F3 Knoxville

Deek’s Quarters at JUCO Rush


THE SCENE: Perfect weather for some fast running on the track: almost cold, no wind, and Edit makes his first appearance (of many) at the Rush!

Slow mosey from JUCO down to the Academy (fancy name for high school) track, which is a gentle downhill almost the whole way. Then four 100-yard strides on the turf to wake up the legs, open up the hips, and get some turnover going (full recovery between). Strides = steady acceleration for 10-12 paces, controlled speed for 10-12 paces (just below a sprint), smooth deceleration for 10-12 paces (counting just one leg).
Deek’s Quarters, shamelessly borrowed from here. This is 3 miles of total running with 2 miles of quality work, but the secret is in the recovery. Nothing fancy here, just good, hard work.

  • 8 x 400 meters (8 x 1 lap), just under 5K pace (fast, but not a sprint)
  • 200 meters “float” recovery after each repeat, 1 minute per mile slower than 5K pace (this is not a jog, this is still running)
  • Example: if your 5K pace is 6:00/mile, then each 400 should each be completed in 1:28-1:30 (5:52-6:00/mi), and the 200 “recovery” should be at 7:00/mile (or faster).

This is tougher than your typical 400s workout, the heart rate never drops much between 400s, and the pain builds throughout. Those first few steps of each 200 are a fight every time to keep running and NOT jog (or walk). Great work from all 7 this morning.

Slow Mosey back to JUCO for a nice round of penalty burpees, one for each of us that forgot a canned good (23 total!). Then count-off, name-o-rama, and COT/BOM lead by Anchorman.

The run back to JUCO is always deceptively long. 1.5 miles up a gentle grade on the way back is way longer than 1.5 down a gentle grade at the beginning, but having the workout in the rearview mirror always feels good.

These kind of workouts are much easier to show up for when I know I’ll be suffering (and getting better) with friends. Makes me grateful for this group of guys. If you haven’t been to JUCO Rush, you should check it out.
Brolympics this Saturday, aka the annual shaming of the runners.