F3 Knoxville

Iron PAX Week 0 at the Quacken

THE SCENE: Upper 60’s, damp but not raining

Light static stretching while praying and giving Word (went in reverse today since I had to bail right at 6:15)
IronPAX Week 0 baby!

  • 4 rounds of the following for time: 50 squats, 40 Big Boys, 30 Merkins, 20 Bonnie Blairs, 10 Burpees, 400 meter run

More static stretching to cool down

The return of the IronPAX Challenge had me reflecting on how difficult those workouts were. It also caused me to remember how much I struggled in workouts in general and how the challenge, as well as being more consistant, helped me become more comfortable with harder exercises. This also reminded me of something we talked about with my students last year. The Hebrew word Zakar as a verb means to remember, but as a noun it means man. So when Genesis explains that man is made in God’s image, there is a correlation between our identity as “zakar” (man) and our call to “zakar” (remember) God. I encouraged us to remember and reflect on where we’ve been and who we are, to remember God, and also to consider the IronPAX challenge because it will inevitably kick all our butts

Dynamic Duo Part Two-o

THE SCENE: Clear, Humid, Lower to Mid 70s

SSH, Arm Circles, This and That, Tempo Squats, Rockettes, Cherrypickers
Moseyed over to Jane Allen for 11’s: American Hammers at the bottom on a 4 count, burpees at the top. Called it for time on the 4:7 round

Moseyed back over to the playground for 7’s: Assisted pull ups on the monkey bars and step ups


Shared how recently on campus trying to recruit new students to our ministry I caught myself feeling anxious and timid when initiating with new faces. I found myself worrying about whether or not they would like me, if I was interrupting them, or if they felt annoyed by me. This reminded me of one of my favorite verses, 2 Timothy 1:7, which says that God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. So I’ve been reminding myself that the Spirit that lives inside me is one that loves the students I’m engaging with, and when that isn’t enough to motivate me forward, the Spirit gives me the self-discipline I need to move forward anyways. I encouraged us to take that same attitude into anywhere else we might be feeling anxious or a tendency to remain inactive or passive

Rain Plans

THE SCENE: Lower 70’s, started with a drizzle ended with a downpour

SSH, Arm Circles, Shoulder Taps, Tempo Squats, Rockettes
Went to the coupon pile by L&N and got ourselves a brick. Moseyed with our bricks over to the 11th street garage. Here we had 4 cones spaced out on the opposite end of the garage. We did suicides, running to the 1st cone and back, then to the 2nd cone and 1st cone and back, and so on til we hit all 4. Each cone had an exercise assigned to it.

  • Round 1 (with our rocks): Cone 1= 15 curls, 2= 15 tricep extensions, 3= 15 shoulder presses, 4= 15 goblet squats
  • Round 2 (without our rocks): Cone 1= 15 LBCs, 2= 15 Merkins, 3= 15 American Hammers (4ct.), 4= 15 Hand Release Merkins
  • Intermission: Took a break from suicides with 1 minute wall sits, 5 reps of slow merkins, then another minute of wall sits and 5 more reps of slow merkins
  • Rinse and Repeat: We did all the above one more time through

Ran back to under the bridge, did some flutterkicks and grasshoppers, ended with the word there and then took our rocks back

Mr. Wedgie talked about being a bit of an overplanner at the Quacken yesterday. I had been reading Proverbs earlier and one of my favorite verses that Wedgie reminded me of is “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps” (Prov. 16:9) I think this can often sound like “My plans are useless because at the end of the day God decides what happens”, but the accurate way to hear this is “my plans succeed because the Lord allows them to”. My campus ministry has made all sorts of plans to accommodate for the restrictions on campus in order for us to continue to minister to UT students, but at any point in the future we could be told to limit our numbers even more, to no longer meet on or near campus, or that we aren’t even allowed to come to campus at all. So right now we’ve been spending a lot of time praying about and reminding ourselves that our plans are worth pursuing, but that should our plans change we should be content and remember that the Lord is still sovereign. So I encouraged all of us to continue to put effort and thought into our plans, but to hold onto them open handed and be willing to see them change

Learn from Others: Quacken Edition

THE SCENE: Clear, nice cool 70 degrees

SSH, Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Tempo Squats, Rockettes, Cherry Pickers, Phelps, This and That
Moseyed up to Gresham

  • 11’s with Burpees and Single Leg merkins, but instead of running back and forth, we toe tap bear crawled forwards and backwards 11 steps between each exercise
  • Doras with 25 Single Leg Merkins, 50 Star Jumps, and 50 Merkins

Moseyed back to cars and did Catalina Wine Mixers, 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off, to kill the last couple minutes
Recycled word from when I did this workout at Big Ball

I mentioned at the start of the workout that I didn’t come up with this, and that it was actually a workout I hopped in on with one of the AO’s in Nashville a few weeks ago while visiting family. Building off of Swanson’s encouragement to seek out and be willing to receive accountability, I encouraged us to couple that with seeking to also learn from others, both here and from outside sources or people outside of our normal circles. Like I had mentioned, I learned this workout from another AO and would never have thought of it on my own, and I tend to pay attention to others’ Q’s and take note of what I like and incorporate them into my own workouts. Supposedly Einstein is quoted saying that when we stop learning is when we start dying, so let’s go out of our way to learn from one another and not become complacent with what we know

Practice Makes Permanent: Big Ball Edition

THE SCENE: Sunny, clear, mid 70’s

SSH, Arm Circles, Michael Phelps, This and That, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers
For the workout we did one minute of each of the following exercises, with a short break after each exercise. I encouraged all of us to spend that minute focused on performing each exercise with as close to perfect form as possible, not worrying about how many reps we got done. Better to do 10 perfect push ups than 20 half hearted ones here.

  • Amphitheater: 1 minute of: Burpees, Incline Merkins, Decline Merkins, Inverted Rows
  • Bridge: 1 minute of: Bear Crawl Toe Taps across the bridge
  • Parking Lot Rock Pile: 1 minute of: Curls, Shoulder Press, Tricep Extensions, then all three combined. Then after a short break, 1 minute of: Curls, Shoulder Press, Tricep Extensions
  • Ramp Up to Park: Everyone grabbed a partner that would push them, someone about the same speed as them. Then in pairs we did 10 merkins, 10 big boys, followed by a near-sprint run up the ramp
  • Parking Lot Near Church: 1 minute of: Squats, American Hammers, Lunges, LBCs
  • Bridge1 minute of: Bear Crawl Toe Taps and Big Boys
  • Amphitheater: 1 minute of : inverted rows, Decline Merkins, and Incline Merkins
  • Road Next To Event Lawn: Got back with our partners for 10 merkins, 10 big boys and a near-sprint run back to the AO

Recycled my word from a workout at the Quacken

I was reminded not too long ago of a coach I had in high school who would always say to us “Practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” If we spend every workout doing rushed, poor-formed exercises then we’re only training ourselves to continue to do rushed, poor-formed exercises. That mentality applies to the rest of our lives as well. If we approach our families, marriages, churches, jobs, etc. with rushed, poor-formed actions we’re only cultivating flawed families, marriages, churches, jobs, etc. So not only in our workouts, but also in our lives as well, lets all focus on going through the entire motion, digging deep, taking the time to do things right, and training ourselves to do the right thing, since we know that practice makes permanent, not perfect.
Workday next Saturday, Swanson’s got the details. Welcome to Boss Hog.