F3 Knoxville

Get in the Wheelbarrow

THE SCENE: Cool and breezy, around 40 degrees moderate cloud coverage

Check, if you could hear it over the mumblechatter, which picked up significantly when Brick and Steam decided to go bare chested.  Glass cutters club!

-10 SSH (20x, (4-ct), in cadence) RUN 2 CIRCLE LAPS (TO THE LEFT) R&R 10 SSH RUN 2 CIRCLE LAPS TO THE RIGHT

– 10 STEVE EARLES (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Rockettes, (4-ct), in cadence

-LBCS Forward/backward  (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence


  • Mosey to Serpentine Sidewalk north of the AO.
    • “2-4-6-8 WHO DO WE APPRECIATE” Run down sidewalk, suicide style, stopping at EVEN # lights to do the following exercises:
      • 2 lights: 4 MERKINS/ 4 lights: 8 merkins/ 6 lights 12 merkins/ 8 lights, 16 merkins. ON LAST REP SWEEP FOWARD
      • Rinse and repeat with SQUATS
      • Rinse and repeat with BBS (2-ct)
    • Mosey east on path to intersection, stop to do 20 Imperial Walkers
    • Mosey to base of Cardiac
      • 5s from base to first curve, starting with 1 OFFSET RIGHT MERKIN, run up and do 4 OFFSET LEFT MERKINS 1 JUMP SQUAT
      • Fellowship Mosey to second curve
      • 5s from Second curve to Benches, Starting with 1 FROGGY JUMP, run up and do 4 SMURF JACKS.
    • Mosey to AO


I wanted to give Mary her due, since we’ve been ignoring this fair lady for awhile, so we had a good 5-6 minutes of Mary…

    • Plank position, knee to opposite elbow x 10
    • Reverse, x10
    • Hold Elbow Plank x10 seconds
    • R&R until time called
  • Captain Thors
    • 1 BBS/1 4-ct American Hammer
    • 2/8
    • 3/12
    • 4/16

Stretching with Pele
14 Hims and 1 2.0, Cheetah Boy


There’s a story I read recently about a tight rope walker in Europe who was very talented, could do all sorts of tricks.  One of these tricks was to walk on tightrope while pushing a wheel barrow.  A Big Time Promoter over here in the States heard about him, and invited him over to North America to walk over Niagara falls for a lot of money. A LOT of money.  But the Promoter wanted to make sure the guy really was all that and a bag of chips, so he asked him to come over for a demonstration.  The tightrope walker was a bit insulted that his talent was being questioned, but he flew over, they went to Niagara Falls, he walked back and forth over the falls, without the wheelbarrow, and then he did it with the wheelbarrow.

When he was finished, he returned to the Promoter and said, “There!  Now do you believe I can do it”?

The Promoter said, “Yes, I’m sorry I doubted you, I believe you can do it.”

“No No” said the tightrope walker, “I want to REALLY make sure you believe in my abilities! After all, I don’t want you to have any doubts”.

“Of Course I believe you! I just saw you do it!  Yes, yes, I believe you!”

The Tightrope walker said with an evil grin…  “If you really believe I can do it… Then get in the wheelbarrow.”

Living in Faith requires us to get in that wheelbarrow and have trust and faith. Must give control up to God.  It can be a little bit scary.  When I was about 10 I went on the American Eagle roller coaster at Great America in Gurnee, Illinois for the first time.  Wooden roller coaster that held several records when it was built in the 80s, including longest drop and fastest speed.  Here are some stats on that sucker:

  • built with approximately 1,360,000 feet (410,000 m) of lumber,
  • 129,720 bolts,
  • 30,600 pounds (13,900 kg) of nails (How many of those have come loose over the years?)
  • 55 degree max invert angle (Think of that!)

Rickety, wheels squealing on the rails, lots of motion.  I was petrified.  But you have to believe that the safety measures are in place and that you’ll be ok.  But you don’t really KNOW it until you take that ride.  There are ups and downs, twists and turns on your faith journey.  But in the end, you’ll be exhilarated, like that 10 year kid on a rollercoaster.


Get your dogtag order in!  Looking for new F3 Knoxville F1 and F3 leaders.  Hot Toddy Q this Saturday!

The Stubborn Ounces Of My Weight

THE SCENE: REAL gloom in the Fake Gloom.  Misty, steamy, not too cold, not too warm.

Performed adequately.


-20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence

  • 10 Temp Merkins (4-ct IC)

– 10 Tempo Squats (4-ct), in Cadence

– 10 Moroccan Nightclub (4-Ct) in cadence

– 10 Overhead claps (4-Ct) in cadence


MOSEY to Caribbean

CANDY CANE ESCALATORS (addressed questions from Swimmies)

  • Run to first cone. Do exercise then run to second cone, do exercise, run back, etc.  Go to 8 Cones. Exercises are:
    • Cone 1: 5 Burpees
    • Cone 2: 10 Bobby Hurleys
    • Cone 3: 15 Carolina Dry Docks
    • Cone 4: 20 BBSs
    • Cone 5: 25 LBCs
    • Cone 6: 30 iron mikes (single count)
    • Cone 7: 35 Hello dollies (single count)
    • Cone 8 : 40 Imperial Walkers (single count).

MOSEY to bottom of Cardiac (addressed more questions from Swimmies), stopping at Intersection to do some maintenance exercises.  Where’s Switchgrass??

Steam goes back to check, he had a ruck so will meet us later… but where? The plot thickens…

  • CARDIAC WORKOUT PYRAMID (addressed more questions from Swimmies):
    • Do the following exercises at the bottom then Bernie up to first turn and back. Do 5x reps the first time, then 10x, then 15x.
      • Star Jumps
      • Mountain Climbers (2-ct)
      • Froggie Jumps
    • Run back up the entire hill, doing 15 merkins at each turn

Where’s Switchgrass??

  • Mosey to Parking Lot  THERE’S Switchgrass!!!!
    • PARTNER UP. Partner 1 does exercise, Partner 2 goes to far end of parking lot by method indicated, does 5 SSH, and returns the same way.  Partners switch. The exercises and traveling method are as follows ((addressed more questions from Swimmies):
      • What did we do here??? / SPRINT

About 20 seconds of STS (Stretching with Steam) before time
11 Studs!!

The holiday season can be awfully exciting… but there can be a weariness that sets in too.  Weariness of parties, shopping, commercials, food/clothing/toy drives, parades and then you can add to that non-holiday related stuff… election cycles, home repairs, what have you.  And there’s also a more general sense of weariness, that despite all of our efforts to do good, sometimes it seems like we’re not making a difference.

Take a deep breath, the long view, and the celebrate the small wins.  We don’t have to save the world.  Small wins sometimes add up to God’s miracles. St. Augustine lived in N. African town of Hyppa.  (Algeria) “Architect of the church”.  Wrote incredible works and classics that have defined Christian faith for generations in a time when the Roman empire was collapsing around him. At the end of his life he was watching barbarians storming his town, knew it would burn to the ground.  Went up to the battlements, and prayed.  One of his prayers, one of his last, was this one: “Lord, my one hope, hear me that weariness may not lesson my will to seek you.” He passed away never giving up to despair.

Ted Loder was a retired Methodist minister who was known for his artistic political activism and passion for social justice.  He was named at one time One of America’s Outstanding Creative Preachers

He wrote about an older woman in one of his congregations. She was nearly blind, bad arthritis, home bound.  Lived on a small teacher’s pension that she mostly gave away to causes she believed in.  She gave to Loder a poem.  “You say the little efforts that I make will do no good. They will never prevail to tip the hovering scale where justice hangs in the balance.  I never thought they would.  But I am prejudiced beyond debate in favor of my right to choose which side shall feel the stubborn ounces of my weight.”  Even on days when it doesn’t seem to matter, where will you put the stubborn ounces of your weight?  Let us not be weary of doing good.

As Paul wrote in Galations 6:9-10 “And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith”.  Don’t give in to weariness this holiday season.  Learn to Rest, Not Quit.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Seven Generations

THE SCENE: Started off cool, around 40 degrees, but when the sun came out became fairly balmy.

Performed adequately.

  • Motivators (5-ct, descending)
  • Plank jacks (x10, 4-ct, IC)
  • Mountain Climbers (x10 4-ct) IC
  • Windmills (x10, 4-ct, IC)
  • Grady Corns (x10, 4-ct, IC)


Mosey up the Dragon’s Tail to Haslem’s Rock.  20 American Hammers (4-ct, IC)

Mosey to Bottom of Everest. Nothing says “We shall earn our pumpkin pie” like Everest.

  • Run to stump and back, 10x Merkins
  • Run to stump and back, 20 x Squats
  • Run to stump and back, 30x LBCs, SSH until the 6 gets there.
  • Run all the way up via the Summit, doing the same reps of Merkins, Squats, and LBCs at some point along the way.  Al Gore at the top.
  • FOOD COMA: (30 second Star Gazer)

Mosey to Front of Admin bldg.  We’re gonna CARVE THE TURKEY.  Left side: LIGHT MEAT (LUNGES).  Right Side: DARK MEAT (DIVE BOMBERS).  12 O’Clock position, JUMP FOR JOY! (JUMP SQUATS)

  1. Go down 1/4 of the way to the left, 10 LUNGES (2-ct)
  2. Run back to Middle, 10 JUMP SQUATS
  3. Go down 1/4 of the way to the right, 10 DIVE BOMBERS (2-ct)
  4. Run back to Middle, 10 JUMP SQUATS
  5. Go down 1/2 of the way to the left, 10 LUNGES (2-ct)
  6. Run back to Middle, 10 JUMP SQUATS
  7. Go down 1/2 of the way to the right, 10 DIVE BOMBERS (2-ct)
  8. Run back to Middle, 10 JUMP SQUATS

Didn’t do #8, instead moseyed over to the benches on the small hill south of the Colosseum and took a gander at the construction and beautiful weather.

Mosey to small parking lot by Colosseum.


  • 5/10/15s
  • There will be two exercises for each round.  Each round = 3 trips.  One partner will Turkey Run (kind of a Duck Walk with arms flapping) up to the street and do 5 reps of both exercises, then switch out with the partner, who is doing a slow mosey in the bull pen.  The next time up do 10x both exercises.  Third time up 15x.  YOU CAN TAKE ONE REP OFF CUMULATIVELY PER TRIP IF YOU CLUCK LIKE A TURKEY while running up to the street, so take one rep off the first trip, two reps off the second trip, and three reps off the third trip.

Only did Round 1 due to time, but did all of the Round 2 and 3 exercises at the top of the rise x15 (x13 due to the clucking extra credit)

Mosey to Field below.


  • STATIONS (Rotate from 1 to 6. PAX not in rotation are alternating between 5 Merkins and 10 SSH)
    • STATION 1: Kicker (throws the ball deep to Returner, becomes an extra defender.  Ball must be catchable.)
    • STATIONS 2-5: Defenders (chase Returner and tackle him , 2-hand touch)
    • STATION 6: Returner (gets as far upfield as he can)
  • Field will be divided into quadrants. 4 Burpees will be divided by Returner and Defenders as follows (R / D):
    • Last Quarter: 3 / 1
    • Next Quarter: 2 / 2
    • Third Quarter: 1/ 3
    • TOUCHDOWN by Returner: 0 / 4

American Hammers, Hello Dollies each x20 (4-ct, IC)
8 HIMs (Cheetah Boy not tagged)

The Iroquois have a philosophy or outlook on life called the SEVEN GENERATIONS PRINCIPLE

Any important action should take into account all of the history and wisdom from seven generations prior.  Also, how will your actions impact people seven generations in the future?  It embodies an idea of connectedness to a community that transcends time. How our actions affect not just those here now, but those that have passed, and those that will walk the earth when we are no longer here.

Connection to Thanksgiving: How can we learn from the wisdom of past generations?  Abraham Lincoln established Thanksgiving as a National Holiday in 1863, shortly after the Battle of Gettysburg that killed 50,000 Americans. It was a time of division, bitterness, hatred.  The first few paragraphs of Lincoln’s announcement addressed put a hopeful spin on the state of the union (debatable..), but then he said this:

It has seemed to me fit and proper that [God’s Gifts] should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American people. I do, therefore, invite my fellow-citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a Day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens. And I recommend to them that, while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners, or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation, and to restore it, as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes, to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union.

In the midst of a Civil war that was tearing this county apart, Lincoln was talking about charity, harmony, and Love of God.  Did NOT point fingers, dwell on the negatives, or complain about the state of the country.  Instead, he encouraged the people to celebrate as a single country and nation.  Despite differences that ended in 50,000 dead in a single battle just a few months prior, his hope was to create a holiday that would unify the country.  Bring us together.  One Nation, under God.  Today, the state of our country is divided once more, but nothing like it was at the time of the first Thanksgiving.  We should take a page from the Iroquois and use the wisdom of past generations to guide our ways today.  So as we celebrate Thanksgiving, we are charged to look back so that WE can be the ones to bring unity in today’s world when there is bitter division, so future generations don’t look back on our time here now and judge us for our divisiveness.  Here is to a peaceful and Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Prayers for those traveling
Happy Thanksgiving!

The November Guest

THE SCENE: Clear and chilly, around 40 degrees.

Completed adequately.

-Motivators (5 reps/level)

– Yoga stretches: legs spread, hang straight down, reach to right and left ankle, touch the ground and reach one arm up twisting torso, reverse hands.

– 10 Mountain Climbers (4-ct, IC)

– 10 Moroccan Night Clubs (4-ct, IC)

– 10 Calf raises

– 10 Steve Earles (4-ct, IC)


Mosey to LILY PAD where cones will be laid out in a rectangle, short/medium/long distance on each side. Pair up.  One partner will get to the cone using various means, does 3 PELE BURPEES, and returns while partner performs maintenance exercises. Switch.  Do each cone for two minutes. Cones are, counter-clockwise order:

    • Cone 1 (Long): Bear Crawl, partner does Bobby Hurleys
    • Cone 2 (Medium): Broad Jumps, partner does Iron Mikes
    • Cone 3 (Short): Inch Worm, partner does Hurpees
    • Cone 4 (Long): Bear Crawl, partner does BBS
    • Cone 5 (Medium): Broad Jump, partner does American Hammers
    • Cone 6 (Short): Inch Worm, partner does Gas Pumps


  • Mosey to perimeter path, heading east then north then west to Caribbean parking lot:
    • Nickel/Dime/Quarters (run 1 light, do 5x first exercise, then 2 lights 10 reps, then 5 lights 25 reps)
      • Squats
      • SSH
      • Imperial Walkers
      • CDDs
  • Merkins at the parking lot until 6 gets up.

Mosey to the Pav-a-lon

  • 7s on benches (Incline merkins/Dips)


Dead Bugs, Homer/Marge until time
Nine strong

My November Guest, by Robert Frost

My Sorrow, when she’s here with me,
Thinks these dark days of autumn rain
Are beautiful as days can be;
She loves the bare, the withered tree;
She walks the sodden pasture lane.

Her pleasure will not let me stay.
She talks and I am fain to list:
She’s glad the birds are gone away,
She’s glad her simple worsted grey
Is silver now with clinging mist.

The desolate, deserted trees,
The faded earth, the heavy sky,
The beauties she so truly sees,
She thinks I have no eye for these,
And vexes me for reason why.

Not yesterday I learned to know
The love of bare November days
Before the coming of the snow,
But it were vain to tell her so,
And they are better for her praise.

– Describes a person embracing the sadness that comes with the passing of summer and the beginning of the long winter, with “Sorrow” personified as a woman.

-Winter can be ominous and unsettling, and for some there can be some depression associated with it

–  But there is more to this poem… the dreariness of winter has its own kind of beauty, and the author ultimately embraces it.

– Same for “Sorrow”.  No one likes being sad, but it is an enriching facet of the human condition.

– Many times, we feel ashamed of our grief and sadness, we try to bury it, and pretend it doesn’t exist. The author is encouraging us to look at that part of us not with shame or trepidation, but to embrace it as part of our humanity.  I think about my parents, who both passed during the early part of the winter season.  I read this poem and it encourages me to use this time as a period of reflecting on her love and the wonderful times we had while she was on this earth.  “Not yesterday I learned to know the love of bare November days”. Try to learn the value of your own sources of sadness and grief.  And know that there’s a God in your life that will never be far from your heart, and seek comfort and refuge in the love of our Almighty Father.  PSALM 34:18: The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Prayers of thanks for Title 9 making it back from his west Coast trip. Prayers for Brick and his dad.
Asylum PM will host a 9 am workout on Thanksgiving.  A 7 am workout will also be happening.

Circuit of Pain

THE SCENE: Beautiful! Mid 70s, slight breeze, awesome fall colrs


SSH, Star Fighters, Air Squared, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers
Mosey down Roadshow Run and take a tour of the circuit.  Five stations, decreasing reps, most of us got in three laps (full disclosure, I signed up to Q a few hours before the workout and flat out stole this from a recent backblast.  Can’t remember whose it was, but thank you!):

Station 1

Carolina Dry Docks

Bottle Openers (2 count)

Pickle Pounders

Round 1 = 20

Round 2 = 15

Round 3 = 10

Station 2


Off-set Merkins LEFT (left hand forward)

Off-set Merkins RIGHT


Round 1 = 15

Round 2 = 12

Round 3 = 9

Station 3

Big Boy Situps

Flutter Kicks (2 Count),

American Hammers (2 Count)

Round 1 = 15

Round 2 = 12

Round 3 = 9


Station 4

Side Straddle Hops

High Knees

Butt Kickers (Reps = Seconds for these last two)


Round 1 = 20

Round 2 = 16

Round 3 = 12


Station 5

Froggy Jumps

Bobby Hurleys

Iron Mikes (2 Count)

Round 1 = 15

Round 2 = 12

Round 3 = 9

Mosey back to top of Summit.  Do a TOTEM POLE, running to the Road Closed barricade to do 10x SSH, and return to continue the pole.  We only got about 1/3 of the way through.

Totem Pole

(knock the top one off after each cycle)

10        Burpees

9          Mountain Climbers (4-ct)

8          Diamond Merkins

7          Box Cutters

6          American Hammers (4-ct)

5          Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct)

4          Hand Release Merkins

3          Bobby Hurleys

2          Squats

1          Star Gazers (10 seconds).        Pause.  Look around.  Embrace the Suck.  Encourage the closest PAX. Let’s GO!!

Leg lifts (Homer/Marge)
9 and 2.0 Cheetah Boy
Talked about the recent school shooting and how the shooter was depressed, isolated, etc.  Severe Sad Clown syndrome… reach out to anyone who know who seems withdrawn, lonely, etc.  A little kindness can go a long way.
Congrats to Cheetah Boy on his Cross country successes!
Food drive, clothing drive, Brolympics Nov 5!