F3 Knoxville

JUCO Redux

THE SCENE: 54 degrees F, 81% humidity, dark

SSH, Walkout merkin plank stretch with Peter Parkers, Windmills

Partner #1 starts the following:

  • 200 CMU thrusters
  • 200 CMU curls
  • 200 CMU triceps extensions
  • 200 Merkins

Partner #2 runs to the scrapyard, performs 20 WWII sit-ups and either 5 pull-ups or 10 inverted pull-ups, runs back, and then swaps with Partner #1.  Restart at thrusters if time allows.

20 box cutters, 30 crunches, 15 box cutters, 20 crunches, 10 box cutters, 10 crunches, 5 box cutters, 0 crunches.
12 HIMs in attendance
I remember a tour of our smelting operations of Tennessee Operations of ALCOA in 1992 by the president, the technical director (Dick Taylor), controller, and the process technology director.  It was a time to strut our stuff … and to get raked over the coals.  The local management team assembled with the visiting entourage for a wrap-up late in the day to receive feedback.  At one point, Dick Taylor asked Rhea Miller, the carbon plant manager, if he knew that the ceiling of the carbon plant was painted blue at the Massena, New York plant.  The carbon plants are typically a very dusty environment with very fine carbon dust everywhere including the air.  Spending just 15 minutes inside without a respirator will have you blowing black snot for a day or more.

So, lets get back to the question about the blue ceiling in Massena.  Before Rhea could answer Dick’s question, Smelting Manager Dave Musi, quickly stated, “Well, Dick, how do you know that the ceiling in our carbon plant isn’t painted blue?”  Things were quiet for an uncomfortable amount of time … at least long enough for Dick’s face to return to its natural color.

Jesus knows our true colors.  He knows everything about us. As the Bible tells us in Isaiah 64:6, “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” or in Romans 3:10, “As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one;”.

In spite of that, Jesus came to live among us and to provide salvation to all who profess Him as Lord and Savor.  He will wash away our darkness and make us clean.  Two verses that should give us all hope and peace are 1 John 1:7, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” and 1 John 1:9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Confess our sins and walk in the light as we are instructed.  The rewards are worth it.

We pray for Butterfingers’ dad as he recovers from a stroke.  Initial prognosis is very good.
3rd F at JUCO on March 28th starting at 7:00 am.

Springbrook Legacy

THE SCENE: 48 degrees F, 64% humidity, dark

SSH, Little baby arm circles, Windmills, Inchworm merkins with extra stretch.
Mosey to the upper field and stop at the fountain.

Route 66 #1:  With the fountain light pole as a home base do a compound Route 66 up the Greenway.  Run to first light pole and do 1 merkin and 11 WWII situps, run back to starting point and then run to the second light pole to do 2 merkins and 10 WWII situps.  Continue back to the starting point before running to each successive light pole to increase by 1 merkin and decrease 1 WWII situp.

At light pole 7 we all recovered and then ran cross country to the source of the Springbrook stream.  After some comments we ran back to the home base at the fountain.

Route 66 #2:  With the fountain light pole as a home base do a compound Route 66 down the Greenway.  Run to first light pole and do 1 dry dock and 11 squat jumps, run back to starting point and then run to the second light pole to do 2 dry docks and 10 squat jumps.  Continue back to the starting point before running to each successive light pole to increase by 1 dry dock and decrease 1 squat jump.

Around light pole 7 we all recovered and ran back to the fountain to learn a few things about the fountain construction and the King’s and Queen’s Chairs rock formation above the fountain.

We ran back to the AO via the Troll Bridge, another structure from the early Springbrook era.

At the scrapyard we did 20 pull ups and 20 step ups per leg before circling up at the Pavilion side for Mary.

In reality, no one was able to complete all of the prescribed beat down due to time constraints.  No complaints were registered.

Edward Scissorlegs, flutter kicks
13 HIMs and no FNG’s
Springbrook was an area owned and developed by the Aluminum Company of America starting in the 1910’s.  Company executives at the time decided to set aside one acre of park land for every 100 employees.  What is now Springbrook Park from Hunt road past Springbrook Pool originated from the ALCOA promise. Many of the structures like the fountain, stone bridges, and pool date back to the early 1930’s with much of it being built by company employees.  When orders were low during the Great Depression, management would assign workers to perform construction work at the park.  We also need to remember that most of the infrastructure of the area was provided and build by ALCOA because none existed prior to the company’s arrival.

This is a significant difference from our day and time.  Now, companies want concessions from local governments before they commit to moving in.  They want tax reductions and improved infrastructures.  They expect the communities to already exhibit those things that add up to good quality of life for their employees.  Seldom do we hear of a company starting from scratch and providing all those things.

It is good to know our beginnings.  It is good to know of our legacy.  F3 is leaving a legacy in Springbrook Park (the Bomb Shelter).  The great thing is that F3 is adding to the legacy of Springbrook Park with its goal of providing Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith to anyone that shows up.  I think it is a legacy that those who poured and will pour their effort into Springbrook Park will be pleased to see.

No man left behind; no man left unchanged.

Prayers for Swerve as he officiates a funeral and for Woodshack and Dreamer and their families in the death of David White.
3rd F at JUCO on March 28th.

Home Again

THE SCENE: 42 degrees F, 60% humidity, light drizzle at the end

SSH, Arm circles, Merkins, Low plank, Cherry pickers

Two workout areas set up about 40 ft apart.

Start by doing the following 7 exercises.

Merkins x12, Peter Parkers x12, WWII Sit-ups x12, Inverted Pull-ups x12, Dry Docks x12, Step Ups x12/leg, Dips x24

Lunge to the second station and perform the following 7 exercises with a CMU.

Bent Rows x12, Curls x12, Upright Rows x12, Thrusters x12, Triceps Extension x12, Lawn Mowers x12/arm, Russian Swings x12

Run 1/3 mile on the AO trail stopping midway to perform 3 burpees.  Return to AO, lunge 40 feet, and repeat sequence until “Recover” is called.

Flutter kicks, Box cutters, LBC’s
12 HIMS, no FNGs

The BOM centered around the 4 points of this article with hopes that each HIM will read, absorb, and dwell on the entire piece.


It used to be easier to be a “decent” person. It was easier to come to the end of a life imperfectly lived, in which mistakes were made and convictions shifted through different phases, without being labeled a bad human being. We used to be allowed to think wrong things until we figured out better ways to think. It used to be permissible to say the wrong thing, to do something stupid, to hold a belief that was different from our neighbor’s, without being written off as hopeless, vile, or worthless.

These days, something as benign as leaving a shopping cart in a parking lot or putting a dog in the backyard is enough to make Americans despise each other. It seems that the era of general agreement about what makes a person “good” is over. Can we expect to see funeral crowds dwindling because, in our ultra-sensitivity, in our refusal to see beyond a careless word or deed, in our determination that any belief that contradicts our own is indecent, we will no longer allow people to be honored for the good that God accomplished through their imperfect lives? Are vitriol and mistrust the new languages of humanity in this nation?

It appears so.

How can people who live in the same country have such different and clearly defined ideas of what makes a person “good” or what makes a life worthy of honor? How is it possible that even two people who both claim to be applying Scripture can be so oppositely situated on moral issues?

And, maybe more importantly, what are my responsibilities as a follower of Christ in a time when decency seems completely arbitrary? What are the social standards that “good” people adhere to? Who decides? And how much should I care?

I can’t control how people think, how they speak, or what they think of me. But, there are a few things that I can remember that will make me a better and more God-honoring participant in the culture.

1. No one is good. (Romans 3:10)

The whole concept of “good” people is a secular one. The Bible clearly tells us that we are all bad, much worse than we care to admit.  Maybe it’s time to stop being so shocked when people prove that we are all the sinners that God tells us we are. Goodness is a fruit of the spirit, not a righteousness scale-tipper. If there is any good in me, it is from God alone, and not something that I should try to take credit for.

2. The Bible is my authority, not the culture. (1 Thessalonians 2:13)

I shouldn’t get my instructions about how to live a godly life from politicians or movie stars or bloggers. If I am living according to Scripture, I will see the world differently, and that means I will sometimes be misunderstood and considered prudish, judgmental, out of touch, and irrelevant, even by some in the church. I have to learn to be okay with that. Biblical convictions shouldn’t hinge on the approval or disapproval of those who don’t share my worldview.

3. I should live to please God above all. (Galatians 1:10)

As much as I would love to come to the end of my life and hope that people have good things to say about me, my aim is to please God and obey Him, even if it costs me the good opinions of some. Not everyone I know will appreciate or respect my viewpoint, especially given the current hatred of certain biblical ideals. Am I willing to be labeled by the world so that I can hear “Well done, good and faithful servant” from my Lord?

4. As far as it depends on me, I should live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:8)

It is possible to live a quiet life and still stand on biblical truth. Sometimes we are called to be quiet and sometimes we are called to be voices crying out in the wilderness, but we are never called to be cruel.

It’s easy to get caught up in the desire to please people. It’s difficult to be THAT person–the one who is saying unpopular things and holding to unpopular beliefs. Yet, didn’t Jesus tell us that we would have trouble in this world? Didn’t He promise that this faith would bring division? For a long time American Christians coasted along, enjoying a culture that said decent human beings lived according to the Bible. Things are different now. Now we will be called wicked for believing God’s good commands. We will be called good if we reject parts of Scripture that conflict with the culture. I guess the question we all have to ask ourselves is this: are we willing to accept the label “bad human” for the sake of the gospel, knowing that living to please the Lord is choosing to be despised by the world?

“And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.” Mark 13:13

Several fighting cancer including Snorkel’s father-in-law, Fin’s co-worker, and Dreamer’s dad.  Praying for Chaucer’s mom in her personal battle.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE:  40 degrees F, 69% humidity, dark with clear skies.

SSH, Inch worms

30 second planks: High, low, John Trivolta’s left and right, rear

Glute Marches

  • With two CMUs, one held high and the other low, perform reverse lunge to step up (5/leg).  After that perform single leg Romanian Dead Lifts (8/leg).  Do three total rounds and plank until all HIMs are complete.
  • Push – Pull Ladder:  8 to 1 pull ups or inverted pull ups, 16 to 2 merkins.
  • Four Rounds: 5x CMU Curtsy Squats, 4x Burpee broad jumps, 3x grinder laps.

20x Flutter kicks, 20x box cutters, 50x LBCs
11 HIMs including Spooks (Travis Elkins) from Fredericksburg, VA.
Jude 24-25:  Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever.  Amen.

This should be our reason for assurance and hope.  Live it.

Prayers for Fins mom (health) and for Espy’s family (death of his dad).
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

12 Daze

THE SCENE: 46 degrees F, 90% humidity,

Mosey to Mt. Crumpit with CMU gift in hand. From the base of Mt. Crumpit run to the first Daze and do the exercise with CMU.  Run back to base and do the first Home Base exercise.  Run to second Daze and do that exercise plus the first one.  Run back to base and perform second exercise. Continue till all 12 Daze are completed (all 12 are performed at the last Daze) and all Home Base is complete.

12 Daze

1x Roll Over Merkin (all sides)

2x Blockies

3x OH Squat Press

4x On the Shelf (4/side)

5x CMU Swings

6x Goblet Squats

7x Upright Rows

8x Triceps Extensions

9x Curls

10x Lawn Mowers (per arm)

11x Bent Rows

12x Dips


Home Base Exercises  (12x Each)

  1. Dry Docks
  2. Iron Mike Squats
  3. Body Builders
  4. WWII Situps
  5. Shoulder Taps (4 ct)
  6. Squat Jumps
  7. SSH (4 ct)
  8. Plank Jacks (4 ct)
  9. Box Cutters
  10. Merkins
  11. Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
  12. Mountain Climbers (4 ct)

(Note:  Most completed the first 10 or 11.  All were gathered together at the 12 Daze and completed the exercises in cadence before heading back to the AO.)
No time for Mary today.  Actually ran 4 minutes over time.
13 HIMs bearing CMU gifts
What does this time of year bring to your mind?  Past gatherings with family and friends? Reminders of favorite gifts received when you were young?  The excitement you had when you saw your wife or children open a special gift you gave them?  I certainly have those memories.

There is another memory I have and it comes to me every time I hear or sing Silent Night.  Back in the late ’60s and early ’70s, Bob Hope would take a USO show to the soldiers in Vietnam.  It was his way of bringing joy to a desperate place; his way of giving back to those who were giving so much for us back home. It was about two hours of comedy, song and dance, and beautiful women for the GIs to enjoy.  And did they ever enjoy the time.  The looks on their faces told it all.

As tradition had it, Bob Hope ended each show with clips from the several locations they visited.  That clip was a montage of the singing of Silent Night.  It was hard to keep the tears from flowing – from me or from the military personnel in the audiences.  It is a scene I will never forget.

All of this reminds me of the verse in Luke that captures the feelings of Mary on that first night of Jesus as a baby.  The shepherds had appeared at the manger and told Mary and Joseph all that the angels had told them about the child.  Luke 2:19 “But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”

We need to do the same. We need to ponder the beauty of God’s gift of His Son.  The gift that is our only way to everlasting life with God.  And if we haven’t done a good enough job of it, we need to provide those experiences with the ones we love so they can treasure up and ponder for years to come.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Breakfast at Drifter’s on Saturday, December 28th.