F3 Knoxville

Welcome back Mayberry

The Scene – 60’s and fall like

Q– Frosty

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)
BAC Forward and Back x 10 (IC)
SSH x 20 (IC)

Tha Thang
Mosey to stairs and grab a coupon
Run to top of the stairs, each trip adding the next exercise. Once all 4 are completed go in reverse
Curls for the girls x 15
Overhead Press x 15
Rows x 15
Werkins x 15

Mosey to parking lot for 7’s
Squats and BBS
Mosey to AO
Sprint across lot and back plus 10 merkins x 3

Got 45 minutes in and ran out of time

Count off and Name – O – Rama


Prayer requests for the PAX

Wait?!? I have shoulders?

The Scene:
72 degrees and muggy as all get out

Welcome & Disclaimer

Warm up:
10 Merkins
5 burpees
10 toe touches each leg
5 slow cherry pickers

The Thang:
Mosey to the dugout stands
10 box jumps, 10 burpees
10 box jumps, 10 decline merkins
10 box jumps, 10 diamond merks
10 box jumps, 10 plank jacks
Repeat till six finishes

bear crawl up hill to the goal line. Run to opposite goalline doing a forward roll every line (6)

And then…
Round 1: At goal line-2 burpees increasing by 1 at every cone (7) Sprint back to goalline each time.
Round 2: 2 squats increasing by 2
Round 3 Mericans AND box cutters starting with 2 increasing by 2
Bear crawl back to Goalline then run field back and forth or join 6 at his exercises till he finishes

Mosey to the playground.
Hangman: hang from bars with elbows bent. Till all fall down. Once you fall, do burpees till last one is left x2
5 pull ups

At hill:
Bear crawl up, 10 Dry Docks, squat walk down
Bernie sanders up, 10 DD, bear crawl down forward
Hop up hill and 10 DD then plank till 6

Mosey back to Field.

Divide into two teams.
While team member sprints to other midline, team does Merkins till their turn. Once all team members get to midline, repeat with BBS. Once all the team gets to goalline, all sprint to other goalline for the win.

Around the clock:
Plank circles around cone doing merkins at each rotation.
Repeat with burpees at each quarter

Mosey to AO.

Flutter kicks
V holds
American hammers

Count off and name o Rama

This past week, I had someone treat me unfairly, and I was pretty upset about it. My mind raced with ways I could get back at them and give them a taste of their own medicine. I didn’t, I wanted to but I didn’t.

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

The promise that frees us from an unforgiving, bitter, vengeful spirit is the promise that God will settle our accounts. He will do it more justly and more thoroughly than we ever could. Therefore, we can back off and leave room for God to work.

Moleskin: great work by the PAX this morning in the heavy humidity. We were all literally wringing out our shirts afterwards.

A visit to the Asylum

Welcome and disclaimer

1 burpee
One lap around the outhouse
2 burpees
Cherry pickers x10
3 burpees
Little this little of that
4 burpees
Ultimate Merkin x5

One lap around the outhouse

5 Burpees
Balls to the wall 5 HSM
10 HR Merkins
1 wall walk with 5 HSM
9 HR Merkins
1 wall walk with 5 HSM
One lap around the outhouse

6 burpees
Suicide x 10 squats, 10 Merkins, 10 Flamingos
One lap around the outhouse

7 burpees
4 corners of Merkins 10,20,30

4 corners of squats

One lap around the outhouse

8 burpees

Floor wipers

Hello Dolly


Count off



I still get it it too. I was up at 3:05 this morning calling out “the next exercise is” in my head, hoping this Q today went well. But it happens all the time and I was having a real hard time getting back to sleep.

Then I prayed a simple prayer, “Lord help me get some rest so I can lead will this morning. Be with me as I got to F3, and be present in that AO with us.” After that I felt relaxed and went back to sleep.

What I found curious this morning is how easy it is to take God the big things sometimes, job, house, kids, but how we forget to take him the small things.

Have you ever been in a really really dark room with no light? And then when you see the tiniest of tiny specks of light how it seems so bright? That’s God in our world. And when we take stuff to Him he makes the whole room light up like the sun.  But we should constantly take stuff to Him, big and small, so that the room is always light and we can see.

Lastly, many of you don’t know but I have been trying to put into my life the concept that, I am 3rd. God first, others second, and myself 3rd. I encourage you to do the same, and I encourage you to go out into this world and share with others about that tiny speck of light in the darkness, and how He can save our soul.


The scene: 60, cloudy


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Little Baby Arm Circle – front / back IC x 10
This / that stretch
Cherry Picker IC x 5
Burpees OYO x 10
CMU: 10 curls, 10 OH press, 10 tricep press, 10 squat

The Thang:
• Suicide lottery. 5 cone suicide course with cones about 10 yards apart from each other. Pass a bucket around with exercises written on cardboard tickets. PAX draw a ticket & run suicide course, completing the exercise you drew from the bucket each cone. Rinse, shuffle, repeat.
• Final lap: everyone does burpees

Box cutters IC x 20
American Hammers IC x 15
Ring of fire – leg levers. 2 rounds

Count off and name-o-rama

You reap what you sow. The world tells us to sow our wild oats while we’re young and then settle down later to be responsible men, husbands and fathers. The problem with this is that the bible clearly tells us we will reap what we sow. Is it any wonder that the man who spent his teenage years partying now has a hard time staying away from the same crowd? Or the man who spent his time looking at pornography while young now struggles with this in his life? As fathers this is something we need to be aware of with our children. I want my children to experience life to the fullest – I want them to experience joy, sadness, success, failure, love, heartache, friendship and animosity as they round out to be adults. However, as my oldest child enters his high school years I am increasingly aware of my responsibility as a father to set appropriate guardrails so that my children experience all they can, while not establishing bad habits that they will reap later in life.

Today was Peyton’s last day with the PAX before he relocates to FL. We’re all going to miss him in the gloom! Peyton is a HIM and the Orlando F3 PAX will be better because of him. Tclaps brother!

Lats of love

Scene– sprinkles and 70

F3 welcome and disclaimer

Warm Orama-
Side straddle hop 15 count
Baby arm circles forward 10
Baby arm circle backwards 10
Cherry pickers 10
20 merkins
10 wide merkins
10 diamond merkins

Mosey to Matterhorn
Lunge half way up the Matterhorn stop every 10 steps for 10 Merkins- mossy back down,
Bunny hop up Matterhorn stop every 10 hops for 10 peter parkers

Mossy to pavalon
5 10 15- 5 pull ups 10 dips 15 squats- 5 mins
Dora – (in honor of Abacus) 48 Pull ups 48 squats 48 merkins 48 dips

Mossy to AO- Wagon Wheel bottom of madahorn
At AO- Hold leg lift till 6 is up.

Ab Orama

Call outs- hold at 6 inches, half way up, hello dollys and flutter kicks

Name O-rama 

Police officers prayer
Lord I ask for courage, Courage to face and Conquer my own fears…
Courage to take me Where others will not go…
I ask for strength
Strength of body to protect others And strength of spirit to lead others…
I ask for dedication
Dedication to my job, to do it well, Dedication to my community
To keep it safe…

Give me Lord, concern For others who trust me
And compassion for those who need me…
And please Lord Through it all Be at my side…