F3 Knoxville

Crotch Rot

THE SCENE: Balls hot…and sweaty

SSH IC x 21

Cherry Pickers IC x5

This and That


Partner, CMUs alternate curls and tris in the way to Thunderdome

DORA: 1 rep it out, the other takes a lap

400: Double CMU calf raise

200: squats, sumo squats, squrls, lunges

100: Thrusters, Dry Docks, Flamingos

1 burpee after each lap (10+ per guy)

3×5 Burpee breaks

overhead CMU carry back to AO

Built in
Jagged Pill, Goat Dish, Frosty, I-beam, ShuttleCock, Waxjob, Trunk, Snitch, Mudpuppy, La-z-boy, Ribbed, Excitebike
Community is a necessity. My M and her Bible study are doing an entire study on how to “finds your people.”

For HIMs it’s much easier. To have community you have to put yourself out there for sure. Like Ms. Lippy taught you, if you want to have a friend, be a friend.

More than anything, you can’t have community without BEING THERE. Be present, be involved. Post. Sign up to Q. Take the flag for a spell.

I was dog tired before we started, and lying in a ditch tired when we were finished. Thanks to the men for the push

Hold the Line

THE SCENE: 76 w/ 100% humidity.

SSH and Tempo Squats IC x21 Each, Cherry pickers x5,


Hold the Line:
21s – Merkins and Single Leg Squats
  • when done, Star Jacks/Burpees til 6 up
  • Duck walk or Lunge across the court together
21 gun salute
  • 21 curls, OHP, triceps x 5

Dealer’s choice x3min.

16 PAX


Man A Post vs Hold the Line
To man a post is a good thing. You stand your ground against incursion protecting a defined territory. The challenge is, you can forget why you are on the post, and instead be motivated by the need to dominate and succeed or by your innate fear of failure and incompetence. You can end up focusing on the task as it relates to you only.
I have spent most of my life manning a post. Trying to be successful, competent and do what is right…at least when someone is looking. When I got married the post changed, and it did again when we started having kids, but I was still manning a post.
A year ago tomorrow Kim started chemo for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and we had no idea how much help we would need. We were still in a “man the post” mentality and I took the day of chemo off and prepared to head back to work the next day. She came downstairs and couldn’t keep her eyes open. I quickly called a friend who had been through chemo a few years before and she came over within 20 minutes. Hannah Jackson held the line with us.
2 weeks later we had moved out of our home (with the much needed help of F3 men) and were staying with Mayberry and his crew as our house was finished up. We hit the second treatment, while staying at their house. Kim’s hair started falling out, she was a wreck so they gave us their master bathroom so I could shave her head. That was the single worst experience of my entire life, but they held the line with us, and we cried and laughed around the fireplace together afterward.
Manning a post is about personal responsibility, personal ability, personal integrity and can get confused with pride, self-congratulations and pseudo-independence.
Holding the line is about everyone else. It is about whom you are protecting, what you are protecting against and with whom you are locking shields.
You can man a post WHILE holding the line but don’t get confused, the post is important, not because of the importance of the man on the post, but because the LINE is important,. Look for ways to hold the line with the HIMs around you, and even more with and for the sad clowns who don’t know they need the help, protection and comfort. Don’t just man a post…hold the line.

It was gross out this morning, slimy and sultry, but the men out in hard work. Even when we did the 21 guns, they kept pushing for the most part. This was my first Q in a long time, and it was worth it.

Not my timing, but yours…

THE SCENE: 40 and brisk

Quick demonstration of the exercises while the PAX shook their arms to stay warm.
Modified Kraaken

Exercises in the circle:

La-Z-Boy curls

CMU Squat Press

CMU Tri-lunge


kettle Bell Single OHP

medicine ball jump shot

hula hoop (sling 40# sandbag around the waist, grab behind the back with the other hand and repeat around the horn)

60# Sandbag Clean and Press x12

Clean and Press was the timer, everyone continue until the C+P guy is done. Then one lap around the circle with the CMU overhead. Pick a new station and keep going.

25 4 count CMU LBCs

25 4 count CMU flutter kicks
Mayberry, Wallball, Excitebike, Frank, Aladdin and Junk

“Though he slay me, I will hope in him”
‭‭Job‬ ‭13:15‬a
Many times over the last few years I have considered this little snippet of scripture. Sometimes while teaching a lesson on the sovereignty of God, or considering my sin in comparison to His eternal goodness, or simply recognizing that I am His creation/soldier/son to will and to do of His good pleasure. I have considered challenges, illnesses or even persecution’s and in my hubris thought, “yeah, I would respond that way. Though He slay me yet will I trust Him.” I realized last week, I have never once allowed for “though He slay HER, yet will I trust Him.” There is something about being a man that we can consider ourselves being sacrificed and see it as noble, tough, even our duty. But as I consider the potential loss of my wife, or the loss of a child…it becomes so much more real. The tears come fast and easy. Finding the joy of the Lord is hard; hope seems so distant. How shallow of me to be willing to give of myself, but not to give of what I love so dearly. In a way, giving my own life costs me nothing – and I am reminded of David’s insistence that he would not give what cost him nothing. So, while I am confident in Kim’s diagnosis and treatment plan and know that this should not take her life – I will spend these months trying to learn to say and believe that “though He slay her/them, yet will I trust Him.”


This was my first Q in a while. Many of the PAX have stood by Lady Junk and Me during this battle with Hodgkins Lymphoma and we are grateful. What a wild ride.

Brolympics Saturday

Butters’ son’s heart/lung condition

I got 99 Problems and Sweat ain’t one

THE SCENE: Working out under water on the surface of the sun

SSH x20 IC

Cherry pickers x5 IC.

Mosey to the Pee rocks .

99 Problems – partner DORA

  • Merkins
  • Curls
  • DOMO squats w/ rock
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Tricep overhead
  • Lunges
  • Stocky Balboas (rock overhead)
  • OHP
  • Burpees

99  shared reps of each exercise. One man reps it out while the other runs back to the AO and does birth month Burpee‘s. January  birthdays loved it, Decembers endured valiantly .

Half way through audibled to 5 burpees for everyone.  Once our groups had reached the Burpee‘s at the end, audible to squats on the Dora.

Peter Parker, LBC x35, World’s greatest merkin x5, reverse crunches x20

Mayberry, dreadlocks, cavalier, Bartman, Sparky, snitch, Abacus, mouthwash, choirboy, shooter, LA-Z-Boy, Baloo, and Junk
.“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1-2

Many of us have heard this passage a lot. Typically when I think of running a race I think of running a race together. We think of a marathon or an obstacle course race or a 5K or just a sprint across the parking lot, but we think about doing it all on the same course, at the same time and altogether. The reality is in life none of us runs the same course as eachother. We may run pieces of it together, we may have parts that look similar or even almost identical and the finish line is the same;  but we all run our own course.  Often times we find ourselves looking at other people and complaining that they’ve got it easy, like they’re just running downhill the whole time. On occasion we will look at someone else and recognize that they’ve got it harder than we do, maybe they’re running uphill and climbing over  obstacle after obstacle. The reality is we just wouldn’t choose the hard stuff that comes our way. No one got to choose what they did this morning, they did what I told him to do. What they got to choose was how hard they worked and whether they lifted up their teammate or dragged them down.  For a time, some guys had to do more Burpee‘s then others because of something as arbitrary as what month they were born in.

If you go back to that passage,  The writer of Hebrews had just gotten done laying out a litany of their historical heroes many of whom suffered unbelievable hardships (I don’t know about you but I’ve never been sawed in two). Individualize his charge – “Run with endurance the race that is set before YOU!” You have to run the course that is laid before you. You can’t run mine for me and I can’t run yours for you. Largely you do not get to choose what you have to go through in life; you just get to choose how good or bad an attitude to have and how hard you work. The good news is that we can help each other along the way, we can shoulder eachothers burdens and we can cheer each other but we each have to run the course that is laid out in front of us.

Many of the PAX know that my wife was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma two weeks ago. It’s not something we would’ve even considered choosing, it’s going to be rough, but it could always be worse.  This is a diagnosis that comes with a cure in most situations. We are believing for and working toward that. We don’t get to choose the course we run, or the obstacles we face.  We get to choose to run it with endurance, to lift our eyes to Jesus, to support others when needed and to lean on those around us when we need it. We have felt so supported by the man of F3 Knoxville and we are grateful.

Truckin’ To The Pound in September.

Golf outing 8/3

Remember Stitches in air force boot camp

Hill Sprints Suck

THE SCENE: 64 and still.

Cherry Pickers x5 IC Junk speed
Hipper Snappers – 4 count IC ready position, 1) left 2) right 3) jump
Merkins x10 IC
LBAC forward x10, reverse x10
1 CMU per pair, head to the matterhorn
– guy running carries the CMU, other guy skips
– Incans x10 oyo at the light poles
Hill Sprints (group Dora)
A] At the light pole – all w/ CMU
1) 100 Carolina Dry Docks
2) 200 Sumo Squats
3) 300 Curls
4) 200 Tri
5) 100 Clean and Press
B] Group Downhill sprint – leave on “go”
– first guy down gets to head back up oyo
– everyone else does 10 Merkins then goes
– once partner is up Rocky Balboa til the 6 gets there
Switch partners, Rinse and repeat
1/2 way through reps stopped for Mary
20 Hello dolly IC
CMUS to the bottom of the hill, now sprints are uphill and reps are at the speed hump
Mosey back. Incans at light poles again
Junk, Mayberry, Frosty, I-beam, Raindrop, Tweetee, Wagon Wheel, Sparky, Snitch, Bartman
It’s easy in life to get going  so fast it feels like we’re running downhill. If you remember as a kid running down a hill that was too steep where your legs are moving so fast that if you stopped you knew you would fall and tumble the rest away. Sometimes when running at that pace we get to where we are actually racing the people that we are running alongside, often times chasing the wrong things and filling our lives with too much stuff all the while trying to keep up and “win” the crazy race.
Sometimes we don’t even realize what’s happening as life gets tougher – relationally, work, self esteem, insecurity, true loss. Whatever the reason we find ourselves suddenly running uphill: resistance, reduced speed, aching to be done. The challenge I would propose is to consider whether you still run the uphill times like a race or do you Try to skip them and keep running downhill? Do you set yourself to work hard or just to survive? Do you seek to learn something, to get better – or do you just dwell in the misery longing for it to be over?
I tore my plantar fascia (on the bottom of my foot) a couple weeks ago during an OTB that was truly incredibly stupid. It had been feeling good the last few days so I had envisioned competing, perhaps even winning one or two of the downhill sprints. 5 minutes into the beatdown today it rose up and let me know it was there. So I had to pace myself on the downhill which I don’t like to do. Because of that, I ended up pushing myself harder on the uphills than I normally would. All part of prepping for the BOM I guess. My conclusion:  I need to push myself on the uphills more often.
Tweet-ee has lost three people from his recovery program to overdose in the last few weeks. We spent time in prayer for their families, for all of those in recovery, and especially for those in denial