F3 Knoxville

CSAUP Event Truckin To The Pound

Men of Knoxville, this Saturday October 28, 2017 you are invited to attend a Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless (CSAUP) event.  #TruckinToThePound #TTTP

This event was created by the men of F3 Knoxville’s Dog Pound crew as a way to have a longer event such as a Ragnar Relay, Spartan, Tough Mudder, etc. without the added expenses of entry fees, travel expenses, and most importantly the time away from family and friends.

As busy men, just like you we wanted to do something bigger but not have to travel to another city/State/province to complete the event.

So this Saturday instead of wishing you could get out there and do a crazy race come do one with us!  At 0600 we will gather at the Truck Stop aka Bob Leonard Park and we will mosey to the Dog Pound located at Concord Park.  The course is 9ish miles, with 4 stops for mini-Qs or workouts along the way. With some added bonus features if you wish to think of them that way.


This event is free!


This event is for the High Impact Men (HIM)s of Knoxville to challenge themselves and each other, and help one another get better.

It is a CSAUP event, there are no trophies, medals, prizes or awards. We are all going to go out and get better together. #IronSharpensIron

Start together finish together.  For more information contact Mayberry via DM


Mosey Around the Matterhorn

THE SCENE: 50 and clear

40 Merkins on while F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER

IC 20 4ct Imperial Walkers

IC 20 4ct Gas pumps

IC 20 4ct Tempo squats

Mosey to the Matterhorn

IC 20 4ct Bridge March

Broad jump to the light pole, sprint the rest

Mosey to the pav-a-lon

  • 10 pull ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 squats
  • x3

Mosey down the backside of Matterhorn at the bottom

  • 50 Merkins
  • 50 Squats
  • 50 Deadbugs

Lunge halfway back up Matterhorn run to the top

BBS for cheetahs while they wait for the 6

Mosey back to the AO
Floor Wipers

Around the world Merkins


Love as you should.   Don’t just love other Christians, or other guys from F3, or those of the same color, political party, sexual orientation, or college football team.  Jesus came to this earth and spent time with ALL the sinners, not just the ones who had chosen to follow him.

He came and saved all of us, not just his favorites.  Love one another and don’t judge one another.  I live in glass house and I don’t want others throwing rocks at me so I am sure not going to throw rocks at others.

The next time you get angry with someone based on them cutting you off in traffic, posting something on the Book of Faces, their stance on certain issues, or use them as the punch line to one of your jokes.  Remember Jesus died for them just as much as he died for us.

TTTP October 28, all are welcome

2nd Anniversary of F3

Overcoming Obstacles

THE SCENE:  65 and calm


Laos excercises

  • 20 IC 4CT Iron Mikes
  • 20 IC Swimming Merkins
  • 20 IC 4CT Street Stretch
  • 5  IC 4CT Ultimate Merkin

Mosey to the rock pile, pick a rock you can curl

Indian run Mosey to the bottom of Matterhorn, curls and tri-extensions with your rock as we mosey

20 IC Mtn Climbers at bottom of Matterhorn

Lunge up Matterhorn

Mosey back down for rocks

Bernie Sanders halfway up Matterhorn, mosey the rest

Mosey to the Pav-a-lon for the following exercises

  • 25 Pull ups
  • 50 Decline Merkins
  • 75 LBCs

Line back up and mosey to the top of Matterhorn, Junk led us down

Indian run mosey back to rock pile

2 teams line up and then while one person does a windsprint, the rest of the team does

  • Merkins
  • Bridge March


  • 10 OYO Merkins
  • 20 IC 4ct Floor Wipers
  • 20 IC 4ct Flutter kicks
  • 5 IC 4ct Ultimate Merkin

FNG – Flute Loop

I’ve been reading a study about being a better dad, an “intentional father”, and leading my kids to a relationship with Jesus.  For me I sometimes feel like I don’t know how to do that.  I don’t know all the right things to say and do have them learn about Jesus.  But by putting down my phone, work, hobbies, tv remote, etc., and intentionally spending time with them, I’m off to a good start.  By paying attention to them while they play, or ask questions (lots and lots of questions), or eat dinner and putting the distractions away they can tell the difference.

Sometimes our biggest obstacles to being intentional father is we do not know where to start.  Well just like Matterhorn we climbed this morning, we have to be willing to take that first step.  Get up and move, and if we stumble or fall to get up and keep going.  I’m also learning that I have to show that side to my kids.  If I struggle with obstacles and I handle it the wrong way, my kids learn the wrong way to handle obstacles.  In those times of struggles, I have had to go back and apologize to my kids and ask for forgiveness.  Which does a couple things, it makes my kids realize “hey dad isn’t perfect” and “dad can admit when he is wrong”.  My weaknesses turn into learning points.

And when I struggle with an obstacle so much that I seek our heavenly Father’s assistance with it, my kids see that too.  They see that God is always with us to lift us up and carry us when we need it.  My hope is they know that not only I am always there to pick them up, but that God walks with us.  God picks us all up, gives us a hug, knocks the dirt off, and says “Let’s do this together”.

The PAX really pushed hard this morning, even though we did some things we never tried before.  Indian run with pee rock curls being a prime example.  But we all got better!


  • 2 opportunities for lunch this Weds at Whole Foods, and Thurs at Hardin Valley Brown Bag
  • Oct 6, Trail Run
  • Oct 14, Maryville Launch
  • Oct 28, Truckin to the Pound event

Deligiannis Memorial Work Out

The Scene – 70’s

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer


Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)

SSH x 20 (IC)

Tha Thang

Mosey around park to concrete steps behind softball field

Step Ups x 20 (10 each leg)

Dips x 20

Repeat 3x while we wait on Moses and Steam to join from their ruck


Mosey to upper soccer field

4 corners plus 2 “corners” at mid filed = 6 stations around the soccer field perimeter.

  1. 10 Burpees, jog to midfield
  2. 20 squats, sprint to corner
  3. 20 BBS, lunge to corner
  4. 20 merkins, jog to midfield
  5. 20 4 count MTN Climbers, sprint to corner
  6. 20 4 count flutter kicks, bear crawl to corner

Repeat 4 x

Mosey long way back to AO


Ring of Fire 10 merkins

Side Crunches x 15 by Waxjob

American Hammers x 20

Count off and Name – O – Rama


Let God guide your day to day lives instead of being stubborn and insisting on handling things ourselves.

Burpee Attack

THE SCENE: 61 degrees and PERFECT




Baby arm circles x20

Mosey around the parking lot

SSH burpees x5

Karate kid burpees x 5

Plank jack burpees x5

Inch worm burpees x5

LBC burpees x5 (5 LBCs in between)


Mosey to soccer field

Diamond burpee x5 (5 diamond merks inbetween)

Donkey kick burpee x5

Superman burpee x5 (5 sec hold)

Rocketts burpee x5 (touch each toe 5 times)


Mosey to the dugout stands

Decline burpee x5

Ratchet squat burpee x5

Box jump burpee x5

Fence cling “30” count

Fence sit “30” count

Balls to the wall “30” count w/ 4 merkins


Bear crawl up hill and mosey to Turf field #1

Candlestick burpee x5

Domo burpee x5

Long jump burpee x5

(Run 10 yards and jump as far as you can, do burpee)


Competition 2 teams of 10;

Two men bear crawl to midline while team high knees with them. Switch every 50 yards until all have crawled.

Then burpees x5

Roll burpees x10 across the field


Competition same teams:

All members Bernie sanders to midline, sprint back, Bernie sanders to other goalline then sprint back (2 burpees on the way)

All do burpee x5


Ring o burpees:

Circle up. While pax member runs around outside we hold al gore and then do burpee on return. Burpee count 20


Reps of 5 three count inbetween

Flutter burpees x5

(122 burpees total + -)


Doing more than what’s required.

One of the things that my wife and her father has taught me is to do things better than needed. It use to drive me crazy that they would be so intense on perfection and doing things exactly right or better than what was asked of them. My thought process was just get it done, get it done right, but just get it done and do it quick.

She has taught me to take my time at things when I can and really look at details and how it can be done the best way not just “done”.

Challenge: the next thing you are tasked to do, do it one to two steps better.


October 6, Trail run with Moses

October 28, Truckin to the Pound

November 4, 2year anniversary of F3 Knoxville