F3 Knoxville

No Phish, Just Embracing My Inner Singing Cowboy in the Clouds with EDM Playing in the Background

THE SCENE: Warm 32 Farenheit
Warm up

Round the clock merkins x 5

High knees and butt kickers

squat and stretch

Some stuff on your own

That’s it, we got to it.

Insert information about the workout.

  • Mosey to track, 15 merkins IC, 1 Lap as fast as possible, Flutters after IC
  • Mosey to Indoor Rink, Lunge across, 10 burp skurps (burpees), 2 rounds of sprints
  • Indian run to the big hill (MatterEverest?), IC merkins, superman swims, and Flutters IC, Then we charged the hill
  • At the top, more swims, flutters, and merkins
  • Mosey to the base of the Tavern, 2 rounds of 5 turkish getups each leg with a trip to the rock (Now named Icculus), 50 calf raises, and some Hello Dollys IC
  • Mosey back to AO
    MARY: We saiddddd naaaaahhhhhh to Mary today. We got no time for her today.
    20….. Where was this last time?
    It is good to remember that often, ideas have people, not that people have ideas. Be careful when making decisions to avoid falling into the trap of attempting to justify decisions after making them.

    Come out to The Wesley House Sunday and exercise with some young lads. Football is over and I know none of you watch hockey, so come out der.

Champions of Life

THE SCENE: Bloody cold out   -273 Kelvin


Arm Circles forward + back x 10 IC

Duck Walkin

‘Round the worlds

10 squats

Lil mosey

11s  Burpees + Tempo squats with a parking lot in between

Mosey another place

30 sec box jumps – 30 sec dips  X2

Superman swims 30 sec – Flutters IC X 2

Superman swims 30 sec — Merkins IC

Mosey back to AO

along the way

Step ups, American Hammers, Lunges, said hello to a hill, ran up and down the hill, backwards too,

some inch wormin and bearcrawlin til the end

We kept moving because it was cold

Motivation- Don’t worry about motivation. Motivation is fickle and fleeting. As soon as you recognize that what you’re considering should be done, then commit and do it. Forget about motivation…. unless you’re like a psychologist and study motivation I guess
Let’s pour one out for our brothers that might have died a little bit on the inside at the GROWRUCK…. Good job though boyz


THE SCENE: Moissssssstt


Side straddle hoppity x 20 cadence

Bit o duck walking

Baby arm circles forward and backwards x 12 cadence

10 merkins

short mosey

  • 20 Gob squats with CMU, 20 Burpees, 20 merkins…. Followed by 19 of each etc. Ended after ~10 minutes
  • mosey to the hockey rink
  • Alligator crawl 1/2, bear crawl 1/2
  • At the end we did some fun flutter kicks….. ended up being in cadence
  • 3 Sprints across the rink

Wandered outside to the parking lot

Superman swims followed by a long sprint across the lot

More superman swims

Hello Dolly x 20 Cadence

Sprint back to the beginning

10 merkins

20 Gorilla humpers

Mosey to Tennis Court

Wheelbarrow 1/2, Lunge 1/2  ~2 sets…. It was time to run again


Indian Run to the Matterdorn (dom…. dum… korn… thorn…. THOR?) hill

Lunge 1/2 the hill followed by a run to the AO

17 PAX
This morning I shared a quote from one Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books, The Gulag Archipelago. The quote was referencing those that were able to survive the brutality of the system, particularly during interrogations after being arrested.

What do you need to make you stronger than the interrogator and the whole trap?

From the moment you go to prison you must put your cozy past firmly behind you. At the very
threshold, you must say to yourself: “My life is over, a little early to be sure, but there’s nothing to be
done about it. I shall never return to freedom. I am condemned to die — ^now or a little later. But later
on, in truth, it will be even harder, and so the sooner the better. I no longer have any property
whatsoever. For me those I love have died, and for them I have died. From today on, my body is
useless and alien to me. Only my spirit and my conscience remain precious and important to me.”

What I gleaned from this is that our spirit and minds are something that we can truly say belong to us. We can allow these things to deteriorate and we will become weak, or we can be strong mentally and stick to our value structures. In multiple points throughout the book, Solzhenitsyn suggests that the ones who survived are the ones who relinquished the suffering and grounded themselves spiritually and mentally. So, be strong. Be disciplined. Live according to your values unerringly.

Hike LeConte this weekend led by Abscess and Steam

Burpee Heaven 2.0

THE SCENE: The right amount of cold to where when youre not moving your cold but when exercising youre not cold but miserable from other things


Baby arm circles 10 x both ways Cadence

10 four count Merkins Cadence

10 Tempo Squats Cadence

Side Straddle Hop- x 20 Cadence

Mosey to tha LIGHTSSSSS

  • Run to the magical staircase, but each light requires 5 burpees
  • Pair up, 100 squats, 100 LBC, and 100 burpees between partners. While one is doing exercises the other runs up and down the hill.
  • Mosey to the Matterdome (Matterdon, Masterdome, Mastadon?) hill.
  • 15 four count merks Cadence
  • Run the hill to the PAVALON
  • 70 pullups combined, dips while you wait
  • Mosey back to magic hill where we had two more trips up and down
  • Then Mosey back to the AO

Discipline. Discipline may be your best friend if you can incorporate into your character. Discipline is about doing. Thinking of course is important, but until action is taken, nothing will get done. Personally, I am trying to wake up at 4:30 a.m. every morning, whether or not I am working out. Additionally, I am trying to work ahead of my classes, even if there are no assignments due or open. In the words of Jocko Willink “Do.” If you want to read more about discipline, check out Jocko Willink’s book “Discipline is Freedom” You can also listen to it on iTunes.
I LOVE getting out there with you lads. Even if I am miserable. Let us charge headlong into the winter!! Additionally, let’s keep praying for Proton and his family. Bless up!

Burpee Heaven

THE SCENE: Chillllllll


Baby arm circles 10 x Cadence

10 x thruster Merkins

10 x Tempo squats Cadence

Side Straddle Hop 20 x Cadence


  • Mosey to the hill above the parking lot
  • Mosey down cardiac hill and back to the AO, but at each light we did 5 burpees

Lunge half the parking lot and sprint the second half x 4

Mosey to the pavalon

30 seated pull-ups

20 decline merkins

Mosey to the base of Cardiac Hill

Jailbreak back to the AO up Cardiac Hill
3 Hunks by the name of Archie Music City and Shooter
There are days where you do not want to do something. The best way to deal with this is to develop discipline and have the mindset that you will do it anyway. Consider this, the best thing to do is to procrastinate the procrastination. In other words, you can take a day off tomorrow, but chances are tomorrow will come, and you will decide to keep grinding. If there is something you do not want to do, it probably means you should do it. Nothing is free after all.