F3 Knoxville

Chopping Wood on The Moroccan Boat

THE SCENE: COLD but warmed by the fire of Christ within the PAX!

Short and sweet – SSHs (IC) Cherry Pickers (IC), High Knees

  • PARKING LOT ASSAULT – rotating bear crawls and lunges across entire student parking lot. Felt like July after.  Mosey….
  • WOOD CHOP GRINDER – 5 rounds of 20 Wood Choppers w/CMU, 20 Squats w/CMU, 20 Curls w/CMU, 20 Lat Rows w/CMU, 20 Merkins, Run up hill stairs and touch building, Rinse and repeat.
  • To boost morale, QIC introduced the all new “Moroccan Boat Club” exercise: on 6, boat position, while doing 4ct Moroccan Night Clubs. (X25) (IC). Mosey….
  • ROUTE 66 – Stop off at Sophomore Parking lot for a quick Route 66. ×1 Burpee increase with every pole (6 poles, 21 Burpees total). Mosey to AO….

7th Cicle of Plank Hell – PAX formed circle in plank position, go around circle, increasing PAX Merkins every round. Cashed out with 30 4 Ct Flutterkicks.

12 Strong
Just before he passed away, 99 year old Rev. Billy Graham was asked what, if anything, surprised him about life. His response was “the brevity of it.” Life on earth is short.  We need to prioritize, re-focus from time to time on what is truly important.  Our relationships with others are the only thing we will carry with us into eternity.  What is more important? Prioritize them now, spend quality time with your spouse, children, siblings, parents, co-workers, etc. Focus on genuine, beneath the surface conversations with others and develop/cultivate meaningful, God-Centered relationships with them. Your warmth will represent Christ well.
Special points to Bagger, Chaucer, Doubtfire, and FastnEasy for showing up to pre-ruck the JUCO mountains with QIC.
3rd F coming up

Being a Light in a World of Darkness

THE SCENE: 30’s, Hard to Breathe, Great day for F3.


SSHs, Cherry Pickers, Moving Warm-o-Rama: SS, Mosey, Bear Crawl, Mosey, Inch-Worm, Mosey, Bernie, Mosey to NE side of JUCO
#1 – Route 66 style grinder: 10 lightpoles along road, stopping at each one for “snacks” – 5 Wide Merkins, 5 Diamond Merkins, 10 plank Jack’s, 10 Bobby Hurley’s. (It got really quiet at about pole 6.) Mission Complete – Mosey to large lightpole in middle of NE parking lot…

#2 – “Wheel of Fortune” to boost morale: PAX form circle around pole, each approx 10 yards from pole. One by one each PAX calls out an exercise, circle completes 20 reps of said exercise before bear crawling to pole and crawl bearing back.  Rinse and repeat. (Picks: 4ct Flutter Kicks, 4ct Russian Twists, Merkins, Squats, Hello Dollies, Crabettes, Burpees (UGH), Carolina Drydocks). Mission Complete – long Mosey to creepy loading dock area.

#3 – Grab a CMU, complete 30 Woodchoppers w/CMU, 20 Squats w/CMU….Mission Complete – Mosey back to AO.

No Time.
Bagger, Booster, Chaco (respect), Spotter, Snaggletooth, Trolley, Crotch Rocket, and Judge Judy
QIC shared a story of a friend “Rick” who lost his young child in a swimming pool drowning accident. At the hospital, while his child was taking his last breaths, the wife was bedside and uncontrollably grieved. When the husband arrived and came into the room, the wife’s testimony was that upon seeing her husband – who was extremely calm – she immediately felt his presence, warmth, and calmness and stated she literally changed in an instant and just knew everything would be okay.  We all know people that have that presence. They are the people you call to get Godly counsel in the midst of tragedy, the person you seek out when trouble comes. Are you that for your wife, children, friends, co-workers? I’m convinced, the only way to have that warm, inviting, calm presence (which we and others all need) in hard times is to have a deep, personal relationship with the one who will make all things right one day, Jesus.  If you have that, you can’t help but see tragedy as God does – temporary. BE that person and you will be a blessing to others and leave behind a legacy that points to Christ.
Trolley arrived on two wheels with his gas foot thru the radiator and hair blown back but he made it.
Praise for Booster’s dad’s successful surgery. Prayers for all traveling in the coming days.

Using God’s Perfect Word to Break Free

THE SCENE:  49 degrees, raining, and just plain nasty – A perfect training environment.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  This was indeed a voluntary, unprofessional workout delivered to 6 HIMs who knew their weaknesses and were ready to work while most of the universe was resting in their fart-sack.


  1. Slow Windmill (IC) x 15
  2. Plank Knee Touches  x 20
  3. Fire Hydrants x 20 each leg
  4. Moroccan Night Clubs (IC) (JUCO Tradition) x 20
  5. This/That Senior Citizen Stretch


Mosey to Large, inviting Parking Lot.

X 15  100 yd Sprints with partner-applied resistance bands, rotating partners at 50 yds for total of 1500 yds (Bible was written over a span of 1500 years and remains one seamless story).

Exercises at each 100 yd mark:

SPRINT 1 – X 22  Core Mountain Climbers (# of letters in Hebrew Alphabet, Christ quoted from Psalm 22 while in agony on the cross)

SPRINT 2 – X 40 Sumo Squats (Biblical number symbolizing completion, usually of some trial or hardship)

SPRINT 3 – X 12 Monkey Squats (Tribes of Israel, Apostles)

SPRINT 4 – X 33 Plank Jacks (estimated age of Christ at time of Crucifixion)

SPRINT 5 – X 66 Merkins (# of Books in the Bible)

SPRINT 6 – X 10 4×4’s (One for each Commandment)

SPRINT 7 – X 400 (200 each band partner) Flutterkicks (How long Israel was in bondage in Egypt)

SPRINT 8 – X 144 Jump Squats (72 each band partner) (New Jerusalem wall thickness will be 144 cubits thick)

SPRINT 9 – X 40 Hello Dollies (20 each band partner) (40 authors of the Bible, led by God)

SPRINT 10 – X 7 Handclap Merkins (Number mentioned almost 500 times in the Bible)

SPRINT 11 – X 365 American Hammers (182/183 partners) (Number of times in His word the Lord tells us to not be afraid, one for each day of the year – Amazing!)





God’s Word is absolutely perfect.  It was written by 40 different authors, on 3 different continents, over a span of 1500 years, and is one, seamless, flawless story – all pointing to Christ.  That is pretty amazing.  Although God demands perfection, we have fallen short and many of us suffer from the paralyzing guilt of past sin in our lives that plays like a movie in our heads.  Sometimes, like the resistance bands we used during the workout, guilt can hold us back from doing God’s work – feelings of inadequacy, unloved, unforgiven.  Brothers, know that God LOVES you and I so much that he sent his only son, the perfect sacrafice, to suffer the penalty due us.  To deny that is to deny the sufficiency of the cross.  You have been forgiven. He has covered your sin! Ditch the guilt, and break free! The objective for all of us is to become more like Him.  The only way to do that is to get to know Him better through reading the Bible.  Meditate on it, practice it, teach it to your children.

The QIC was an absolute clown-show today – messing up a cadence, forgetting the photo at the end.  Please forgive his incompetence and know that he will get better. He is placing himself on Q-probation until improvement takes place.

F3 KX Anniversay Events – Sign up!


THE SCENE:  A cozy 44 degrees

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  This was a free, voluntary, unprofessional workout delivered to men who knew their injuries and how to modify exercises accordingly.

SSH (IC) – X 15, Imperial Walkers (IC) – X 15, Tempo Squat (IC) – X 13, Morocan Nightclub (IC) (A JUCO tradition) – X15, 4×4’s – X5

Mosey to large, inviting parking lot to try our luck at Parking Lot “BLACK JACK” or 21’s.  2 Exercises, separated by width of parking lot.  Merkins at one end, run and perform BBS at other, each round totals 21. (Circuit was cut short for time-sake).

Mosey to “Sophmore” Hill for fellowship and morale boost.  At base of hill – partners alternate doing PUs (alternating sets of 10, resting partner planks, until goal of 100 PUs obtained), Bernie up the hill.  At top of hill – partners alternate doing Squats (alternating sets of 10, resting partner holds an Al Gore, until goal of 100 Squats obtained), Bearcrawl to opposite side of hill – partners alternate doing LBCs (alternating sets of 10, resting partner holds 6inches, until goal of 100 LBCs obtained).  Mosey down hill.  At base of hill – 100 Calve Raises each.

Mosey to hill by CMU pile for BURP-BACK MOUNTAIN:  Alternating rounds of one partner performing burpees while other partner joyfully ran the hill.

Mosey back to AO.

Captain Thor and 6 inch drill until time ran out.

10 Strong, No FNGs

Historians and philosophers have always had trouble explaining the early growth of Christianity in the face of brutal persecution by the Roman Empire.  Based on historical writings from the first few centuries, almost all agree three main factors and characteristics of early Christians played a role:  LOVE – they loved unconditionally and those that had been cast aside by the Roman Empire.  The love they showed their spouses, children, and neighbors was never-before-seen. Unbelievers were attacted to this. GENEROSITY – They gave sacraficially and in a way that Roman society had never experienced, sometimes risking their lives to help those in need – lepers for example. People were drawn to that.  COURAGE/CONVICTION – their unwavering conviction and love for Christ was on display even when confronted with crucifixion and other forms of persecution performed by the Romans. People were amazed by this and drawn closer to Christ.

Do YOU practice these traits in your daily walk? Never underestimate how your behavior can have an effect on others for Christ. QIC discussed coming to Christ later in life, a journey that started with taking note of his SWAT Team leader’s courage/conviction in praying over meals in front of unbelievers on the team.


F3 Knoxville anniversary/olympic events.