F3 Knoxville

Learn from Others: Quacken Edition


THE SCENE: Clear, nice cool 70 degrees

SSH, Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Tempo Squats, Rockettes, Cherry Pickers, Phelps, This and That
Moseyed up to Gresham

  • 11’s with Burpees and Single Leg merkins, but instead of running back and forth, we toe tap bear crawled forwards and backwards 11 steps between each exercise
  • Doras with 25 Single Leg Merkins, 50 Star Jumps, and 50 Merkins

Moseyed back to cars and did Catalina Wine Mixers, 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off, to kill the last couple minutes
Recycled word from when I did this workout at Big Ball

I mentioned at the start of the workout that I didn’t come up with this, and that it was actually a workout I hopped in on with one of the AO’s in Nashville a few weeks ago while visiting family. Building off of Swanson’s encouragement to seek out and be willing to receive accountability, I encouraged us to couple that with seeking to also learn from others, both here and from outside sources or people outside of our normal circles. Like I had mentioned, I learned this workout from another AO and would never have thought of it on my own, and I tend to pay attention to others’ Q’s and take note of what I like and incorporate them into my own workouts. Supposedly Einstein is quoted saying that when we stop learning is when we start dying, so let’s go out of our way to learn from one another and not become complacent with what we know