F3 Knoxville

Murph – Dogpound edition

THE SCENE:  Nice and toasty 53

20  SSH



1 mile run

100 pull ups

200 Merkins

300 Squats

1 mile run

No time


LT. Michael P. Murphy
United States Navy (SEAL)
May 7, 1976 – June 28, 2005

LT. Michael P. Murphy (SEAL) was the officer-in-charge of a four-man SEAL element in support of Operation Red Wings, tasked with finding a key anti-coalition militia commander near Asadabad, Afghanistan. Shortly after inserting into the objective area, the SEALs were spotted by three goat herders who were initially detained and then released. It is believed the goat herders immediately reported the SEALs’ presence to Taliban fighters.

A fierce gun battle ensued on the steep face of the mountain between the SEALs and a much larger enemy force. Despite the intensity of the firefight and suffering grave gunshot wounds himself, Murphy is credited with risking his own life to save the lives of his teammates. Murphy, intent on making contact with headquarters, but realizing this would be impossible in the extreme terrain where they were fighting, unhesitatingly and with complete disregard for his own life moved into the open, where he could gain a better position to transmit a call to get help for his men.

Moving away from the protective mountain rocks, he knowingly exposed himself to increased enemy gunfire. This deliberate and heroic act deprived him of cover and made him a target for the enemy. While continuing to be fired upon, Murphy made contact with the SOF Quick Reaction Force at Bagram Air Base and requested assistance. He calmly provided his unit’s location and the size of the enemy force while requesting immediate support for his team. At one point, he was shot in the back causing him to drop the transmitter. Murphy picked it back up, completed the call and continued firing at the enemy who was closing in. Severely wounded, LT. Murphy returned to his cover position with his men and continued the battle.

LT. Murphy fought on, allowing one member of his team (Marcus Luttrell) to escape, before he was killed. For his selfless actions, LT. Michael Murphy was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor on October 27, 2007. We honor his sacrifice and memory through The Murph Challenge. Find out more about Michael Murphy at the Memorial Foundation created in his name.


First time for myself doing the Murph at Dogpound. Wanted to test how this workout would go. We ended up getting a little over 2 miles in, but had to stop the exercises @ the 35 min mark to allow time for the last run. Next time will post a preblast with instructions and we launch at the bell. In order to come close to finishing we need the entire 45 min.

F3 Smokies COnvergence on 1/7. Sign up sheet on Slack

New Q sign up process is live

Brief Introduction  Accelerate 2023.

Burning those leftovers

THE SCENE: 34 and dry

Mosey to the upperparking lot. circle up for some windmills, merkins, squats and stretching

Mosey to the backbone hill with 10 burpees on the way
Starting at bottom of the hill

15 x merkins.

run to the top of the hill 15 x CDC

Run to Backbone  3 x pull up 5 x knee up

run back to the bottom. Rinse and repeat till the time is called

@earmuffs led us in ab work and we finished with 10 more merkins.. cause we can.

Giving Tuesday. Make sure to give to your favorite charity!
Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Whatever the pain is embrace it. Whether it is cold and rainy or running up that big ass hill.  It will never get easier but you will become better. Embrace the suck. AYE!!!
Christmas party and parades this weekend. Sign-ups are on Slack. Make it a great day men!

Deck of Death

THE SCENE: 34 and clear

Mossey to the Thunder dome. Circle up.

20 x ssh

10 x imperial squat walker

5 x cherry picker

20 x merkins

Deck of Death – War Style

Split up into 2 groups.  each member of the group battles the corresponding group member and pulls a card for the deck of death. High number wins. High number can either choose to do exercise on the card or take a lap. Up to the winner to decide.

Each card has a exercise on it. Royals are 25 repes. Singles are the number plus 10. Ace are 100 reps. Jokers = 25 Burpees ( pax loved this )

Rince and repeat until time is called
10 x WW2 sit ups ( thanks Madoff)

20 x Flutter kicks

20 x Merkins


Win the AM battle. Get those feet out of the fartsack and get better in the gloom.








Cancelled Boat show = Google led Beatdown

THE SCENE: 43 and cool!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  12 of Dog pounds finest made a great decision and decided to join yours truly instead of my canceled boat show in Tampa Bay due to Hurricane Ian.


Mosey to Thunderdome and circle up

20 x SSH

10x Imperial Squat Walkers

20 x Baby arm circles

5 x  Cherry Pickers

Welcome to @Unibrau x 10 Burpees

Started off with a modified version of Prison Merkins

  • Start at 1 and go to 10 after each rep GBS (Google Bun Shapers) all to the other side of the court. Do next set of prison merkins and then return back doing Gracho Walk. Halfway thru modified Gracho walk to High Knees and butt kickers.
  • Mosey back across Northshore and head to Guard Rale for a set of 10 in cadence Derkins
  • Mosey to Backbone and knock out 5 stick pull ups
  • Mosey to the top of the road near picnic tables to the baby hill
    • 7-1 Ladder with Squats and the bottom and Merkins at the top. Crawl Bear to the top.
  • Mosey back to Backbone for 5 strict pull ups
  • Mosey back to Guard rail
    • 10 Derkins
    • 10 Inclined Merkins
    • 10 Dips
  • Mosey back for Mary
    • @iBeam lead a string of exercises while Q was getting his phone


Keep giving the gift of F3 to other men in our community. Emotional Headlock any  HIM in waiting and lets get them in the Gloom!

Keep everyone in the path of Hurricane Ian in your prayers.


11 of Dogpounds Finest made the best decision they would make today and laced them up for classic Mothership workout. “Sharknado”!!

Mosey to the upper parking lot with Stoli skips, side steps. Once at the parking lot did 10 x Imperial Squat Walkers, 10 Windmills, 10- Little baby arm circles.


Complete a set of exercises and run a lap approx 200 meters around planters in upper parking lot

Repeato until time is called

15 Burpees

20 Diamond Merkins

20 WWII situps

20 Merkins

20 Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey and Jail break back to Flag. Circle up. 2 x Flutter kick as time expired.

“worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.” Proverbs 12:25

Pray for Ribbes wife, Mr Earl, and Ethel.

Swan Cabin coming up next month. Spet 16 and 17. Reach out to Waxjob if your interested in going.