F3 Knoxville

35th Birthday Tour of Mount Rushmore

THE SCENE: 50’s. Perfect weather. Even got a Happy Birthday wish and surprise visit from Ribbed before the Q started and knew it was going to be a fun, successful workout for all PAX.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered + Cell Phone + COVID distancing

Today I turn 35 and that means I can now be POTUS (that’s President Of The United States for those of you who don’t speak acronym. We’re going to do some themed routines and bring it all together in the BOM. So without further ado…
IC 10 x Tennessee Rocking Chair
IC 10 x Moroccan Night Club
IC 10 x El Capitan
OYO 10 x Tempo Merkin
IC 10 x Seal Clap Squat
IC 10 x Dancing Bear
IC 5 x Pickle Pounder
IC 5 x Glute Bridge (aka Pickle Pointer)
4 rounds of 10 Calf raises followed by the following sprints:
50%, 70%, 90%, 100%
Mosey to F3 parking near portable classrooms. Double check for skunk that was seen during making Weinke‘s (named for Tennessee’s current QB’s coach Chris Weinke due to his inability to remember plays) and pointed out by Dart Gun.

The first POTUS was George Washington, so we’ll do a partner routine that spells out his name:
Find a partner. All exercises are single count. Each exercise is done only 10 at a time while your partner is doing their reps you do the iso(metric) hold for a total of the number at the end.
Werkins / Plank – 50
American Hammers / Boat or Canoe – 100
Step-ups / Al Gore – 150
Hip Thrusts (aka Pickle Pounders) / Glute Bridge Hold – 200

Call recover, get a 15 count. Mosey to Iron Pax Week 3 location (aka big parking lot – nice write-up Wanderer!).

Thomas Jefferson was the 2nd POTUS. We’ll be doing 2 minutes of the following for 3 rounds
10 Squats – 1 Burpee – 10 Merkins – 1 Burpee (okay so this is basically IPC Week 3 but only for 2 minutes) – Repeat
15-30 seconds rest, Q explain next round
10 Lunges (single count) – 1 Burpee – 10 Seal Clap Squats – 1 Burpee – Repeat
15-30 seconds rest, Q explain next round
10 Pickle Pounders – 1 Burpee – 10 Pickle Pointers – 1 Burpee – Repeat
15-30 seconds rest, mosey to next POTUS location

Call recover, get a 15 count. Q next asked: Who was the 26th President of the United States
A from Sty: Theodore Roosevelt (I was not expecting a correct answer so major points to Sty and also for making the HC to come today by taking the flag home with him and bringing it back!)

So next we’ll be doing T.E.D.D.Y. for a set time (until 6:07am so we can get back to the AO in time for our last POTUS of the day) – do 5 reps of each exercise and then do 1 extra rep on one exercise you choose for a total of 26 reps each round!
Tempo Merkin
El Capitan
Dancing Bear

Call recover, get a 10 count. Last but not least mosey back to the AO and the Q asked – “who was the 5th President of the United States?” No quick answers came but that was okay because the Q messed up the question thinking about the $5 bill. The Q asked again “who was the 16th POTUS?” Several “Abraham Lincoln”‘s were stated. While moseying back to the Shovel Flag the Q then stated the following: “Abraham Lincoln once said ‘the trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s hard to verify their authenticity'”. And since Honest Abe was the 16th POTUS, this was meant to be a funny segue on to our final routine of the day: a 5-minute song: Thunderstruck! The F3 Exicon has it slightly different but below is what we did (just like in February!)

BOLD & JUICY “Thunderstruck” modification:
Start the song with pickle pounders.
When they start saying “thunder” go into plank and do 1 merkin every time it’s said.
Hold plank until at the end of the first verse when he says “thunderstruck.”
For the rest of the song when he says “thunderstruck” do 1 burpee.
After the first thunderstruck, the Q led the following changes to exercises at certain points in the song:
BBS until the first “shaking at the knees”, doing burpees as they say “thunderstruck”
Flutter kicks until the second “shaking at the knees”, doing burpees as they say “thunderstruck”
BBS until the last round of “thunderstruck” starts and do burpees until the end of the song.

“Does Thunderstruck Count?”
-Abraham Lincoln
20 PAX strong (Judge Judy not pictured – he had to bow out for work before Honest Abe’s rendition of AC/DC)
What do the presidents we covered this morning have in common? They’re all on Mount Rushmore which is located in the Black Hills in Keystone , SD. Fun fact about Mount Rushmore: Each president was originally to be depicted from head to waist, but lack of funding forced construction to end on October 31, 1941.
So back to the Q and how this is relevant: Today I turn 35 – something I actually got wrong in the name-o-rama because I’ve said 34 for the past 100+ posts at F3 it’s second-nature. 35 means I’m “old enough” to be President of the United States. But there’s a deeper question at hand here: at its root, what is the POTUS to do? He’s a ruler and as Romans 13:3-4 tells us:
3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4 for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.

Rules, including the POTUS, under God’s authority. We are under God’s authority. We are under the authority of our local church. We’re all under authority and have to submit to authority. More on that later.

Next let’s read about what Jesus says about how the world views when it has authority and how we as followers of Christ should view authority when we’re the ones “in charge”.

Matthew 20:20-28
Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came up to him with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. 21 And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 22 Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” They said to him, “We are able.” 23 He said to them, “You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.” 24 And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. 25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,[c] 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,[d] 28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

As usual, 3 questions for us remain to ask
1. Everyone is under authority – do you recognize it? Or do you rage against it?
2. When you ask Jesus for things, are you cognizant of the cost he’s going to ask you to pay?
James paid with his life as a martyr.
John was exiled and died alone on the isle of Patmos.
And the question to ask most of all…
3. When you are in leadership, instead of like this world “lording it over others”, are you
the slave, the bondservant, of those around you?
Q’ing on my birthday was pretty great fun. Felt great to start the week with the JUCOnian HIMs. I encourage every man to Q on or the day before/after his birthday. It’s a way to seek to serve when the day can feel all about you but Christ really does shine through when we put others first on the “day that’s supposed to be all about me”.

PS – Teddy Roosevelt was the youngest president to date at 42 due to William McKinley’s assassination.
Kenjo Q Wednesday. IPC Week 3 Friday (Open Q at the moment – SIGN UP!)

FLEXing at the Crossroads of Pain

THE SCENE: We were prepared for rain in the forecast but it never came so the weather was just about perfect

10 x Moroccan Night Club IC
7 x Imperial Squat Walker IC
10 x Overhead Clap IC
7 x Power T Merkins IC
5 x Burpees OYO

More brief warmup than what I normally do – but each PAX got to choose his path today… so I think it was still ok
Explained to the PAX that there are 4 paths they would get to choose today
THA-THANG: Choose your own adventure: Picture of Adventure Paths You Can Take
Note that only the “1’s” were done today – the “2’s” were in case it rained and no chalk was available and the PAX would all be together but we’d individually choose which of two exercises to do. All exercises are 10 single count reps unless otherwise noted.

Yellow 1 Yellow 2 Red 1 Red 2
Squat Jumps Squats 10 Pull-ups
10 CMU OHP+Tris ea
Bernie up hill Run up hill 15 Burpees
10 Squat Thrusters
Squat Walker Imperial Walker 15 Diamond Merkins 5 Blockees
Lunges back down High Knees/Butt Kickers Down Plank (30 seconds)
10 Kettle Bell Swings
Back to 4-way stop + 5 Burpees
15 second count off after each round (For rain it will be dealer’s choice for the 6 to finish the path)
Blue 1 Blue 2 Green 1 Green 2
Freddy Mercury LBC Suicides x 3 (lights) Jog + 5 Squats
Heels to Heaven Gas Pump Walk to next part Sprint + Side Plank to next part
Pickle Pounder Pickle Pointer Suicides x 3 (lights) Sprint to end
Flutter Kick Hello Dolly Walk to path Jog + 10 Merkins
(Blue two laps) Back to 4-way stop + 5 Burpees

After approx. 5 rounds, recover at the 4-way intersection and dealer’s choice CORE until all PAX have finished their current round. Fast mosey back to the AO + 1 wagon wheel. Small jail break with Sunrise pushing me hard to the end!

Only at the Crossroads of Pain (aka the 4-way stop sign). If we had time or Waxjob had showed up I was going to end with “Row, row, row your boat” (boat / canoe) #easter-egg

21 HIMs FLEXing in the GLOOM!

This week Kick flip asked if my BOM would be a continuation of “Step Up!” from my Q Tuesday at #the-project
In some ways, this is true – we’ve been talking about FLEXing as you step things up. As you are making choices to Step Up, what is next? It’s FLEXing – but I’ll leave you wondering what this for another minute.

What do you think of when I say “FLEX”? Do you think of F3 workouts? “Bros” posing in a mirror for that IG pic? Do you think of “FLEX”ing on someone to show you’re the one in charge (your kids, your wife, your subordinates at work, or even coworkers who you feel [wrongly] are inferior in some way to you or are not as good as you are at something so you should get more respect) or even someone “FLEX”ing on you (your boss, a government official, etc.)? Jesus had a few words to say about the last kind of FLEXing:

Matthew 20:25-28 – 25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,[a] 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,[b] 28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Jesus said to FLEX in the kingdom you have to get low. We don’t fight or live for this world as the place where Christ is making His kingdom come by force (yet- He will return), so here’s an acronym I have for you about FLEXing to help you remember how Christ wants us to flex now while we wait for His return:
Faithfulness – this is a big part of the continuation from “Step Up!” The PAX who get out there day-in and day-out are the ones who are doing the first part of being faithful. Be faithful in your job. Be faithful to your family. Be faithful in your repentance (don’t wait until you have a list of sins a mile long- God is RICH in mercy! and He is waiting for you as He did for The Prodigal Son)

Leadership – Jesus says for us to lead by example with the towel & basin. This means daily denying ourselves, laying down our lives, and obeying the things right in front of us and then AS God gives us roles and ways to lead others we walk humbly with surrender to Him as we know that He is holding us accountable for how we lead, teach, and care for others whom He has set under us for us to love and serve.

Endurance – F3 is such an easy analogy to share this with. The men I see each morning share different struggles and are (as I was reminded this week by a brother) all encouraged in different ways. This is true of your wives, your children, your friends, your pastors, and everyone else you meet. A passage that is constant encouragement for me in this area in particular is Hebrews 12:1-2.

X-factor: The Sovereignty of God – The belief and knowledge that God works ALL things for good (especially the “bad ones” is a way that no matter what has happened, or even especially through what has happened in my life and your life, that God is in control and He will bring to pass what He wills. I’m reminded of a quote from a book I’ve read several times now that quotes one of the Puritans saying “it may be better that one condition is more suitable for another”, meaning that God works in ways we do not (and should not expect to always) understand. He is trustworthy. He will see you through and is drawing you to Himself right now in the trial of adversity or the trial (yes trial) of prosperity. He is using all things to bring Himself glory and that is for your good.

So, how can we FLEX? We can’t do it in our own power but in Christ’s and seeing His example should encourage you and me to FLEX more and more:

Philippians 2:3-8Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,[a] who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,[b] but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[c] being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Made a special trip to Walmart, spent 20 minutes looking for chalk, had a lady help me find the chalk (got groceries too) then forgot the chalk at home… so I had to go back home. I showed up early this morning to see if it was going to rain and had a FLEXible plan if it did but it all worked out. And, as the F3 disclaimer says, I’d have modified as necessary if it hadn’t!

Sign up for the 2020 F3 Iron PAX challenge (Friday’s in September at JUCO as well as at Shamrock if you’re so-inclined too). Judge Judy returns next week (On Q next Friday). There are open Q’s so sign up for one (or ask me to co-q with you)!

Tuba’s family is moving tomorrow as well from Powell to Oak Ridge but he is out of town in the Reserves. Contact Booster to help him move (see Slack / GroupMe)

Step Up – Fulfill Your Responsibilities!

THE SCENE: Dry but about to produce some sweat.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER + COVID distancing: Administered + Cell Phone

IC 10 x Moroccan Night Club (Erector almost missed this one but quickly rose to his feet!)
IC 10 x Oompa Loompa IC (everyone in the warmup circle squat alternating with the person next to you)
IC 7 x Overhead Clap
IC 10 x Raise the roof (calf raise + air press)
OYO 10 x El Capitan
IC 7 x “Power T” Merkins (S/O to Mailbox for this one – it’s a hand release merkin but arms go straight out to each side)
OYO 5 x “Projectee” (burpee + donkey kick after the push-up part – it didn’t flow like I wanted but it was hard haha)

THA-THANG:Picture of the Workout path from 1 (Warmup) to 7, stop at 3 on the way back and finish at 1:
Mosey to 2: 7 runs total to the first light pole:
1 warmup
5@100% sprints
1 cool down

Mosey to 3 aka the International Friendship Bell
Do 10 each exercise for the duration of the “Friends” theme song (full length)

Freddy Mercury
Rocky Balboa (high steps)
Incline Merkins
El Capitan
Newton’s Cradle
Step Ups

Mosey to 4 Descending Route 66:
11, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 burpees – 1 set per parking space + 1 Projectee (burpee + donkey kick) per set
Q-called this one with most PAX starting at 5 or 4.

Mosey to 5 Will the Circle Be Unbroken:
During the song:
Verse – Newton’s Cradle
Chorus – Lunge in alternating circular directions starting clockwise
Instrumental Break / Bridge – Q called several PAX to name a core exercise that we did until the next verse / chorus

Run to 6: Wagon Wheel as necessary while pushing the pace from mosey to faster
At 6 we did 10 of each of the following (out and back like a “wagon wheel):
Diamon Merkin (I think we did these – a car came and we had to break for that but then they turned away)
Crab walk

Mosey to 7 for Mucho leg-o (okay so no song “directly” goes with this one but Bailamos was the best I could find)
1) Narrow squat (feet together),
2) regular-stance squat,
3) wide squat,
4) Bonnie Blair (jumping lunge) with left foot forward,
5) Bonnie Blair with right foot forward (then back to narrow stance).
Repeato until you look like a baby giraffe stumbling across the Savannah.
Q called it after ~10 sets so 40 squats but doing them slowly, 1 at a time was a new DOMS experience for sure!

Mosey back to 3 with a Wagon Wheel along the way that included an unexpected detour through the grass.
At 3 do 10 Step-Ups OYO (that’s all the time we had left!)

No time for that.
11 PAX Stepped It Up Today to be HIMs! (picture in link)

Initial Question: What are you responsible for? F3 (Q, follow, invest), wife/gf (if you have one), children, friends, family, church… Think about it- are you passive or active? Are you idle or do you take initiative?
2 Thessalonians 3:10-15
10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let
him not eat. 11 For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. 12
Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to
earn their own living. 13 As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good. 14 If anyone does not
obey what we say in this letter, take note of that person, and have nothing to do with him, that he may be
ashamed. 15 Do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.

3 Questions we can ask from this passage
1. What are you being idle about?
For me? Very clearly: My PE Exam study. I’m getting my application in this week and will follow my study schedule that I’m going to make.
2. Who do you need to warn as a brother with regard to idleness, passivity?
You reading this is me warning you if you’re being idle. Of course I’m aware of people I need to warn (and am praying about when to say this warning to them), but we are called to go directly to our brother and not gossip (Matthew 18) so I’ll leave you with that thought to consider yourself. Also, I’d love to talk to any of you who wrestle with this (because it’s common to us all)
3. Last, how can you rely more on God to work in you and in others?
If we try to be busy working on our own but not relying on God, we can despair if we “fail” or become prideful if we “succeed.” Philippians 4:6-7 has served me well in many hard times – in the moment, take a moment and pray and rely on God’s strength as you act yourself and as you warn others who are busybodies but not busy working.

Praise and continued prayer for Slappy’s father-in-law as the doctors/tests have found they’re unsure what to make of his health situation as they can’t find anything wrong with him in all the testing and markers.
Prayer for Erector’s pastor who was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer just this past week

Somewhere along the way I lost a glove. I took it off to use my phone to play the mp3s of all of the songs and then I forgot to put it back on. Always wear gloves! I had such a fun time Q’ing. But I’m still learning- and boy do I have a long way to go!

Announcements: Iron PAX Challenge coming up in September Friday’s at JUCO & Shamrock

You Can’t Share Q-Tips or Sharpen Iron by Yourself

THE SCENE: Ominous. Thunderstorms on the radar. 100% chance of PAIN (or at least DOMS haha)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Administered + Cell phone check (COVID rules applying). Q noted today is his F3iversary Q and he was almost named Prison Mike. Original picture here from July 31, 2019

Also noted was the concept that we all have something to contribute. Q stated he wanted “Q-tips”- things that make a Q, a workout, and each other better throughout the workout. PAX seemed to understand and during the warmup the Q gave several examples, encouraging the PAX to be ready to share a tip when the Q asked for some:

-prep the PAX for the workout beforehand (giving the spiel about Q-tips before the 1-minute warning as well as during the warmup doubly prepped the PAX)


  • 7 x Moroccan Night Club IC
  • 7 x Tempo Squat IC
  • 7 x Overhead Clap IC
  • 7 x Side Lunge
  • 7 x Tempo Merkin
  • 7 x Squat Walking Rockette
  • 7 x Hillbilly
  • 7 x Tennessee Rocking Chair
  • 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100% sprint progression to first light pole in AO parking lot
  • 20 Calf Raises for Booster

Q-tips during the warm-up (not all Q-tips listed were stated during the Q):
-Use the warm-up as a time to preview new exercises if possible. This gives the PAX a chance to mentally warm-up and adjust to the new movements.
-Pay attention to each individual PAX. If a PAX is struggling, offer a modification move to a different exercise (and think about modifying your Q)
-Do only what reps seem profitable – it’s a warmup not a beatdown
-Demonstrate all possibly unfamiliar exercises
-Do a longer warmup than you might think. This can help
Mosey to the Large Parking lot:
Q-tips on the way
-during a mosey is an ideal time to have some intentional mumblechatter with other PAX, especially after the warm-up and before the beatdown part of the workout
-the Q can lead without leading the pack but giving clear direction if the Q is not in the front of a mosey helps everyone follow more clearly
-during COVID, consider running / moseying shorter distances as during a “wagon wheel” PAX tend to not socially distance as well

First Phase – Full Speed 2-3 minutes of the following:
-100% Sprint to the first light pole
-1 x Burpee
-Jog (not rushed) back to starting curb

-tell the PAX how long they’re going to do something that you’re saying is “max effort”.
-encourage communication and questions by eliciting feedback from the PAX “make sense?” is my go-to but you can find your own

Mosey to the newest parking lot
-PAX were instructed we’d keep moseying until they gave at least 1 Q-tip (they were all trying to be respectful but I really wanted this to be collaborative)
-PAX responded with “threaten the PAX with punishment if they don’t enthusiastically participate” which was funny and kept the mood light
-sign up for Q’s so Judge Judy kill us with a beatdown (I’m sure he also meant so that Judge doesn’t have to Q every week)
-use the mosey time to talk about what’s happening next as you move in between additional workout locations while still giving the PAX a breather

Second Phase: Proper Scaling
Pax were asked to evaluate the following exercises in order of most difficult to least. Each was done starting with the most difficult at 2 reps and increasing by 2 reps to the least difficult (exercises are put in order for order done though they were list randomly for the PAX):

1. Burpees x 2
2. Bobby Hurley x 4
3. Air Thruster x 6
4. Tempo Merkin x 8
5. Flutter Kick x 10
6. Squat Jump x 12
7. Heels to Heaven x 14
8. Pickle Pointer x 16
9. Merkin x 18
10. Squat x 20

-give the PAX choices. It engages them and they take ownership of the workout
-look for ways to engage multiple PAX so as to give a break through verbal feedback, other things like a 10-count (who can’t give a 10-count except the FNG who can’t breathe well and he probably doesn’t know even what a 10-count is?)
-numbering off (which we did 1 through 4) is also another way to give a break to the PAX
Mosey to the far side of Sophomore Hill (more Q-tips on the mosey)

Third Phase: Proper Social (aka Physical) Distancing
1’s & 3’s on the near side, 2’s & 4’s on the far side:
Bear crawl up (if you can’t bear crawl, you have to Bernie up, jog back down, & Bernie up again)
At the top: 15 lunges, 15 rows
First PAX to finish leads the group in the exercise of his choice until the 6 is up

-verbal confirmation of continued and paying attention to COVID conditions meant skipping the rows for me as the Q. As the Q you need to make sure your men are SAFE above all else. You actively participate but even though they’re attending the workout you’re leading on their own volition, this doesn’t remove your responsibility (saying that just helps you not get a lawsuit nearly as easily should something go wrong)

Fourth Phase: Pulling & Pressing
Mosey to pull-up bars
5 pull-ups each, CMU exercise at the bottom (directions given weren’t super clear so I modified this one to be 20 CMU presses, putting the CMU back and doing a wall sit until the 6 except Erector who communicated he would be joining us after his marathon training run he did).

Fifth Phase: Slippery Scaling
Mosey to Freshman (or Stadium) Hill
PAX given 10-20 seconds to recover as I went over the next part:
5x of:
1 Merkin at the bottom (which basically is a burpee but shh the PAX don’t know this haha)
Up the hill
1 Squat at the top
Down the hill

Q called recover after only 4 times because it was exhausting.

Q tips:
-Rule of (Q-)thumb Q-tip – if you can’t do it, don’t Q it (so we only did 4 and didn’t do any hand stand push-ups)
-Q called for more Q-tips (some were probably given but not coming to mind – a tip that can be well-taken is if you don’t know or didn’t do something, admit it)
-directed the PAX to the courtyard (giving PAX direction to the next location, especially when it’s the end of the workout, allows you to pace yourself as the Q and see how the not-at-the-front PAX are doing)
FiA had their first official week at JUCO and hollered at us in the rain. I know several M’s of the HIM’s we have were there and hope the distance was good but encouraging to see us working hard in the rain. This is how we can and should encourage our sisters in Christ (and men one way you can serve your M). One note is that their website is not yet updated but contact Doubtfire for more info if your M is interested).

When we got to the picnic table at the edge of the courtyard and as I was explaining what we were supposed to do there (listed below), lightning flashed. I had talked to the PAX if we saw any lightning (because of the strong likelihood of thunderstorms in the forecast), we would immediately stop the workout and go home- so that is what we did With COVID physical distancing, taking cover was also not an option because we’d be in an enclosed space and it’s just not worth the risk right now, especially looking to lead the PAX in what is wise.

Sixth Phase: The Home Stretch
PAX at 4 corners of the courtyard. 3 exercises, 1 per corner, run to the next and run past the 4th corner. 10 reps first round, 5 reps second round, 1 rep last round
1. Lunges
2. Pickle pounders (yes, there’s actually video of someone doing it- might even be F3 Knoxville guys but I couldn’t tell)
3. Rainbow hip drops (plank – hip drop left – plank – hip drop right)
4. Free Space (keep running)

MARY: (aka Phase 7):
Zilch. Unless it was OYO after we saw lightning or in your vehicle.
17 soaking-wet PAX (I took the picture, of course)
There is so much I wanted to say here. But often God has other plans for us. One year ago today I did F3 for the first time. Trolley led the massive beatdown I mean Q. Spotter was my slot car partner. Ribbed invited me to F3. Ribbed also came to JUCO for the first two weeks and he and so many of you HIMs have walked faithfully with me through the hardest year of my life. The pain and suffering were self-inflicted and yet God saw me through every moment of it. He has given beauty for ashes in spite of the great loss I’ve suffered – as Jesus says “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36). “And as Paul would echo Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.” (Philippians 3:8)

There’s so much to be thankful for about F3. It’s similar to 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (I encourage you to read this verse), but as I’m sure you all have heard over and over, it’s really about Iron Sharpening Iron, or Proverbs 27:17 – “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” There are so many application points that I could come up with, but just as over the past year I’ve gathered all of the Q-tips from various places, I encourage you to read what I have below and come up with your own:

Be a proactive man, not passive (somebody else can do it or if they want it done they should ask me) or aggressive (other people had better do what I want them to so that things get done my way). A proactive man plans, seeks the Lord, and also looks for opportunities to serve others and be served. A proactive man sees benefit and value in all PAX who come – athletic, intelligent, out of shape, slow, quiet, whatever (let’s keep pushing for diversity among the PAX as well my dudes). Iron sharpening iron isn’t about you going and being the know it all. It’s about, as Swimmies well said when I went to the Asylum for the first time, “getting better together.” That’s what we’re doing F3 for. It’s not just about us. We lay down our lives for others. We let other men speak into our lives and then their iron sharpens our iron. We look at the plank first and then remove the speck from our brother’s eye.

The above is a broad summary of what’s taken place over the past year – and also what I hope will take place over the next year. There have been so many wonderful moments with each of you men I cannot express my gratitude enough, but as John Piper recently said when reflecting on his 1500th Ask Pastor John episode:

7. Let your motto be the principle of the apostle Paul “forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead

Trolley said it last year too:

This F3 stuff is the best thing ! Feeling so grateful for it. It’s the best part of my day. Creative, challenging, always different, always free. Rain or shine. Always encouraging. Great testimonies and BOM’s. We be sittin’ on GOLD fellas! I hope where ever I go I can always find an F3 PAX to workout with!

Year 1 of F3 down. Now year 2 begins! You keep sharpening me and, Lord willing, I’ll keep sharpening you!

SYITG soon,
-Pool Boy aka Prison Mike

One of the reasons I felt confident in everything we did for this workout was because I was prepared. I thought through a lot of the “what if’s”. Even if something comes up and you’ve not specifically covered it, you can succeed. I really thought we might be able to get through the workout, but God had other plans. This is a constant lesson that has been with me over the past year both at F3 and outside of F3 – surrendering to His will and way are best. Is it hard? It’s impossible. But that’s why we must rely on the Spirit and no do things – even exercising – in merely our own strength. “What did you have that you did not receive?” Trust Him for each day. Reach out. Take a Q!

Q-tips Part 1 was a success. We’ll see if a Part 2 is in the future.
-Mend house clothing was a little hard for Spotter to collect (though if you bring things in the future it’s probably best to give them to the person collecting things before workouts). They’re still collecting them as I’m sure the need didn’t instantly go away as these men recover from addiction.
F3 Work Day at Mooreland Heights Elementary School August 8th at 8:45am
-FiA now at JUCO on Wednesday/Friday. Message Doubtfire for more info or see www.FiAknoxville.com to contact them if your M is interested.

Next Steps: From A to Z – Do the WHOLE Will of God

THE SCENE: 71°F and July.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Administered + cell phone check.

Moroccan night club
Rotational Merkins
Tennessee Walking Chair
Hand Release Merkins
Jog to sprint back and forth in the parking lot
50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%. 10 count rest then on to THA THANG!


Mosey to Pavilion for 3 rounds of ABC’s (Arms, Burpees, Core) 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off:
Round 1 – Merkins, Burpees, BBS
Round 2 – Incline Merkins, Burpees, American Hammer
Round 3 – Hand-release Merkins, Burpees,

Mosey to the upper church parking lot via the scenic route in front of the Fountain City Art Center.

Did you know that it’s not just A, B, & C are just the first 3 letters of the alphabet? There are also D through Z too! (see BOM for more). Next up is 3 Rounds of:

1. 10 reps of 1 exercise at the bottom of the hill
2. Mosey/jog/run to the top of the hill
3. 10 reps of the next letter exercise at the top of the hill
4. Mosey/jog/run to the bottom of the hill
5. Core while waiting on the 6, 30-count rest while Q introduces the next round of exercises

Round 1

  • Derkins (on the curb)
  • El Capitan
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Gas Pump
  • Hairy Rockettes
  • Imperial Squat Walker
  • Jumping Spider
  • King Arthur

30-count rest / exercise intro

Round 2:

  • Lunges
  • Merkins
  • Newton’s Cradles
  • One-legged Burpees
  • Pickle Pounders
  • Quacken(Duck Walk 10 steps – may have to get more creative the next time I do a “Q” exercise)
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Squats

30-count rest / exercise intro
Round 3:

  • Tennessee Rocking Chair
  • Up-Down Merkin (aka hand-release)
  • V-up
  • Werewolf
  • X-Ab Crunch
  • Yurpee
  • Zombie Walk (aka Frankenstein’s)

We were Zombie Walking when the 6:15am alarm on my watch hit. No time for Mary!
5 PAX strong! (click for picture)

The Gospel is Christ crucified. We can do nothing to earn our salvation and yet God calls us to be like Him
That’s one big task What does it involve? 3 things: Plans, Discipline (self-control), and Endurance:

1. Plan
Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed. – Proverbs 15:22
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. – Proverbs 16:3

2. Discipline (Self-control)
A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls. -Proverbs 25:28
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. – Galatians 5:22-23

3. Endurance (Perseverance)
1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. -Hebrews 12:1-2

36 For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. 37 For,

“Yet a little while,
and the coming one will come and will not delay;
but my righteous one shall live by faith,
and if he shrinks back,
my soul has no pleasure in him.”

39 But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls. –Hebrews 10:36-39

Practical Application – What do you do?

For me, it’s each. One example of all three:
I’m planning to study to take the Mechanical HVAC & Refrigeration PE Exam. I’m disciplining myself to attend class (online) and study. And then I’m going to endure until I get to the point I’m ready to take and pass the test!

What is it for you?
Plans? Plan to take that next step.
Self-control? Discipline yourself to do the plans you make
Endurance? Don’t quit, but persevere.

But remember one thing when you do – it must be with God’s power, by the Spirit.
Romans 8:12-13
12 So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. 13 For if you live
according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

Take that next step and do all of what God has called you to do from A to Z!

Prayed for Filter (likely Achilles tear), Puck & Herbie (schooling decisions for the fall), & Toucan & Trowel (both have newborns).
1. If you haven’t Q’d yet, there’s a Q101 at JUCO July 10th by Judge Judy.
2. New F3 Nation website design so check it out (also new look for the Lexicon and new link and look for the Exicon.