F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Perfect summer morning

  • SSH
  • Baby arm circles
  • Imperial walkers
  • Calf raises

Insert information about the workout.

  • Mosey to the pee rocks
  • 20 of Charger’s row merkins with pee rocks
  • 25 Freddie mercury with pee rocks
  • 10 of Charger’s row merkins with pee rocks
  • 20 Freddie Mercury with pee rocks
  • Mosey to the parking lot entrance
  • 25 gas pumpers
  • Lunge to the sign

5 rounds of

  • 5 burpee jumping pull ups
  • 10 squats
  • 10 BBS

Mosey back to the AO
Hello Dolly’s by I-beam

TLINAU = This life is not about us.

I-beam’s brother

Ribbed’s wife

Hammy’s recovery

And all our brothers who are injured or fartsacked.
Pencil in 9/11 for a F3 family picnic and smoked meat contest.

You should have been there

THE SCENE: Possibly the best summer morning ever.

Some stuff
You should have been there

We skipped this because the other part you missed took to long.
We named squeeze
Some personal stuff

We missed a lot of guys who are on travel or injured.
Convergence at JUCO this weekend.

Slap your wife’s ass

THE SCENE: Perfect F3 wearher

  • SSH
  • Cherry pickers @ Dog# speed
  • Imperial walkers


Mosey to the base of Matterhorn

20 of each at the bottom

  • LBC
  • Rev crunch
  • Heels to heaven
  • Dead bug
  • BBS with twist

Mosey to pull up bars

  • 5 pull ups
  • 20 merkins

Rinse and repeat

At completion mosey back to the AO
Hello Dollys

As the title says, go home and smack your wife’s ass. While this may also get you a smack in the face, the point is to make your wife know you still want her. I don’t know your wife’s love language, I know my wife’s isn’t to be smacked on her ass.  But we as men fall into a cycle of work, parenting, rest, do it again. A lot of marriages end up as cohabitation, coparenting, roommate type relationships, and that’s not what God wants for us. He wants us to have a passion for our wife’s. He wants us to love them, desire them, and want them intimately. We all had to work to win the women we married, so go home and remind them of that, remind them that you still desire them and love them.

If you do chose to randomly go home and smack your wife’s ass, let us know how that worked out. You never know unless you try.

We seem to be missing a lot of brothers at the Dog# lately. I know we’re all busy and have a ton of other things going on, but let’s get back in the gloom. Also shout out to Cowboy who was downrange from Nashville

Prayers for daughters going through some medical issues and other struggles. Prayers for girl dads as we raise these young women to hopefully see what love and marriage looks like. PS they watch how we treat our wives.   Prayers for our PAC who were MIA.

Prayer Lessons ITG

Prayer Lessons ITG

Everyone knows the drill.  The alarm goes off, you get dressed, drive to the AO, put in work, name-o-Rama, pray. Rinse and repeat.

Pray.  Hmmm, that one stands out.

What I have seen and learned in my time at F3 is that we as men need male bonding, that is no surprise, but we also need God, and we need prayer. The male bonding part is easy, and I can honestly say my closest friends of all time are men I’ve met in the gloom. They’ve helped me grow, as a man and in my faith.  Many of them might not know it, but it wasn’t just going through the motions, it is how they live life, and how they pray. To see how they have walked with God is truly an inspiration.

No one ever said life was easy, and the men at DogPound have seen all the bad, divorce, overdose, car accidents, death, sick kids, sick wives, job loss, and most recently the ongoing battle with cancer. There has also been much joy to combat the bad which is always a blessing. However, what has stayed with me is how these men through everything good and bad, has been to pray.  Prayer has been a focal point in everyone of those situations. Praying together in gloom.  Praying alone about those in need.  A text message or post requesting prayer.  A reminder to pray for someone. Day to day through adversity, celebration, and whatever comes their way, they remain calm and steadfast not only in their actions, their undying trust in God,  their support of one another, but in how they pray.

I wanted to share because prayer hits home for me.  My biggest fear about leading my first Q wasn’t the exercises, cadence, not even the public speaking.  But public praying?  Well that’s not my thing. I’ll be the first to admit even now when I pray it still isn’t fancy. I’m not eloquent like Junk or La-z-boy.  I don’t have Bible verses come to me during prayer.  I still say “uh” a lot, and there are lots of awkward pauses. I’m basically still one step above the old faithful “Now I lay me down to sleep…”.  For me, I know I have never left the BOM thinking “dude, I rocked that prayer”.  But truthfully the men in my Wolfpack have taught me that doesn’t even matter.  What I’ve seen is that it’s not about how you pray, where you pray, what you pray, but it is to just to pray. Just pray. Taking time to speak with God. Thanking him for all that He has given you, good and bad, and then laying your joys and concerns at His feet.  Submitting, asking, and allowing for His plan for our lives.

I believe God always answers prayers. Always. It might not be the answer we want, and it might not be when we want it, but He answers. He opens doors while closing others. And because of that He just wants us to pray.

It took me a long time to understand that, and I am thankful for these men who have helped me.

“pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Don’t skip chest day

THE SCENE: 68 and clear

  • Cherry picker 4ct IC x10
  • Hula hoop 4ct IC x10
  • Imperial Walker 4ct IC x10
  • SSH 4ct IC x25


The Whole Enchilada

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Elevated inch worms
  • 15 BBS
  • 20 Merkins

5 rounds

Mosey to the tennis court

4 corners

  • 10 Wolverine Burpee (Horrible exercise)
  • 10 Windshield Wipers each side
  • 10 DEEP squats
  • 10 Gas pumpers 4 ct


  • Heels to Heaven 4ct IC x10
  • LBC 4ct IC 25



Romans 8:25 “But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”  While I’m going through a struggle at work and hoping for a positive outcome it is hard to be patient.  But what I should be, and what this situation has reminded me of, is to hope in Jesus for His outcome for me, and to try and be patient.  In this crazy instant world we live in that seems to be the struggle, wanting what we want when we want it and then we don’t wait patiently at all.  We want instant gratification.  But He gives us patience to wait and hope to eventually see Him.  And how much sweeter are the things that we actually wait a long time to get?

Prayers for LadyJunk

Prayers for Flashback and his pedal bike ride for MS.