F3 Knoxville

Memory Lane

THE SCENE:  26 degrees F, 97% humidity, mostly sunny

SSH and Imperial Squat Walkers
For about 5 years starting in 1979, I spent my lunch “hour” (more like 1 hour, 5 minutes) at Springbrook Park (aka the Bomb Shelter).  Several guys from Alcoa Inc. did the same.  Most played basketball but myself and two others would run the perimeter roads around the Park.  Two laps plus the run from the gym to the road and back up at the end equaled about 3.6 miles.  At least that’s what the car odometer indicated.  A quick shower and lunch while driving back to the plant ended a quick workout.  I probably ran 400 laps each year but none in the past 38+ years.  Who knows, today may have been Lap 2001.

So today is something of a 40 year Average Anniversary workout.  The beatdown consisted of running one of the Springbrook laps and stopping 15 times at various corners and street intersections to do 40 reps of the following exercises.

  1. Bobby Hurleys
  2. Merkins
  3. WWIIs
  4. Tempo Squats
  5. Box Cutters
  6. Iron Mikes
  7. Plank Jacks
  8. Imperial Squat Walkers
  9. Dry Docks
  10. Lunges
  11. LBCs
  12. SSH
  13. Flutter Kicks
  14. Dips
  15. Bear Crawl (40 paces)

LBCs, BBS, Protractors, 1 minute plank.
5 HIMs and 1 2.0 (Webelo)

Romans 5:3-5, NIV

3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

I have to admit that there is not much suffering in my life – certainly not compared to that endured by the early Christians or those that don’t live in freedom like that which exists in the United States. So how are we to have perseverance produced with a lack of suffering. We can help ourselves by manufacturing some pressure and training ourselves.  Push limits – physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Make a tough climb on your bike, hike for many miles, fast for a period of days, turn devices off and embrace quiet and solitude and prayer for an uncomfortable period of time.  God designed us for perseverance. Start training and learn about ourselves.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Pu Pu Platter Workout

THE SCENE: 37 degrees F, 99% humidity, stars out.

SSH, Little baby arm circles, Big baby leg circles, Cherry pickers

Grab a CMU and head over to Mt. Crumpit. Drop the CMU at the base and mosey over to the trail split near the fountain.

Starting at the right side trail branch run to Lightpole #1 and do 1 merkin. Run back to start and do flutter kicks.  Run to #2 Lightpole and do 2 merkins, run down to start and do flutter kicks, etc.  After #6 run to Lightpole #5 to do 7 merkins and continue to work down to Lightpole #1 to do 11 merkins.

Flutter Kick (4 cnt) x 6

1    Merkins    11

2    Merkins    10

3    Merkins    9

4    Merkins    8

5    Merkins    7

6    Merkins

Starting at the left side trail branch do the same routine as above except insert Burpees and Big boy sit-ups in the routing.

Burpees x 3

1    BBS    11

2    BBS    10

3    BBS    9

4    BBS    8

5    BBS    7

6    BBS

Mosey to the base of Mt. Crumpit and partner up for the following Dora

50 Thrusters

100 Swings

150 Curls

200 Floor Presses

The ascent sequence to the top of Mt. Crumpit was:

Bear Crawl/Run



Bear Crawl/Run



The beatdown ended up being like a Pu Pu Platter – a sampling of lots of stuff but not finishing everything.

Box cutters, LBCs
9 HIMs and one 2.0 (Webelo)

Philippian’s 4:6-7 (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (And when you endeavor to do so, He will bless you with health, prosperous days, and level pathways. He will endear you toward all and long will be your days on earth.) And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

OK, so the part in parenthesis is not actual biblical text.  That part is too often what the world wants us to believe about our relationship with God.  Rather, the last sentence sums it up.  God will protect our heart and our mind so that we may not let the things of this world influence our emotions and our thought.  And peace shall reign forever and ever.


Special beatdown on Saturday followed by breakfast at Drifters.  Coats for the Cold.  Bring them to the AO.

16 Candles Redux

THE SCENE: 48 degrees F, 87% humidity, cloudy skies on the verge of rain.

SSH, Arm circles, Windmills, Cherry pickers

Grab a CMU and mosey to the Fountain Loop for a 16 Candles workout. Each light post has an exercise and each is to be 20 reps.  With the CMU start at candle #1. After that run to every 5th light post and do that exercise. (Post #6, #11, #16).  Drop the CMU at the start and continue to each 5th lamp post until all 16 exercises are completed.

  1. Lawn mowers (per arm)
  2. Burpees
  3. Flutter Kicks (4CT)
  4. Imperial Squat Walkers
  5. Merkins
  6. Thrusters
  7. SSH (4 CT)
  8. Plank Jacks (4 CT)
  9. Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear (20 paces forward/20 paces back)
  10. Jump Squats
  11. Upright Rows
  12. WWIIs
  13. Iron Mikes
  14. Box Cutters
  15. Dry Docks
  16. Russian Swings

Everyone completed the circuit of 5 laps while some were repeating the 1st lap.

LBCs to cash out.
6 HIMs and 2.0 Webelo
Here are two major views about Jesus:

Modern Jesus                             Biblical Jesus

Preaches only on love                   Preaches God’s righteousness

Gives you health & wealth             Gives salvation, hope, peace, & joy

Never says anything negative         Warns of sin, judgement, & hell

Loved & accepted by the world       Hated & despised by the world

Serves your will                             Exalts God the Father’s will

Hates to offend you or others          Offends the world with the truth

Please consider these two views and pray to know and accept the true Savior.

Thankful for Drifter’s work with refugees and support of his neighbor.  Prayers for Rep Sleepy and ESPY for healing.
Special beatdown on November 14th followed by breakfast at Drifters.


THE SCENE: 64 degrees F, 95% humidity, foggy, dark.

SSH, Overhead hand claps, tempo squats


Starting on the grinder perform 15 of each of the following with a CMU:

Thrusters, Floor Press, Russian Swings, Triceps Extensions, Curls,

Bent Rows, Lawn Mowers (each arm), Upright Rows

Run down the Greenway path to the left and stop at each of the 8 light poles leading to the street.  Perform the following 8 exercises at light poles 1 through 8:

5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 WWII’s, 20 Dry Docks, 25 Box Cutters, 30 Iron Mikes (single count), 35 SSH’s (single count), 40 LBC’s

Run back up to the grinder and repeat until “Recover” is called.

No time allotted for MARY.  There was enough ab work in the THA-THANG.
6 HIM’s
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Too often we ignore these words of wisdom from Psalm 118.  We are too busy thinking about tomorrow and where we want to be.  Or we are too consumed wanting that next promotion.  God has put each and every one of us in this place at this moment.  It is our task to make the most of it.  It should be our expectation to do the best we can in the here and now. Do it today, and the future will be ready for us.  And we will be ready for the future.
Prayers for Drifter and Caroline as they step out in faith on a new adventure, Hammy’s wife Julie as she continues to battle an infection she has had since June.
Be sure to read the latest edition of the newsletter from Judge Judy.


THE SCENE: 72 degrees F, 96% humidity, partly cloudy

SSH, Overhead-out front claps, Imperial squat walkers, Cherry Pickers

Several Workout Stations Between the AO and Alcoa Elementary

Wax Job 7’s

Merkins @ Base, Bear Crawl Up, WWII Sit Ups @ Summit, Run Down

Church Times @ Alcoa First Baptist Parking Lot

Burpees x5

Dry Docks x20

Rocky Balboa’s x100

Elementary Dora (Glad there were two of us today)

50 Toes to Bar/Bear Crawl

100 Box Jumps/Run Across Field

150 Flutter Kicks/Bernie (4 Count)

200 Squats/Ascend Mt. Suckmore

Church Times @ Alcoa First Baptist Parking Lot

Burpees x5

Dry Docks x20

Rocky Balboa’s x100

Wax Job 7’s

Merkins @ Base, Bear Crawl Up, WWII Sit Ups @ Summit, Run Down

Scrap Yard Push/Pull

(5 Rounds)

Pull Ups x5 (or Inverted Pull Ups x10)

Merkins x10


Box Cutters, LBC’s, Protractors, LBC’s, Superman swims, Edward Scissorlegs, Wide Edward Scissorlegs, LBC’s

Quality instead of quantity with two HIM’s
The following is from YouVersion offered by Life.Church Operations LLC.  @Swerve provides this material to the Bomb Shelter and the Arsenal as a 3rd F outreach.

Perseverance isn’t innate; it’s learned. All of us can do it if we train. So, brother, manufacture some pressure and train yourself. Push your limits, physically, mentally, spiritually: climb a tough summit; tackle a hike of many miles; fast for a period of days; turn devices off and embrace quiet and solitude and prayer for an uncomfortable period. Remember, God designed you for perseverance. So, by training, you’ll simply learn what you’re made of (plus you’ll expose the lies of the enemy). It doesn’t take much to learn a whole lot about yourself.

Prayers for the Rowandan refugee Drifter and his M are hosting.
2.0 workout at the Arsenal today at 8:30 am.