F3 Knoxville

Bear Each Other’s Burdens and CMUs

THE SCENE: 40’s and dry. Sweat was imminent

-2 x each leg 180 Lunges – Done OYO for a total of 180° – lunge in front (90°), lunge at 45°, lunge to the side (0°), lunge backward at -45°, lunge straight backward (-90°).
-10 x Tennessee Rocking Chair – (S/O to WaxJob for this exercise) – Begin with arms straight out in front of you: 4 ct IC: 1) touch hands to toes, 2) squat down with hands going straight out in front of you, 3) touch hands back to toes, 4) stand up straight with hands out in front

Partner up (partners used later at Sophomore Hill)
-5 x each Booyah! Merkin (modified to do high fives instead of shoulder taps as described in the Exicon)
-5 x Bropees
-3 x each / 6 x total Squat Walking Rockette – Start in a parallel squat with arms in front and kick your left leg toward your right hand, squad back down, kick your right leg toward your left hand, squat back down and repeat.

Black Snake to Sophomore Hill. PAX are getting better on the spacing but still need some work on their turning spacing.

DORA Circuit AMRAP for 10 minutes:
1. 3-legged Bernie (aka Laverne & Shirley – S/O to Guardrail for naming this one) – backwards run joined at the hips up the paved part of Sophomore Hill
2. 5 x Bropees at the top (high-five encouraged to avoid jumping into each other with a high-ten Bropee)
3. Wheelbarrow down the grassy part of the hill – halfway switch (modify if both PAX cannot do all the way down the hill to a bear crawl or lunges)
4. 5 x Booyah! merkins at bottom (same high five modification as during the warm-up)

DORA Crew (3 HIMs per group) – 5 minutes AMRAP per round

Exercise Round 1 Round 2
Hodor 1 CMU 1 CMU
Run / walk 1 CMU 2 CMUs
Thrusters 1 CMU 0 CMUs

Recover called – no time for Round 3 (plus who knows if the Q would have been able to run/walk carry 3 CMU’s).

Flutter kicks IC after “recover” was called and PAX were still putting away their CMU’s.

Black Snake back to the AO

Mini sprint workout
100% Sprint down to the bottom of the parking lot
15 second recovery
100% Sprint up to the top of the parking lot
15 second recovery

BBS 1 minute AMRAP until 6:15
17 HIM’s bearing each other’s burdens and CMU’s (link no pic uploaded). No FNG’s. Welcome back from sleep deprivation aka a new baby, Gump!

F3 has meant so, so, so much to me! Today we focused in the workout on working together as HIM’s. To be able to better bear each other’s burdens as I’ll read from Galatians 6 here in a moment, as the PAX have known and seen in me, more transparency and vulnerability is required to be able to better bear each others burdens. It’s F3 so much as the organization so much (though it is a solid organization) but the HIM’s who walk with me, push me, and ENCOURAGE me at 5:30 A.M. when I would previously see another woman not my wife. This was evil and wicked what I did before, but now God has changed me and my life so dramatically for the better. So while it might seem like verse 1 of the the following passage is a bit off on a first reading of the passage, I think it fits perfectly into where I’ve been walking and how we ought to walk was HIMs:

Galatians 6:1-5
“1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.
Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.”
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
3 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
4 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.
5 For each will have to bear his own load.

When we exercise (physically and spiritually), we’re doing several things. We stretch our comfort zones working out and this will be especially true today. This passage outlines them for us:
1. v1-2 – Bearing each other’s burdens (especially through prayer – we’ll come back to this)
2. v.3 – Don’t think you’re something when you’re nothing
As Proverbs 27:2 says “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.” We may think we’re something, but God tells all of us that we are nothing and to be humble about everything.
3. v.4-5 Each one test his work, bear his own load.
When you workout, you’re not comparing yourself to other HIMs here. God has given us each different talents, abilities, skills, bodies. But we are called “to be faithful and not successful” as I heard Rick Dunn say at Maple Street Nights a few weeks ago. Paul agrees “”For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it? (1 Corinthians 4:7)”

Back to Bearing each other’s burdens
You’re here to bear your own load and carry other HIM’s burdens when they can’t, and you let them when you can’t. Like how the thrusters were made SO much easier without CMU’s and how if we’d had time the Hodor would have been easier as one HIM tried to bear all 3 CMU’s at once.

So now we will do that in prayer triangles. Prayer triangles explanation:
Share 1 prayer request per HIM ~10 seconds each. Sincere but brief.
After all PAX in your triangle have shared, one HIM take initiaitive and start praying for one of the HIMs next to him.
Go around the triangle and one HIM pray for one HIM each of the other PAX in your triangle.

When all groups finished the Q said “bring it in” and prayed as one group of HIMs bearing each other’s burdens.

Prayer for all of the HIMs present going into 2020 that we would bear each other’s burdens both at F3 and wherever we go as God calls us.

JUCO NYD workout is ON for 0530 (with rucking after the normal workout is on. JUCO Rush will start at 0700 just for this week).

Polar Bear Plunge New Year’s Day 12:00pm. Meet at the Wye in Townsend. Immediately following we’ll have 2nd F at Soccer Taco Northshore. This has grown to be an awesome 2nd F event! Don’t miss out on something that seems impossible but could be invigorating!

Pool Boy’s 1st Annual Black Friday JUCO Discount Coupon Special

Black & gloomy – just as much gloom as getting up and going shopping on Black Friday should be! Actual weather: ~45°F and dry.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER (Administered):
I’m not a professional Pool Boy or anything else. Know your injuries especially after Thanksgiving Day being yesterday.

6 each x El Capitan OYO
6 x Werewolf OYO
16 x Tempo Squat IC
6 x Tempo Burpee IC (12-count Burpee aka nice and slow)
6 x Decline Pushup on Curb IC
6 x Tempo calf raises on the curb IC (also nice and slow)

To the COUPON pile: Black Snake – Take an Indian Run, but the last guy has to weave his way through the Pax to the front of the line.

TODAY’S SALE: Everything is $9.99!

9 hard reps 99 “easy” reps Mary until done
Werewolves Calf raises – 33 left, 33 right, 33 both
Boat – Canoe 3 sec rotate, 5 each 10 count break then repeat
Fairy Jack Burpees 1/4 pushups Flutter kick
Pistol Squats (each leg) 1/4 squats BBS
Wall pull-ups / hangs Wall jumps
Wall sits 15 sec on 5 sec off

Next Up: Team Dora with Unlimited COUPONS!

Each team to do AMRAP individually and as a team AMRAP, pushing yourself and your team.

Base Exercise 1st Round 2nd 3rd 4th
1st person CMU in front Curls Rows Kettle Bell Swing Goblet Squats
2nd person Run in between with CMU
3rd person CMU Overhead Thrusters OHP Tricep Extensions Piston

Q decided close to time that upon completion of 2 full rounds of each exercise the teams would switch to Heavy Freddies (bicycles with a coupon). Might have switched too early because we had time for Mary.

Mosey back to the AO + two wagon wheels & 1 jailbreak. Will likely do more Black Snakes in the future instead after feedback I’ve received.

We made it back too soon as we actually had time for Mary…

16 x 4-count American Hammers IC

16 x 4-count Mountain Climbers IC

JUCO Super Couponers (couldn’t upload or paste image for some reason but you can see the pic if you click it)
15 HIMs

Black Friday marks the “start” of the holiday (formerly known as Christmas here in America) shopping season. It shows where we put our values and what care about. As Christians, it is the start of Advent where we celebrate God becoming man. It was also on Black Friday in 2016 that my wife left me for the first time. I had been so long in sexual sin against her and she had faithfully prayed for and sought reconciliation. I had been caught sending explicit messages to a woman in October of 2016 but for weeks wouldn’t repent. It was the middle of a storm but my wife was so patient even though she didn’t know to what extent I’d sinned. She moved out but left a note saying exactly what I needed to do in order to regain her trust and reconcile with her. She even said I’d be angry at the end of the note and that’s why she’d written to me instead of telling me to my face. I was even angrier about that than she’d anticipated. After a weekend of self-indulgence and pity yet still in my pride, from that point on I did the things she asked for to save face and keep the “goodies” of marriage- but I NEVER ONCE truly repented until June 24th of this year as I said in my previous Q: Let the Word of Christ Dwell in JUCO richly.

Valuing things rightly, properly takes an attitude and focus not on yourself but on God and others. As Philippians 2:3-11 says:

3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

3 questions we can take from this Scripture:

1. What are you valuing? Is it what the Bible says you should be valuing?
2. Are you considering others better than yourselves?
3. Are you asking (praying, begging, seeking) that God would give you the mind of Christ? If so, do it more and more. If not, confess and repent of not asking and ask God to help you ask and keep asking.

On Black Friday 2016 and until this year when my wife kicked me out of the house, I didn’t know what was truly important and did not humble myself. As I said before this was played out in my wife and I separating and now ending. Divorce papers were signed Nov 13, 2019. I valued everything but the one thing on this earth I’d now give anything to keep.

As we go through Advent, may you who read this 1) value the right things, 2) consider others better than yourselves, and 3) ask God to give you the mind of Christ so that you value what truly matters most – Jesus first, others second, and yourself last.


Glad to have Abe from South Wake in North Carolina with us all week!

Pray for Cheatsheet & his daughter, Mandolin’s M’s mother with his M’s grandmother’s passing in her arms, Messi’s wife in the hospital, Junk’s wife’s post-chemo.

I forgot to say this but next Convergence next Saturday December 9th at the Truck Stop followed by 3rd F @Two Rivers Church.

Don’t forget about donations for the Veterans Home too! Mayberry will do whatever workout you plan if you say you’ll donate so don’t be shy (the last sentence may or may not be 100% accurate but the first one is!).

Let the Word of Christ Dwell in JUCO Richly

THE SCENE: 42°F or so and clear. Some microflexing was probably going on before we got moving but at the end nobody was cold in the least.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I’m not a professional anything, personal trainer, or even a pool boy (however my name my suggest the latter).

All of these are OYO but started by the Q:

3 x Inchworms forward (moving arms only)
3 x Inchworms backward (moving legs)
3 x Toe Touch Squat and Reach (3 each arm)
3 x Werewolf (downward dog to upward dog back to downward dog = 1 rep)
3 x Stationary lunges forward (3 each leg)
3 x Stationary lunges left
3 x Stationary lunges right
3 x Stationary lunges backward (3 each leg)

From the AO to Freshman hill, Double Applesauce (aka 2-column) Falling Indian Run (like Do-ah-diddy but the front only wait 3 seconds between the next man falling off & exercising) with the front of the line falling off aka stepping to the outside of the two lines and doing 1 Burpee & 1 Star jack off the front from the AO to the parking lot next to Freshman Hill. We added 2 Burpees & 2 Star Jacks about 2/3 of the way there.

Individual Competition: Exercise then Mary
33 of each of the following and once done do the corresponding Mary exercise until the Q calls recover:

Exercise F3 Name Mary until Q calls done
Lunges touch ground w/hands El Capitan Pickle Pounders
Down dog to up dog Werewolf Freddie Mercuries
Burpees Burpees BBS
Starters (like Monkey Humper but the toe of one foot is directly behind the heel of the other). Do 33 each N/A LBC

Team DORA Competition: (teams of 3 -S/O to Guardrail for the name)
1 person running or at Station 1 / 2. Rotation is as follows:
Station 1, run up the stairs and back down to Station 2, Station 2, run to Station 1

Station # Base Exercise 1st Rd 2nd 3rd 4th
1 Squats Parallel Below Parallel Pistol Quarter
1 Stationary Lunge Forward Left Right Backward
2 Merkins Normal Diamond Tempo Wide
2 CMU’s Colt ’33’s OHP Tricep Extensions (Bent Over) Rows

Next time we do Team DORA I’ll probably still have 2 stations but more reps per exercise and maybe fewer exercises at the station and/or variations, writing it out linearly what each team should do. All feedback is welcome!

Repeat Double Applesauce Falling 1 Burpee + 1 Star Jack on the way back to the AO. Wagon Wheel as necessary then Jailbreak at the stop sign.

Ain’t nobody got time for that. (Also we did Mary during the individual competition)


27 HIMs (7 from JUCO Rush – Track Day joining for the COT), 1 FNG -Welcome Rusty Noodle!

I thought I was saved when I prayed a prayer at 10 years old thinking I was a Christian. My life for 23 years reflected otherwise and this year my grievous sexual sin caused my wife and I to not only separate but are likely divorcing. On June 24th, the night after my wife kicked me out of the house, God woke me up at 3am and convicted me of my sin, confessing and repenting (turning) from my sin and truly surrendering my life to Him as a true follower of Christ.

Along the way this summer I have had many trials, but the thing that I’ve been impressed upon most is how God’s Word has changed me. When I have put it in, it has NEVER returned void. So, to emphasize the importance of putting the Word in our hearts and our minds and letting it fill us, I recited from memory Colossians 3:1-17 (this is why we did 3 and 33 of everything today ICYMI):

If, then, you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, you also will appear with Him in glory.

Put to death, therefore, what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, & covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked when you were living in them, but now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its desires, and have put on the new self which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator. Here there is not Greek & Jew, circumcised & uncircumcised, Barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all and in all.

Put on then as God’s chosen ones, holy & beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

God’s Word is so important to us we should prioritize it over everything. We should take it in slowly, daily, and consistently. It should be more precious to use than anything and we should fight to put it before us so we are changed by it and have it ready at all times when we are under spiritual attack or temptation from anywhere. It does so much for us (2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 119:9-11, and many more),

3 questions to consider about God’s Word:

1. Are you prioritizing time in the Word and with Christ above all else?
This means over breakfast, lunch, sleep, Netflix, even F3 and working out. Nothing is more important than Christ’s Word.

2. Are you memorizing Christ’s Word so it is always with you, dwelling in you richly?
-Pick Scriptures and passages that speak to where you are- for me it was Psalm 51 and of course you can start in Colossians 3 if you’re unsure. But start somewhere – and soon!
-Use index cards to review multiple times/day, recite it in the bathroom instead of being on your phone.
-Fast from other things and devote time to the Bible.

3. Are you talking about God’s Word with people in your life?
With your wife, your kids, your usmall group, other F3 HIMs, friends, & coworkers.

Prayed for Messi, his wife, and the doctors doing surgery on her as well as Dillard (Commission’s mentor).
F3 Brolympics coming up soon November 9th! JUCO vs. Woodshack!