F3 Knoxville

Burpee Heaven

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Chillllllll


Baby arm circles 10 x Cadence

10 x thruster Merkins

10 x Tempo squats Cadence

Side Straddle Hop 20 x Cadence


  • Mosey to the hill above the parking lot
  • Mosey down cardiac hill and back to the AO, but at each light we did 5 burpees

Lunge half the parking lot and sprint the second half x 4

Mosey to the pavalon

30 seated pull-ups

20 decline merkins

Mosey to the base of Cardiac Hill

Jailbreak back to the AO up Cardiac Hill
3 Hunks by the name of Archie Music City and Shooter
There are days where you do not want to do something. The best way to deal with this is to develop discipline and have the mindset that you will do it anyway. Consider this, the best thing to do is to procrastinate the procrastination. In other words, you can take a day off tomorrow, but chances are tomorrow will come, and you will decide to keep grinding. If there is something you do not want to do, it probably means you should do it. Nothing is free after all.