F3 Knoxville

A Day of CMU Casualties

THE SCENE: Beautiful cool morning with the Smoky Mountains showing off in the background (once the sun came up)

Cherry Pickers, Shoulder stretches, back and leg stretches, “Let The Bodies Hit the Floor” (planks, merkins, donkey kicks).
Modified Flora

Dora’s lazy, mean stepsister. All pax partner up, and grab a CMU.

100 Merkins – P1 does 10 with feet on CMU. P2 holds plank with feet on his CMU. Flapjack. 

Murder Bunny to cone, then CMU Bear Crawl Back. 

200 Little Baby Crunches – P1 does 20 LBC holding CMU high on chest. P2 holds legs 6″ off ground, and extends arms w/ coupon over chest. Flapjack.

Lunge to Cone, bear crawl back

300 Goblet Squats – P1 does 25 goblet squats. P2 lowers to bottom of goblet squat w/ coupon, and holds. Flapjack.

Sprint to cone, Bernie back

Rinse and Repeat

We had 2 broken CMUs so we did burpees for those. Then we did calf raises, shoulder and leg stretches until time ran out.

14 total
Read from Proverbs 31 10-31. It talks about wives and how they should act, but there is a message for husbands as well. We need to lead them. The heart of her husband trusts her and he sits among the elders. He is caring and kind and make sure to set the tone for his family. Control his temper and PRAISES his wife.


Breakfast at RepSleepy’s house coming up 7/16/2022.

We have work day at the cerebral palsy house 8/6 at 7:00am.