F3 Knoxville

Life is an Adventure

THE SCENE: Perfect.  Low 60s and plenty o’ sun!


– 20 SSH (4ct, IC)

– 20 Moroccan Nightclubs (4 ct, IC)

– 10 Windmills (4 ct, IC)

– 10 Tempo squats

– 10 Grady Corns (4 ct, IC)

-Leg Stretches

We repeated some of the exercise stations from CSAUP so that the guys who missed could experience it a bit, and to recreate the nightmare for those that did attend. 🙂

MOSEY to Area 51


OBJECTIVE: Your adventures have gotten off to an inauspicious beginning.  You have been charged with a crime! You must serve your punishment by doing hard labor.

  • Do 10 PRISONER GET UPS in the parking lot


  • BEAR CRAWL to Wall of building, do 10 PRISONER CELL MERKIN BURPEES (PCMBs).


  • EL CAPITAN back to parking lot. RINSE AND REPEAT.


MOSEY to Gravel Parking Lot


OBJECTIVE: After that short little mosey, I can hear you panting like a She-Dragon in Labor! You are already out of breath, and you call yourself a HIM?? To achieve ultimate HIM-dom, you must train to IMPROVE YOUR ENDURANCE!

Do a SEABISCUIT! Run one lap around the parking lot (staying outside of the cones) and then do:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 Big Boy Situps
  • 30 Squats

Run TWO laps, Repeat the exercises

Run THREE laps, Repeat the exercises

Mosey to AO, stopping twice to do some American Hammers and LBCs.


OBJECTIVE: You must rescue the princess trapped in the Tower, but first you must slay the dragon that guards her!



SAVE the Princess! RUN to top of tower (Space Needle), do 20 SQUATS at each turn of the stairs. Touch the picture of the princess and return to bottom.

No time for good ol’ Mary.
13 plus two dogs plus one 2.0, plus one ex Nan’taan

Life is not a problem to be solved, but an adventure to be lived!

  • John Eldredge, Wild at Heart.

When I was young I read every Choose Your Own Adventure book I could get my hands on.  For a kid who had a very active imagination, but was also constrained by little things like school, chores, going to Grandma’s house every Sunday, “rules”, avoiding getting beat up by a big brother, and on and on…. I usually didn’t get to live out those wild dreams that were always in my head.  And being a scrawny little runt who was always the smallest kid in class and in our neighborhood gang, I was far from looking the part of the noble hero or the brave adventurer.  The books were a wonderful diversion.  You could pretend you were a swashbuckling pirate on the high seas, an astronaut on a far-away planet, a wizard infiltrating the castle of frost giants, or a treasure hunter looking for a lost artifact in a distant land. And the books made you feel like you had a little bit of control, but in the end, you usually died anyway. Kind of like what happened in CSAUP. 😉  But then as you grow up, you gradually start to lose a bit of that magic.  Life gets in the way.  Bills, jobs, responsibilities.  Like little Jackie Paper, painted wings and giants rings make way for other toys.  And one day it happens… and you stop frolicking with a magic dragon in a land called Honnalee.

But every once in awhile, it’s great to revisit those places of imagination and dreams.  And that’s why I loved helping to create the CSAUP story line.  Yeah, I got to torture all of you guys who participated… but it was fun to bring just a little bit of magic and adventure to a morning that was completely stupid and utterly pointless.  I hope you all enjoyed it too.  And if you missed it… Take a visit back to Honnalee.  pick up one of your old Choose Your Own Adventure books and go through it again.  But every time you slay the dragon of save the princess, or find the treasure… you owe me 20 burpees!


Prayers for Ukraine, CRISPR’s work environment, Pusher’s daughter’s band trip to Florida


Why do we fall?

THE SCENE: Cloudy and damp, but not too bad, around 60 degrees.

-20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 El Capitan Lunges, jog to end of parking lot, same thing back.

– 5 PCMBs (Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees)

  • LBACs forward, backward


MOSEY to Pavillion:

  • AIKEN LEGS! 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Split Jacks (10 each leg forward)


MOSEY to Caribbean:

  • Catch Me If You Can!
    • Partner #1 Bernie Sanders, Partner #2 does 5 of the exercise then sprints to catch Partner #1. When he does, they reverse rolls.  4 loops. Exercises:
  1. 5 American Hammers (2-ct)
  2. 3 Burpees
  3. 5 Carolina Dry Docks
  4. 5 Bobby Hurleys

MOSEY to Cardiac:

  • Cardiac 25’s:
    • Run to first turn and back. At bottom and turn do 5/20, 10/15, 15/10, 20/5 of:
      • Mountain climber (2-ct)/Merkins
    • Run up the rest of the hill and finish with 30 Mountain Climbers and Merkins.

MOSEY to parking lot across from AO

  • BUCK 25’s!
    • Karaoke to left cone. 10 Pickle Pounders/10 Pickle Pointers
    • Run back to center cone, Karaoke to right cone. 10 Pickle Pounders/10 Pickle Pointers
    • Run back to center cone, Bernie Sanders backwards to the cone. 5 Pickle Pounders/5 Pickle Pointers
    • Sprint forward 100 Side Straddle Hops (single count)
    • Run back to center cone.


Not this time.
Seven strong

Quote from the movie BATMAN…

Alfred: “Why do we fall, sir?  So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.”

Just replace one letter in that quote, and you get FAIL, not FALL.

Something I’m very poor at is dealing with failure.  I want to get it right the first time, and then every time after that. That’s one of the reasons I’m not a great handyman… I get so frustrated if I can’t figure something out immediately, that I just give up, rather than trying it one way, failing, trying it another way, and on and on until I get it right.

I’m very admiring of those who aren’t afraid to fail, who go for something, and if they succeed, great, but if they don’t… they pick themselves up again.  Mikaela Shiffrin, the American skier, was a great example of this in the Olympics.  She is one of the top skiers who ever lived, but she skied out of her first 2 or 3 events, and she didn’t earn a single medal in any of them.  But instead if quitting, she kept going out there.  She picked herself up, and continued.  And to me, she’s much more deserving of being a role model than a skater who has failed a drug test but won gold.

And so often, failure is a key component of success.  If you live in fear of failure, like I sometimes do, you miss out on a lot of opportunities.  It’s kind of like riding a roller coaster.  You put off doing it.  You’re petrified to do it.  Maybe sometimes you NEVER do it.  But then you finally get on the dang thing, and afterwards say, “Hey, that wasn’t so bad”.  And you’re not afraid of it as much the next time, and the next.  Similarly, the more times you fail, and the more times you pick yourself up… the less scary it becomes.

As the greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan said, “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”


CSAUP this Saturday, be there by 6:15 am to check in

Love is God

THE SCENE: Rainy, low 50s… the “Fake” gloom was sure real tonight!



-25 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– Leg stretch/Cherry picker things

– 10 Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct), in Cadence

– 10 BACs forward and backward  (4-ct), in Cadence

– 7 Tempo Merkins (4-ct), in Cadence

Tabata workout.  Wall sits during the “rest”

7 rounds of each exercise, 20 secs AMRAP, 10 secs rest in between.  30 seconds rest (wall sit) after each set.

  1. Mountain Climbers
  2. Step ups
  3. Big Boy Situps
  4. Merkins
  5. Bench Pull Ups
  6. Bobby Hurleys
  7. Catalina Wine Mixer (shortened this because these are killers after so many Merkins)
  8. Pickle Pounders
  9. Bench Dips (I think we shortened these too)
  10. American Hammers
  11. Boat/Canoe (got about 1/2 way through this before time)

14 Strong!

With Valentine’s Day coming up, and given the usual plethora of bad news on the TV, I wanted to talk a little bit about love.  Not romantic love, that’s mushy and gross.  But about Biblical and unconditional love.

There was a poll of grade schoolers about love… one little girl wrote “If you want to get better at loving, start with someone you hate.”

Paul wrote about this kind of love in a letter to the Corinthians. As it is written in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8: If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

He talked about a brotherly and sisterly love that overcomes prejudices and hate.  Because in the end, we are not loving others for them, but for God.

Paul wrote that Love is the highest Gift of All, because as the Apostle John said, “Love is from God. We love, because he first loved us.  If we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.”

I recently read something about someone who I’ve always put on a pedestal as being the embodiment of unconditional love, and that is..  MR ROGERS!  The article was about a person does pro-bono work for abused children, and he met with an adult survivor of abuse who has come out on the other side and now mentors kids himself. He noticed Trolley from the Mr. Rogers show on the man’s desk and asked about it.  The man described the abuse he had suffered as a young boy at the hands of his mother.  After one particularly brutal beating, he turned on the TV.  In his words…

“And there was Mr. Rogers. It was the end of the show and he was having a quiet, calm conversation with those hundreds of kids. In that moment, he seemed to look me in the eye when he said ‘And I like you just for being you’. In that moment, it was like he was reaching across time and space to say these words to me when I needed them most.

“It was like the hand of God, if you’re into that kind of thing. It hit me in the soul. I was a miserable little kid. I was sure I was a horrible person. I was sure I deserved every last moment of abuse, every blow, every bad name. I was sure I earned it, sure I didn’t deserve better. I *knew* all of these things … until that moment. If this man, who I hadn’t even met, liked me just for being me, then I couldn’t be all bad. Then maybe someone could love me, even if it wasn’t my mom.

“It gave me hope. If that nice man liked me, then I wasn’t a monster. I was worth fighting for. From that day on, his words were like a secret fortress in my heart. No matter how broken I was, no matter how much it hurt or what was done to me, I could remember his words, get back on my feet, and go on for another day.

“That’s why I keep Trolley there. To remind me that, no matter how terrible things look, someone who had never met me liked me just for being me, and that makes even the worst day worth it to me. I know how stupid it sounds, but Mr. Rogers saved my life.

The next time I saw him, he was talking to one of my little clients. When they were done with their session, he helped her out of her chair, took both of her hands, looked her in the eyes and said: “And remember, I like you just for being you.

That, to me, is Mr. Rogers’ most powerful legacy. All of the little lives he changed and made better with simple and sincere words of love and kindness.

What is Love?  Love is God.

Fascinating Fact: He kept his weight at 143 his entire adult life.  One letter to say “I”, four letters to say “LOVE”, and three letters to say “YOU”.
Prayers for the family and colleagues of the local policeman who was killed in a vehicle incident recently
CSAUP! Feb. 27th, 8:30-9 am. Be there!


THE SCENE: Cloudy, right at freezing, was supposed to be snowing, but just a light drizzle/sleet/winter mix that did change to snow during the last 15 minutes of the workout.


-15 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence – Run across parking lot and back

– 8 Abe Vigodas (4-ct), in cadence – Bernie across and back

– 15 Grady Corns (4-ct), in cadence – Super Mario across and back

– 15 Tempo Squats (4-ct), in cadence


MOSEY up the Dragon’s tail to stop sign past the Rock.

  • 20 Imperial Squat walkers, 4-ct, IC

Partner UP!

  • Partner 1 Bernie’s to guard rail, runs to tree, 5 Jump Squats, run back
  • Partner 2 Alternates between 10 Deconstructed Burpees (doing all components of the Burpee separately) and 10 Froggy Jumps
  • R&R

Snowgazers: Catch 5 SNOWFLAKES ON YOUR TONGUE!  (this didn’t work out, seeing as there was no snow…)

MOSEY to Overlook/Coliseum:

    • Get in a line, take a shot at hitting the Q with a Snowball. Everyone gets three tries.  Hit = 10 ct stargazer.  Miss = 5 Deconstructed burpees.  A hit to the face or groin = 10 Real burpees for all of us.  Do SSH while you wait your turn.  (again, had to modify this since there was no snow.  PAX picked 3 numbers between 1 and 10, another PAX secretly selected the number, if the number was picked, it was a HIT, otherwise a miss.)

Mosey to Roundabout. (RIGHT when we got here it started to snow… Arrrgh)

5/10/15s.  Partner 1 runs to curb and does 5x of 2 exercises, trades off with partner.  R&R with 10 x.  R&R with 15 x.  Partner not doing exercises is doing a slow mosey in the bullpen.



Mosey to AO.
No time
9 strong

Aristotle had a theory that men take on a particular quality by engaging in a particular behavior.  You’ve probably all heard the expression “You are what you eat.”  This might be altered to “You are what you do… over and over and over again.”

Aristotle: Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way… you become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions

I’ve mentioned before that I’m not big on New Year’s Resolutions.  First of all, they set you up for failure, and then comes the wave of guilt if you don’t reach that goal.  Second, they’re temporary.  You may achieve whatever goal you set out to do, whether it’s to lose 10 pounds, abstain from alcohol for a month, save enough money to purchase a new couch, or whatever, but then what happens?  You go right back to your old ways.

A better approach might be to take a page out of Aristotle’s book and focus on Behavior rather than Goals.  By changing Behavior, you establish patterns that pay off with results and are more long term.  You become what you do.  Instead of setting a goal of losing 10 pounds, try to reduce your sugar and carb intake.  Instead of stopping alcohol cold turkey, use the “I’ll have one later” approach to delay the number of drinks you have.  Instead of saving for a new TV or couch, which, once paid off, may result in you going back to spending more than you need to, set up small automatic transfers of your pay check into a savings account.  And as HIMs, don’t think to yourself, “Gee, I’ll try to be more of a HIM this month”.  Instead, integrate acts of character, leadership, and positive encouragement to those around you on a regular basis.

Prayers for Jetlag’s family and Jinxy’s family as they go through some health issues, prayers for Curveball’s parents who were not answering the phone recently, prayers for Abacus’ mom
Triple birthday Hot Toddy Q this Saturday!

Giving Thanks… and no Beaver Moon!

THE SCENE: Cold, low 40s, fairly calm and clear, but the hallowed Beaver Moon didn’t make an appearance, to everyone’s disappointment.



– Motivators 7 count decreasing

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence (aborted this exercise due to mumblechatter around 6 or so…)

– 10 Rockettes (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Grady Corns  (4-ct), in cadence

– Calf stretches


Mosey to Caribbean Parking Lot

  • NO MERCY MILE (really more like a half mile)
    • Near end: Bear Crawl around turn
    • Run to ½ way point. 25 Merkins. Run to curve
    • Far End: Lunges around turn
    • Sprint to ½ way point. 25 Squats. Run to Curve.
    • Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to open air Chapel

    • 30 sec dips, rest 10 sec. R&R x4
    • 30 sec incline merkins, rest 10 sec R&R x4
    • 30 sec isometric squats (alternating), rest 10 sec R&R x4

Mosey to east down path towards the bottom of Cardiac.  At intersection, 20 American Hammers (4-ct)

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac.  20 Imperial Walkers (4-ct)

  • Cardiac Crusher
    • Run to first curve and back, 20 flutter kicks (2-ct)
    • Run to second curve and back, 20 flutter kicks (2-ct)
    • Run to top, stop at each turn to do 10 merkins, 10 squats, and 10 BBS

Mosey to AO

Homer/Marge leg raises

16 strong


Back in 1620, 102 separatists Christians left Europe and came to America via a little boat called the Mayflower.  The first years in America were very hard, and about half the population died within the first several months.  They likely all would have died without the help of the Native Americans, who provided food and taught them how to grow crops.  They celebrated the harvest the following year, in 1621, with Thanksgiving. The celebration lasted 3 days. Thanksgiving was only sporadically celebrated until 1789 when George Washington called for it to be a recurring celebration.  Even then, it still didn’t totally catch on until 1941, when FDR and Congress declared it a national holiday.  Why is it so tough to celebrate Thanksgiving?  We seem to want to skip over it it and move right from Halloween to Christmas.  If you’re cynical, maybe it’s because there’s no money in Thanksgiving?  Not as many cards, gifts, and promotional events…Except for the Macy’s parade, and for that everyone is just waiting for Santa at the end.

But there is a human need to give Thanks.  One of the first things parents teach their children is to say Thank You (when handing a young child something…: “What do you say? What do you SAY??”).  Giving Thanks is important because it interrupts the Self, recognizes the Other in our life.  We value that other.  We have an imperative and a need to give Thanks to those we have relationships with.  And who or what is the primary relationship in our life?  It’s God, and we need to give Thanks to God.  Giving Thanks reminds us that we are recipients, not creators.  It allows us a moment to pause and count our blessings.  STEAM recently posted a message in Sticky Notes Channel: “GAS PRICES ARE HIGH, THIS SUCKS” VS “I WAS ABLE TO FILL UP MY CAR WITH GAS. THANK YOU JESUS.” What a great perspective for the week of Thanksgiving.

I love the line from the song Signs that was sung by Tesla and written by Five Man Electrical Band… “Thank you Lord, for thinking about me, I’m alive and doing fine.”

Here’s what I think.  I think we need to build a world that strips out the biases and fear of other religions, other cultures, other world views and focuses on the basics.  Love God, Love your Neighbor.  Easy Peasy.  Right?  Wrong.  It’s simple, but it’s not easy.  How do we do that? Giving Thanks can be a great place to start and get beyond the differences.  Seek first the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God is love, generosity, thankfulness, and justice.  That is how we live in that Kingdom.  This is what was in the heart of the Pilgrim’s journey. To be a loving, generous, and thankful community.

Prayers for Steam’s mom who has COVID, for other friends and family members going through illness or trials.  Prayers for the victims of the Waukesha driving calamity.  Prayers for our nation as tensions rise and the Enemy tries to divide and discourage us.
Christmas party Dec. 11!