F3 Knoxville

Cover your family’s six.

Guys I have debated whether or not to send this out. I don’t want to seem crass or opportunistic but it is truly weighing heavy on my heart.

“We weren’t prepared to lose him…” Cardinal’s Wife.

Men this sentence has sat heavier and heavier with me since I first read it. Being a part of F3 means being a High Impact Man. One part of being a High Impact Man is making sure your family’s six is covered. Your M’s and 2.0’s will never be prepared to lose you but you can make sure that they are prepared to lose you.

Men, if you don’t have life insurance/income protection now is the time to get it. We have seen firsthand how immediate and unplanned our lives can end. Please, please, please don’t disregard this message. It is easy to get, monthly costs as much as a dinner for a family of 5 to eat out, some is ALWAYS better than none, and it never hurts to look it over again to make sure you have enough.

A few tips for buying life insurance:

Stay away from products that have savings tied to them. Products named, Whole Life, Universal Life, Cash Value etc. Stick with Term Life Insurance.

You’ll want your term to carry you ideally to retirement age. At which point you will hopefully be self insured with your retirement savings.

Don’t sacrifice term (length of coverage) for amount of coverage. Can’t afford $500,000 for 20 years now, then get $500,000 for 10 years and renew later.

You typically want 10 times your bring home pay. I.e. Your salary is $60,000 per year but $50,000 hits your bank account, then you’ll want $500,000 in coverage. That amount can be put in an investment account that will allow your wife and kids to withdraw 10% or $50,000 per year for 10+/-. This will allow your family time to grieve, give them margin,keep your family in their home, keep cars, etc.

If your M works you’ll want the same scenario listed above for her. If not, she still brings value into your home and you will need to hire someone to help out for a while. So consider coverage either way.

If this is confusing or you want to know more please reach out to someone you know. If you don’t know anyone or would like help navigating this please reach out to me. This is my passion in life. Making sure that families’ financial houses are strong and shored up.
I will gladly look over anything you have free of charge to make sure you and your family are properly protected. Don’t read this and not act on it. Reach out to me or someone you know. Just cover your family’s six.

F3 500

THE SCENE: Misty wet morning, perfect for early morning beatdown

20 Side Straddle Hops on a 3 count, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 mountain climbers on a 3 count, 10 Manly Arm Rotations forward, 10 Manly Arm Rotations backwards

Mosey over to the Amphitheater for the F3 500. Battle buddy up. Battle buddies collectively do 100 Incline Merkins, 100 Big Boy Situps, 100 Pull Ups, 100 Flutter Kicks on a 3 count, 100 Overhead Claps on a 3 count. While one buddy is doing exercise the other is running a lap around the amphitheater. Once completed we moseyed over to Big Ball stairs. Bear Crawl to the top, 10 mountain climbers at the top and run back down. Mosey back over to the under the bridge. Lunge from one side to the other. 1 minute wall sit into lunge back across to 10 air squats. 20 flutters on a 3 count. 15 Cobra’s. Mosey back to the amphitheater for some mary. Then reconvene at AO.


Building off Abort’s COT talk about inertia I came across this quote about quitting. “If you quit now… you’ll end up right back where you first began, and where you first began, you were desparate to be where you are right now. Keep going.” Whether it be F3, work or life goals, don’t give up. My M compares me to a boulder on a hill. Super hard to get going but once you give it that push and it comes to the point where the slight bit of momentum catches it going forward it’ll be hard to stop. Let’s be the boulder, be tenacious in going after our goals.

Grossly underestimated the time it would take to finish the 500. Need to plan more exercises to have in the back pocket just in case.


Making The Holiday Family Rounds

THE SCENE: Clear, 40 degrees. Christmas lights all around

No FNG’s, You know your body, you’re here on your own, modify if need be.

Jameis Winston Kicks 10; Mountain Climbers 10; Rikki Tikki Tavi 10, SSH 15, Baby Arm Circles 10, Chinooks 10

Mosey to Krutch Park while crossing pedestrian bridge performed lunges across it. Once at Krutch Park start out on left side of Market Street, Shoulder Taps 10x 4 ct, run down Market St to Union Ave for Mountain Climbers 10x 4 ct, cross the street for Merkins 10 OYO, run back down Market Street for Rikki Tikki Tavis 10x 4ct. Lap 2: Big Boys 10x, American Hammers 10x 4 ct, LBC 10 OYO, Oprah Winfrey’s 10x OYO. Lap 3:Squats 10 OYO; Lunges 10 OYO; Prisoner Squats 10 OYO; Monkey Humpers 10 OYO. Repeat Lap 1, then half of Lap 2. Mosey over and through the park. 1 minute plank, Olan Mills pause, mosey to parking garage. Wall sits while we each count off to 60. Mosey over to Big Ball stairs. Starting at top of stairs 10 merkins OYO, run to the bottom for 10 BBS, rinse and repeat. Mosey back to AO.

20 flutters, 20 Oprah Winfreys, 1 minute plank

12 HIM’s coming to kick Monday square in the teeth!
I named each corner of the lap we ran as family members. We went to each turn of the lap together, did the workout together. We fought to be present, stay together, enjoy, put in the work. I encourage everyone during the holiday’s to fight to be present, have a great attitude, change your perspective. This could be the last holiday with any of your family members so be present and make some good memories that can last a lifetime.



Battle Buddy the Elf

THE SCENE: 51 degrees and a clear beautiful morning to start the week off.

Lap around the lawn. 25 overhead claps. 25 front claps. 10 cherry pickers. 10 SSH

Mosey to the bridge and battle buddy up. 300 American Hammers, 200 Flutter Kicks, 100 Oprah Winfrey’s. While one buddy works out the other runs a lap. Mosey over to next parking for a Mucho Chesto. 4 laps to complete. Turn 1: 10 Merkins, Turn 2: 10 Cobras, Turn 3: 10 Wide Merkins, Turn 4: 10 ATMS. Off for another mosey to the Big Ball. Run stairs to first landing for 25 Flutter Kicks, then run to top of the stairs for 25 Log Jumps, back down the stairs for 10 pull ups on the girders. Rinse and repeat. Mosey back to AO via East Tennessee Veterans Memorial.

11 PAX showed up greet the week and own it.
“Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Only assholes do that.” Haruki Murakami

“Gratitude and attitude are not challenges; they are choices” Robert Braathe

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Be thankful in all things. Change your perspective. Show and give thanks and don’t expect any in return, you don’t need it.


2nd F on December 8th.