F3 Knoxville

Leave it all

THE SCENE: Humid, 72 degrees

Side Straddle Hops, baby arm circles (forward and backward), Mountian climbers

double Indian run to the “animal trail:

We started at a light post at the bottom of the “loop Parking lot.” At every other pole there was an exercise written in chalk. These exercises were done down and back.

  • Bear Crawl
  • Bunny Hop
  • Crab Walk
  • Frog Jumps
  • Lunges
  • Duck Walk

We moseyed to the Pavillion for Burpee Sprint Ladders

1 burpee – sprint down and back, 2 burpees – sprint down and back. etc. for 3 rounds. 45 sec., 1 min., 1:30.

Circled up in the pavilion for 7 x 3. We did 2 rounds of 6 exercises. The exercises were grouped together in pairs. seven reps of each exercise were completed back to back to back, as many reps as you could complete in 45 seconds with 15 seconds for rest.

  • Star Jumps, Jump Squats
  • Mountain Climber (4 count ), High Knees (4 count)
  • Jump Lunges, Side Kick outs

Roxanne by the Police – push up at Roxanne, half burpee at “put on the red light”

Surrenders: 4, 30-second rounds of 2 excercises. Move 1: Pax started on all fours. Hands directly under sholders. Knees at a 90-degree angle 2 inches off the ground. this was held for 30 seconds. Move 2: the Same position except hands was directly out from shoulders pushing against a wall. This was held for 30 seconds as well.

Boat Canoe, Cross Crawl

As created creatures of the LORD, we are dependent. Dependent on life, breath, food, abilities, and talents. Let us know be deceived into thinking that the very things we are dependent on the Lord for creating independence in us.

45 Minutes by the Rock Pile

THE SCENE: Humid, Gloomy, Dark

Nordic Tracks, Side Straddle Hops

2 line mosey to the rock pile where we completed a Tabata style work out, 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest. 4 rounds of each exercise

  • Plyo Wide Squats with a Rock
  • Mericans with a Frog
    • 3 rounds of 8 pulse squats, 4 regular squats, 2 jump squats
  • 4 lunges forward with the rock above the head, 4 reverse lunges with an overhead press
  • Plank alternating one leg pull in, crossover, extend out
    • 3 rounds of 8 pulse squats, 4 regular squats, 2 jump squats
  • Burpees
  • Dips
    • 3 rounds of 8 pulse squats, 4 regular squats, 2 jump squats

Indian Run back to the AO

No time for mary

Growing in Christ and becoming a Man after God’s on heard begins in everyday small decisions of obedience and discipline.

You Can Do Anything for 5 Minutes

THE SCENE: Chilly Spring Morning 39 degrees and clear Quickbooks and Dimples Co-Q

Run in Place, High Knees, Squats, Jump Squats, Squat Pulse, Mary Katherines, lunge pulse – RT, Lunge Pulse LT
Mosey from the AO the Playground

  • 5 minutes of 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Box Jumps, 10 Bulgarian Lunges
  • Sprint in the parking lot (down and Back) 10 Burpees, Sprint (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Sprint (D&B) MTN Climbers
  • Mosey to the new bathroom parking lot
  • 5 minutes of 10 Squats, 10 Squat Jacks, 10 Snowboarders
  • Bear Crawl (down and reverse Back) 10 Burpees, Bear Crawl (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Bear Crawl(D&B) MTN Climbers
  • Mosey to the Pavillion
  • 5 minutes of 10 Mericans, 10 Dips, 10 Dry Docks
  • Sprint next to the dugouts (down and Back) 10 Burpees, Sprint (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Sprint (D&B) MTN Climbers
  • Mosey to the AO
  • 5 minutes of 10 Squats, 10 Squat Jacks, 10 Snowboarders
  • Bear Crawl (down and reverse Back) 10 Burpees, Bear Crawl (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Bear Crawl(D&B) MTN Climbers

5 Squats Together

4 times in the OT God makes a formal covenant promise with Israel.  The covenant He makes with Abraham is just like the one we talked about.  The dead animals, the pathway, the whole bit.  It’s in Genesis 15.

The special thing about this promise was that God alone walked through the pathway, he didn’t require Abraham to walk through it.  It was as if to say… I want to bless you, and I am asking you to be faithful to Me, to seek Me, and to obey Me…. But regardless of your faithfulness towards me, I will still hold up my end of the bargain and I will be gracious to you.  Out of love, I chose you, no matter how you treat Me.

So, what does that have to do with marriage?

Everything.  Absolutely everything….

So, what should our response be to our spouse on their worst of days?  A selfless love that thinks first of them and their needs.

I mean, imagine for a second if God said to us on our worst of days, “I’m sick of it.  I give up!  You’re just never going to get it.  I’m done with you.”  Noooo… come on.  He is not like that!!  He is patient, He is kind, He is longsuffering with us, He perseveres with us, He is gracious with us, and He forgives us… and our call to love our husband or wife is the same.

10 15 20

THE SCENE: Dark and Kind of chilly

Roxanne by the police. Everytime the song says Roxanne -Merican. Everytime the song says “put on the red light” jump your feet up to your hands while remaining in plank


AO parking lot beginning on baseline, PAX would do 10 reps of an exercise at the starting side, sprint to the other side doing 10 reps of that same exercise. go through all the exercises. Rinse and repeat rounds of 15, and 20

  • Merican
  • Squat
  • Dry Dock
  • Squat Jump
  • Burpee

Mosey in two lines to the Chapel for some leg work

  • Parrell Squats: 10 reps on a 4 count
  • Staggered Leg Squat, left leg out – 10 reps on a 4 count
  • Split Leg Squat, left leg out – 10 reps on a 4 count
  • Parrell Squats: 10 reps on a 4 count
  • Staggered Leg Squat, right leg out – 10 reps on a 4 count
  • Split Leg Squat, right leg out – 10 reps on a 4 count

Mosey in two lines to the AO

Crabwalk suicides. Crabwalk from the baseline to the first parking line and back to start. Crabwalk from the baseline to the second parking line and back to start.Crabwalk from the baseline to the thrid parking line and back to start.

15 American Hammers on a 4 count

15 flutter Kicks on a 4 count

20 Big Boys on your own
34 no FNGs
People are always watching, especially our kinds. Our actions and our reactions speak louder than words. They are watching and listening even when we don’t think they are or we wish they weren’t.

John 13:34-35

Turning off Auto Pilot

THE SCENE: So humid it felt like we were working in Jello. Dimples wore long sleeves- bad choice..

The PAX rediscovered the importance of form over speed. Warm-o-rama included 10 good squats on a 4 count and 10 mercians on a 4 count.

Insert information about the workout.

  • Thunderstruck by ACDC – Side straddle hops until the song said thunder or thunderstruck. At thunder or thunderstruck we did a burpee
  • Mosey to the new parking lot and new path
  • Route 66 up the path with 4 rounds.
    • Dive Bombers
    • Star Jacks
    • Mercians
    • Squats
  • Mosey back to the AO
  • Flower by Moby (aka Bring Sally Up) – squat down when song said down, holding squat until song said up.

7s with American Hammers and flutter kicks


23 with no FNGS


Man is not designed to go through life alone. So often when things get hard we isolate ourselves and we can begin to just go through the motions. F3, Breakfast, work, dinner, play with kids, Netflix … repeat. As men we need other men in our lives to encourage us to keep running the race and pursuing Christ. Not letting auto pilot set in. Just like we encouraged each other today to keep good form and to keep going, we have got to do this for each other in life. Ask the hard questions and be a good listener.

Find and a friend who walk through life with and he can keep you encouraged.


  1. Maryville/Alcoa launch Oct. 14
  2. Truckin’ to the Pound Oct. 28
  3. Please note the new Q calendar. If you haven’t Q’d before and you’re skeered, grab a co-Q or ask a veteran some questions. You’ll be glad you jumped in!