F3 Knoxville

Remembering Bill

THE SCENE: Dark, mostly cloudy, 71 degrees F, 93% humidity

SSH, Imperial squat walkers, Peter Parkers, Little baby arm circles. Mosey to the bottom of Waxjob Hill.


Waxjob Hill 7’s

Burpees at the bottom

Bear crawl up hill

4 count flutter kicks at the top

Run down to the bottom

CMU SET at the Grinder

x12 each (or as noted) competed sequentially.

Bent Rows, Swings, Triceps Extensions, Upright Rows, Squat Press, Curls, On The Shelf (6 per side), Lawn Mower Pulls (12 per arm)

Run down path to junction with Alcoa Road

Calisthenics at Alcoa Road

x12 each completed sequentially.

Merkins, WWII Sit-ups, Shoulder Taps (4 count), Iron Mikes, Dry Docks, SSH (4 count), Get Ups, Body Builders (8 count)

Run back to Grinder and continue AMRAP.  Most completed two rounds.

Push Pull

Completed two rounds of 10 Pull Ups and 10 Box Jumps.

Protractors, Box cutters, LBCs.

Total of 21 HIMs including 1 FNG (Mitten – Mike Hanlon).  Good to have a couple back at the Bomb Shelter after a break.


April 1974, after touring Alcoa’s TN Operations, I was sitting across from Bill Mueller. He offered me a job prior to my flight back to Beaumont and the last few months of college. He is the reason I moved my wife to East TN two weeks after our marriage. Bill was a good manager. He wasn’t flashy. He was kind. He was giving. He had high expectations. He was a teacher. He had my back. He went before me. He protected me when engineering layoffs came in 1975. I wasn’t one of 7 mechanical engineers let go.
Bill’s personal life was tough. His wife Donna fought brain cancer for several years and the surgeries and radiation left her with significant mental and physical limitations. Bill pulled extra duty raising their three children.  He never complained. He only provided his love, patience, and care. He was devoted to Donna, Jeff, Julie, and Jayne.
Bill gave himself to Habitat in his retirement and has over 100 builds under his belt. His final one was called the Bill Mueller Build. Bill died last Saturday at the age of 91 and was buried yesterday.
I use Bill as an example of someone who has gone before me. Someone who has made my path straighter and less difficult. We all have these kind of people in our lives. Sometimes we realize it. Many times we don’t.  As Cap’n Crunch said after our F3 Convergence, “we all need Paul’s in our life.”  Bill Mueller was one for me.
Today I encourage us all to reflect on the Bill Muellers in our lives and to give thanks. Better yet, if your Bill Mueller is still alive, call him up and let him know just how much he means to you.
Prayers for Daniel, a friend of Flash, as he give the eulogy at a funeral tomorrow.  Prayer for guidance, reconciliation in next steps as one of our HIMs faces the prospect of divorce.
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THE SCENE: Mostly dark, 68 degrees F, 93% humidity

SSH, Glute Marches, Windmills, Baby Arm Circles


Route 66 Burpees

Upper Springbrook Loop to Mt Crumpit, stop every 4th light pole with short mosey after final stop of 11 burpees.

Mt Crumpit Partner Dora

Pax 1 starts Base Camp exercise, Pax 2 ascends Mt Crumpit and does summit exercise. Pax switch until Base Camp exercises are complete.  (Had to recover before Mountain Climbers completed.)

Base Camp                                         Summit

100 Merkins             Run                     10 WWII Situps

200 Bobby Hurley’s    Bear Crawl/Run     10 Dry Docks

300 Plank Jacks        Bernie/Run           10 Heels/Heaven

200 Mtn. Climbers     Bear Crawl/Run     10 Flutters, 4 CT

100 Get ups             Run                     10 Squats

Mosey to the Scrap Yard


Half do 20 dips while other half do 10 pull ups or inverted pull ups.

Switch exercise

(Total of 3 Rounds)


Box cutters, Scissor legs, WWII Situps

18 HIMs and 2 FNGs:  Grasshopper (Whit Taylor) and Binary (Shawn Barnes).  Welcome you two.  Look forward to many upcoming workouts together.


It takes effort, energy, to keep things orderly. Without it things tend toward it greatest level of entropy or disorder. In simple terms it take effort, your energy, to keep your house from getting disorderly. Water wants to seek its lowest level of existence, highest disorder. In our world that is the ocean. Dust and dirt falls to the lowest surface which may temporarily be your living room floor. Mountains get weathered into boulders, rocks, stones, and finally sand before it is carried to the ocean depths. Only the force, the energy, from wind drives the waves that deposit sand on our beaches.  This same wind prevents water from reaching its greatest disorder or calm. 

In thermodynamics, entropy is commonly associated with the amount of order, disorder, or chaos in a thermodynamic system. Technically, entropy, from this perspective, is defined as a thermodynamic property which serves as a measure of how close a system is to perfect internal disorder.

Rudolf Clausius in 1865, stated that:

“The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum.”  Thus, if entropy is associated with disorder and if the entropy of the universe is headed towards maximal entropy, then many are often puzzled as to the nature of the “ordering” process in light of the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the universe is headed towards maximal “disorder”.   As was stated in the 2003 book, SYNC – the Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order by Steven Strogatz, “Scientists have often been baffled by the existence of spontaneous order in the universe. The laws of thermodynamics seem to dictate the opposite, that nature should inexorably degenerate toward a state of greater disorder, greater entropy. Yet all around us we see magnificent structures—galaxies, cells, ecosystems, human beings—that have all somehow managed to assemble themselves.” 

So the debate continues as to why there is such order when disorder is to reign. For me the answer is simple. It is found in a few simple verses in Colossians Chapter 1:

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

He is the power that keeps entropy from having its way. He can have the same impact on us and the forces that push us in the wrong direction, into disorder.  We need to trust and follow. 

First day of school for Maryville City; Flash will be mentoring a high school student; Betsy, Fins aunt, recently diagnosed with lymphoma; Hammy’s M as she undergoes a CAT scan to determine health issue.
Convergence at the Big Ball Saturday at 7:00 am followed by a 3rd F at Redeemer Church, 1642 Highland Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37916.  $10 donation requested for breakfast.


THE SCENE: Partly cloudy, 74 degrees F, 92% humidity

Cherry Pickers, SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Baby Arm Circles


Indian Run to:

1st Baptist Parking Lot  50 WWII Sit Ups followed by 50 Squats

Alcoa Elementary School

(Total per 2 man team)

1 begins exercise count while 1 runs around 5 MPH sign then switches with partner to complete:

100 Toes to Bar

100 Box Jumps

100 Merkins

100 Inverted Pull Ups

Little Mt. Suckmore 7’s

1 to 6 Hand Clap Merkins at Bottom

6 to 1 Body Builders ( 8 CNT) at Top

Mosey back to AO:

1st Baptist Parking Lot  25 Walking Lunges, 25 Dry Docks, 25 Walking Lunges, 25 Dry Docks

AO Parking Lot  25 Walking Lunges, 25 Dry Docks


Flutter kicks, Side Leg Lifts, Plank Jacks, LBC’s

11 HIMs, no FNG’s

Like many of you, there are words I try not to use.  Most of them are the notorious 4 letter variety but there are a few 10 and 12 letter words that aren’t very nice to lace in our communications.  There are a couple of others I try not to use.  One is “coincidence” because I really don’t think there is such a thing.  The other is “proud.”  That’s a hard one to avoid when you have children in the home or in my case, several grandchildren.  I try to work around the thought I am conveying and change the word to “joy.”  Instead of saying I am proud of something they did, I rather explain the joy I have when I see them do it.

Given my penchant for the word JOY, the comments in the link below really spoke to me.  I hope it does to you as well.  (Click on it to open the words attributed to Clemson Coach Dabo Swinney.)


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Pillar Strength

THE SCENE: Clear skies, 75 degrees F, 86% Humidity (Spook was workout Q)

Power/Core/Prehab – clapping pushups x 5; side plank; 90-90s x5 – 3 rounds

Strength – lateral lunge with block; single arm block chest press; shoulder taps (10 reps each side)

Strength- single leg RDL (10 per side); single arm block rows (10 per side); glute marching (10 per leg)

Grinder – split leg squats x 8, block pullovers x 8, single arm block carry 100 yards, 150 yard shuttle run


A total of 10 HIMs including Spook from Fredericksburg, VA
Jeremiah 29:11  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

This verse is not intended to be a security blanket to us. God will not take away suffering.  Rather this verse reminds us with true, gospel confidence that He will give us hope in the midst of it.  Trust God and His perfect will for us.

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THE SCENE: Clear skies, 67 degrees F, 97% humidity

SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers

Grinder Run

Grinder Bernie

13 stations each named after an original colony.  One HIM carries a 40# sandbag and the AO shovel/flag and runs down to the road and back while the remaining PAX picks one of the 13 stations.  HIM with the flag exchanges with the one behind them in the rotation and all perform the workout in Kraken style. Happened to be the perfect number (14) so that one person was at a colony while one was running.  Each person completed the flag bearer run and each of the 13 colonies.

Delaware Dips

Pennsylvania WWII Sit Ups

New Jersey SSH

Georgia Dry Docks

Connecticut Box Jumps

Massachusetts Merkins

Maryland Bent Rows

South Carolina Squat Thrusts

North Carolina Curls

New Hampshire Triceps Extensions

Virginia Body Builders

New York Russian Swings

Rhode Island Flutter Kicks

Push Pull

Two Groups with one starting with Merkins and the other with Pull ups.

13 Merkins followed by 13 Inverted Pull ups or 7 strict Pull ups (3 Rounds)

Waxjob Hill 7’s

1 Box Cutter

Bear Crawl Up Hill

6 Dry Docks

Run Down Hill


Box Cutters, X’s and O’s, and LBCs

Total of 14 including Spook from Fredericksburg, VA
Started the morning with the Stars Spangled Banner version by Jimi Hendrix.  It was played at Woodstock almost 50 years ago on August 18, 1969.  Some believe it was and is an irreverent rendition but I always liked the fact that his guitar playing brought out the chaos that Francis Scott Key must have seen when he wrote the words “rockets red glare” and “bombs bursting in air.”

The main part of THA-THANG with the colony stations involved an AMRAP while the flag bearer was running and each HIM had the “freedom” to do as many of each exercise.  As with each F3 workout, we have the freedom to come out and to give as much or as little as we want.  Suffice to say, everyone wore it out this morning but it was an individual decision to do so.  (OK, we all have a great ability to overtly or covertly push each other.

We all should appreciate the freedom we have that was started in 1776 and resulted in 1% of the colony’s citizens giving their life to attain it.  We should also be overwhelmed with gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus to gain eternal freedom with God the Father.  In the end of this earthly life that is what will ultimately matter.  For as 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

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