, very little wind. Dark and crisp, time to work.

SSH x 30 IC 4 CT
Cherry Picker x 10 IC 4CT
Merkins x 15 IC 4 CT

Mosey to the amphitheater for 11s
Derkins on the stage and Rows at the top

Mosey to Walnut Street (with a hill sprint en route) for a little Love-Hate Relationship building
Starting at the bottom of Walnut we worked our way up to a full sprint all the way up

  • Sprint up to the parking garage entrance, 30 LBCs, mosey to the bottom, regroup
  • Sprint to Hill Ave, 30 LBCs, 20 merkins, mosey to the bottom, regroup
  • Sprint all the way to the church, 30 LBCs, 20 merkins, and 10 burpees, regroup

Slow mosey back towards the AO with Plunger lunges across the catwalk over Henley
Stop under the Clinch overpass in the park, take a seat on the wall
2 sets of wall sits, the first one longer than the last while I regale the men with stories of foolish youth (that got me a name like Frenchie).

Modified Gas Pumpers x 15 IC 4CT
Leg lift hold and some Hello Dollies
Boat Canoe

16 PAX this morning got some good work done, including 1 FNG, welcome Old Spice! (Ben Cox)

Romans 8:18-30 makes clear:
The world is broken, humanity is broken. We should not be dumbfounded by suffering in this world.
We also need to be careful not to minimize the suffering of others. The encouragement we should give to others is that there is a day coming when their suffering will end! NOT that their suffering is illegitimate or self-inflicted.
Rather we must remember that this PRESENT and REAL suffering pales in comparison to the future glory we will experience with Christ.
But what about today? Here, now?
There are times when I don’t know what to pray. I don’t know what to say. In those moments, when I don’t know what to pray, when I’m heart broken and don’t understand. When I don’t know what to say to God, the SPIRIT himself intercedes for me.
God does not want to minimize our struggles. He’s reminding us that He draws near to us, that His Spirit is with us and comforts us at all times.

My first time leading at Big Ball, what a place!

Pfeiffer and Abort, a couple of inspiring HIMs there. Rucking beforehand, and chewing up and spitting out everything a Q can dish out. Good work men.

As always, it’s an honor and a privilege to lead a workout.

The Maryville CSAUP event is coming up on the 24th, and the re-scheduled event at Wesley House is this Sunday, February 11th, from 2-3pm.